
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Maoism & Naxalism: A Guide to History and Ideologies

Apr 25, 2024
What is Maoism? Maoism, also known as Mao Zedong Thought, is a variant of Marxism-Leninism derived from the teachings of the former Chinese leader Mao Zedong. It emphasizes the role of the peasantry in revolution,  the use of guerrilla warfare in the process of revolutionary struggle and the establishment of a left wing dictatorship. What is Naxalism? ... Read More...

India's Women's Self-Help Groups: An Overview

Apr 25, 2024
Self-help groups (SHGs) are a vital part of India’s strategy to enhance economic empowerment and social cohesion among women, particularly in rural areas. These groups function on the principle of collective action for development, providing their members with economic opportunities and a platform for social interaction. Here’s an overview tailored for beginners: What is a Self-Help Group (SHG)? An SHG is a voluntary group of typically 10-20 local women who pool their resources to become financially stable and self-r... Read More...


Apr 25, 2024
What is a Windfall Tax? A windfall tax is a temporary levy imposed by governments on businesses that earn exceptionally high profits due to favorable market conditions that are typically unexpected and not the result of changes in company strategy or business investment and operations. It is designed to redistribute extraor... Read More...

Green Ammonia Production and Use

Apr 25, 2024
1. What is green ammonia? Green ammonia is produced through a process that uses 100% renewable and carbon-free sources. It involves generating hydrogen from water electrolysis and extracting nitrogen from the air, then synthesizing the ... Read More...

Cloud Seeding and Flooding in the UAE

Apr 25, 2024
1. What is cloud seeding?


Apr 25, 2024
What is the strategic relationship between Russia, India, and China? Russia, India, and China form a complex triangle in global geopolitics where each country holds significant strategic importance to the others. Russia maintains robust relationships with both India and China, balancing its interests to maximize its geopolitical influence. Why does Russia value its relationship with India? Russia views India as a pivotal strateg... Read More...

Cicadas and Their Role in Heralding Monsoon in India

Apr 24, 2024

The Discovery of Homo Luzonensis

Apr 24, 2024
The discovery of Homo luzonensis, a species of ancient human, was announced in 2019 and marked a significant addition to our understanding of human evolution. This species was identified from fossils found in the Callao Cave on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The findings were based on 13 bones and teeth from at least three individuals that exhibited a combination of ancient and modern traits not seen in other species. Read More...

VVPAT-Based Audit of EVMs in India: Significant Electoral Reform

Apr 24, 2024
Introduction to VVPAT and Current Audit Practices Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) systems are used alongside Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) to allow voters to verify their cast vote is recorded correctly. In the current practice, the Election Commission of India (ECI) conducts a VVPAT-based audit by selecting a uniform sample of five EVMs from each Assembly constituency for manual verification of the VVPAT slips against the EVM tallies. This audit is desi... Read More...

Hindu Kush Glacial Loss: Climate Change Impact

Apr 24, 2024
What recent findings have been reported about glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH)? Recent reports indicate a significant acceleration in glacier mass loss in the HKH region. Between 2010 and 2019, glaciers lost mass at a rate of 0.28 met... Read More...


Apr 24, 2024
What is the role of gold in central bank reserves? Gold serves as a stabilizing and diversifying asset for central bank reserves. It is considered a safe haven during economic uncertainty and geopolitical turmoil, providing a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. Why do central banks buy gold? Central banks purchase gold to diversify their foreign exchange reserves away from fiat currencies, which can be volatile. G... Read More...


Apr 24, 2024
What is the role of gold in central bank reserves? Gold serves as a stabilizing and diversifying asset for central bank reserves. It is considered a safe haven during economic uncertainty and geopolitical turmoil, providing a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. Why do central banks buy gold? Central banks purchase gold to diversify their foreign exchange reserves away from fiat currencies, which can be volatile. G... Read More...

FDI IN INDIA: Inter-State Variation

Apr 24, 2024
Why do some Indian states attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) in the automotive sector? Some states provide strategic advantages such as proximity to ports, well-developed infrastructure, and a robust network of ancillary services, which are critical for automotive manufacturing and export operations. What challenges do other states face in attracting FDI? States without these advantages, especially those lacking access... Read More...


Apr 24, 2024
What is soil acidification and how does it occur? Soil acidification is the process by which soils become more acidic, primarily due to industrial activities and intensive farming practices. The use of nitrogen fertilizers and acid rain are major contributors to this phenomenon. Why is soil inorganic carbon (SIC) important? SIC, including forms like calciu... Read More...

Richat Structure: The Mysterious Eye of the Sahara

Apr 24, 2024
What is the Richat Structure? The Richat Structure is a prominent circular geological formation in the Sahara Desert of Mauritania. It is notable for its concentric ring-like appearance and is often visible from space. How was the Richat Structure formed? The formation of the Richat Structure is attributed to the geological processes of erosion. It is not caused by volcanic activity or meteorite impacts, as previously speculated. The differential ero... Read More...