
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Understanding Milankovitch Cycles

May 06, 2024
FAQ 1: What are Milankovitch cycles? Milankovitch cycles are the collective name for long-term, predictable changes in Earth's orbit and orientation that affect the amount and distribution of solar energy reaching our planet. FAQ 2: Name the three key components of Milankovitch cycles and what they affect. Eccentricity (Orbital Shape):... Read More...

Soil Carbon Sequestration

May 06, 2024
What is soil carbon sequestration? Soil carbon sequestration is the process where plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and help store it in the soil. This happens mostly through the growth of plants, which use CO2 during photosynthesis. Sometimes, CO2 can also turn into inorganic forms like minerals in the soil, especially in dry areas. How have human activities affected soil carbon... Read More...

Zawar, Rajasthan - A Potential Global Geopark

May 06, 2024
Geological Importance of Zawar FAQ 1: What makes Zawar's geology globally significant? Read More...

Soil Carbon & Climate Change: Impact & Opportunities

May 06, 2024
⇒ The impact of human activities on the Earth's climate is becoming increasingly evident, with carbon dioxide (CO2) playing a significant role in climate change due to its substantial increase since the preindustrial era. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that atmospheric CO2 levels have risen dramatically from about 280 parts per million (ppm) before 1850 to 381.2 ppm in 2006, continuing to rise at an annual rate of approximately 0.88 ppm. ⇒ The substantial increase in CO2 is primarily attributed to the burning of fossil fuels, accounting for about two-t... Read More...

Rarh Bengal in India:A Potential Geopark

May 06, 2024
Understanding Rarh Bengal FAQ 1: What is Rarh Bengal, and what geological significance does it hold? Read More...

Silvopasture in India

May 06, 2024
It is an integrated approach to land management that combines forestry and grazing of domesticated animals on a single piece of land. This sustainable agricultural practice enhances biodiversity, improves soil quality, and increases carbon sequestration, while providing economic benefits to farmers. Key Aspects of Silvopasture in India Diversity of Flora and Fauna: Silvopasture systems in India help preserve and enhance biodiversity by... Read More...

Bees, food security, and the health of our natural ecosystems

May 06, 2024
Why Bees are Keystone Species for Food Security? Pollination Powerhouse: Bees are responsible for pollinating a significant portion of our food crops. About one-third of the food we eat depends on their work! Read More...

Rangelands in India

May 06, 2024
In India, rangelands are defined as extensive areas of grasslands, shrublands, and open forests that are naturally suited for grazing by livestock. These lands typically receive less rainfall than cultivated areas and are not considered viable for growing crops. Here's a breakdown of key characteristics of rangelands in India: Vegetation: Predominantly grasses and shrubs, with variations depending on rainfall and soil conditions. Some common examples include Dichanthium annulatum (gamhar), Cenchrus cili... Read More...

Light Colors and Light Pollution

May 06, 2024
FAQ 1: Why is red light the least disruptive to wildlife? Red light has longer wavelengths, scattering less and causing minimal interference to the circadian rhythms (internal clocks) of nocturnal animals. Read More...


May 06, 2024
1. What is a National Geopark? A National Geopark is a unified area with geological heritage of international significance. The Geopark aims to conserve the geological sites for education, sustainable development, and tourism. Read More...

Global Declaration: Crisis of River Dolphins

May 06, 2024
FAQ 1: What makes river dolphins unique, and why are they vital to their ecosystems? River dolphins are apex predators in major river systems. As "ecosystem canaries," their health indicates the overall health of rivers, which countless other species and human communities depend upon. FAQ 2: Name the surviving river dolphin species and their primary threats. Read More...

Geological Wonders of Dehradun

May 06, 2024
Robber's Cave (Guchhupani) and its geoheritage significance Formation: Robber's Cave is essentially a gorge carved into limestone rock. This is what's known as a karst terrain feature, formed by a specific ty... Read More...

Jaipur's Geology: Potential Geopark

May 06, 2024
Jaipur's Geological Foundations FAQ 1: What makes Jaipur's geology interesting from a Geopark perspective? Read More...

Women Who Framed The Indian Constitution

May 06, 2024
1. Who were some of the notable women members of the Constituent Assembly of India? Several women played key roles in the Constituent Assembly, including Dr. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, who was also India’s first Health Minister; Sarojini Naidu, known as the Nightingale of India; Vijayalakshmi Pandit, who later became the first woman President of the United Nations General Assembly; Durgabai Deshmukh, a social reformer and public activist; Hansa Mehta, who influenced the ph... Read More...


May 06, 2024
1. What is the Lesser Florican and where is it found? The Lesser Florican (Sypheotides indicus) is the world’s smallest bustard species, endemic to the Indian subcontinent. Historically, it was widely distributed, but now it breeds only in isolated grassland patches in Gujarat, Rajasthan,... Read More...