
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

MicroRNAs (miRNAs)

May 07, 2024
FAQ 1: What are miRNAs? Answer:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding RNA molecules, typically about 22 nucleotides long, that play a crucial role in regulating gene expression. They do not encode proteins but instead function by binding to messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, leading to the repression of gene expression either by degrading the mRNA or inhibiting its translation into protein. Read More...

Koalas and Australian Bushfires

May 07, 2024
Koalas are iconic marsupials native to Australia, known for their tree-dwelling lifestyle and reliance on eucalyptus leaves for food. Here are some basic facts about koalas: Koala Basics Scientific Name: Phascolarctos cinereus Diet: Koalas are herbivores, primarily feeding on eucalyptus leaves. They are highly selective, eating leaves from only a few of the over 600 eucalyptus species. Read More...

DNA barcoding

May 07, 2024
What is DNA Barcoding? FAQ 1:  Can you explain DNA barcoding in simple terms? Think of it like a supermarket barcode, but for living things. DNA barcoding uses a short, standardized section of DNA to identify different species. FAQ 2: Why do we need DNA barcoding? Traditional Identification: Ident... Read More...

Boreal Forests and their response to Climate Change:

May 07, 2024
What are boreal forests? Boreal forests, also known as taiga, encompass the vast forested regions in the northern parts of the world, including parts of Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia. They primarily consist of coniferous trees such a... Read More...


May 07, 2024
What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)? Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed images of the organs and tissues within the body. It is especially effective for imaging soft tissues such as the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and connective tissues. How does an MRI work?... Read More...


May 07, 2024
Sickle cell anemia, a severe genetic disorder impacting red blood cells, has traditionally been managed by alleviating symptoms and preventing complications. However, recent advancements have introduced treatments that address the condition's root causes, significantly improving patient outcomes. Read More...

The Boreal Forest (and Taiga)

May 07, 2024
FAQ 1: What is the boreal forest, and where is it found? The Green Belt: The boreal forest encircles the globe in the Northern Hemisphere, primarily between 50°N and 65°N latitude. It's a vast biome dominated by con... Read More...

CubeSats and India:

May 07, 2024
CubeSats 1. What is a CubeSat?

Optimizing Agriculture: Carbon Farming Techniques

May 07, 2024
Carbon farming is an agricultural practice focused on optimizing carbon capture by the ecosystem, while also enhancing soil quality, productivity, and biodiversity. This approach involves adopting farming methods that are capable of absorbing more CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in the vegetation and soil over the long term. The primary goal is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are major contributors to climate change. By implementing these practices, farmers can contribute significantly to environmental health and achieve mor... Read More...

Allee effects

May 07, 2024
Allee effects refer to a phenomenon in ecology where the population density of a species impacts its survival and reproduction rates. Specifically, when the population density is too low, the survival and reproduction rates may decrease, making it harder for the population to sustain itself or grow. This can occur due to various factors such as difficulty in finding mates, lack of cooperation among individuals for certain behaviors, increased vulnerability to predators, and more. Read More...

The Coral Triangle: A Biodiversity Hotspot

May 07, 2024
Location: Western Pacific Ocean, encompassing waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and the Solomon Islands. Incredible Biodiversity: Home to 600 coral species, 6 of the world's 7 marine turtle species, and over 2,000 r... Read More...


May 07, 2024
⇒ Diatoms are a type of microscopic, golden-brown algae found in both freshwater and marine environments. Recognized for their unique ability to fossilize due to their silica-based cell walls, diatoms have proven to be indispensable in the study of past environmental conditions. These organisms are often preserved in the sediments of lakes, rivers, and oceans, similar to the way tree rings preserve historical climatic data. ⇒ In the field of archaeology, diatoms have emerged as significant tools for reconstructing ancient climates and environmental set... Read More...

Soil Horizons in India

May 07, 2024
FAQ 1: What exactly are soil horizons? Soil Layers: Imagine soil like a layered cake. Soil horizons are the distinct layers you see when you dig a hole, each with unique characteristics due to physical, chemical, and biological processes. Read More...


May 07, 2024
What is carbon farming? Carbon farming involves implementing agricultural practices that improve the rate at which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and converted into plant material and soil organic matter. This approach aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance soil health, and increase agricultural productivity. What are some carbon farming techniques used to reduce greenhouse gas e... Read More...


May 07, 2024
What initiatives have been taken by the Indian government to promote the online gaming industry? The Indian government has initiated several measures to boost the online gaming sector, including: ● Establishing the Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, Comic, and Extended Reality taskforce by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. ● Designating the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology as the nodal ministry for onlin... Read More...