
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


May 09, 2024
Kaushal Kishor v. State of U.P 2023 Q1: What does the term "horizontality of fundamental rights" refer to? A1: The horizontality of fundamental rights refers to the application of these rights not only vertically but also horizontally. Vertically implies these rights are enforceable against the state and its instrumentalities, ensuring the state does not infringe on individual freedoms. Horizontally implies these rights are enforceable against private individu... Read More...


May 09, 2024
Q1: What is the GST Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT)? A1: The GST Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT) is the appellate body designed to adjudicate disputes arising under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) laws in India. It serves as a crucial mechanism for resolving tax disputes beyond the initial appeal level, providing a legal avenue for both businesses and individuals to challenge administrative decisions related to GST. Q2: What is the composition of the GSTAT? A2: The GSTAT... Read More...

​Madrid Protocol and India

May 09, 2024
Q1: What is the Madrid Protocol? A1: The Madrid Protocol is an international system for the registration of trademarks, allowing a trademark owner to seek protection in multiple countries by filing a single application through their national or regional trademark office. Q2: How does the Madrid Protocol function in India? A2: India joined the Madrid Protocol in 2013. Indian businesses can file a single international application in one language and pay one set of... Read More...

Typhoid Diagnosis in India: Widal Test

May 09, 2024
What is the Widal test? The Widal test is used to detect antibodies against typhoid-causing bacteria, Salmonella typhi, through a blood sample. Why is the Widal test problematic? The test often gives erroneous results due to: ● False positives from reactions with other antibodies or from previous vaccinations. ● False negatives influenced by prior antibiotic use. ● Variability in test kit quality and timin... Read More...

Coordinated Lunar Time (CLT) by NASA

May 09, 2024
In simple terms, NASA is working to create a uniform time system for the moon, called the Coordinated Lunar Time (CLT). This initiative is similar to how different countries on Earth use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to keep time consistently around the globe. Why is a lunar time standard needed? As humans plan more activities on the moon, including missions by various countries and potentially permanent settlements, having a standard time for everyone... Read More...

India Rises: Solar Power Rankings

May 09, 2024
Current Global Solar Power Rankings: As of March 2024, the global ranking for solar energy production is as follows: 1. China: Continues as the world's largest producer of solar energy. 2. United States: Holds the second spot in global solar production. 3. India: Recently overtook Japan, claiming the third position in the global rankings for solar energy product... Read More...


May 09, 2024
What is the Olympic flame? The Olympic flame is a symbol of the Olympic Games. Its origins trace back to the ancient Greeks, who maintained a fire burning throughout the celebration of the ancient Olympics. The flame represents peace, unity, and the enduring spirit of competition. How is the Olympic flame lit? The lighting of the Olympic flame is performed at the Temple of Hera in Olympia, Greece, through a tradition... Read More...

Kalidasa: Master of Sanskrit Literature

May 09, 2024
1. Who was Kalidasa? Kalidasa was a classical Sanskrit author and is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets and dramatists in the Sanskrit language. His works have had a profound influence on Indian culture and literature. 2. What are some of Kalidasa's most famous works? Kalidasa's most renowned works include "Shakuntala" (Abhij&nt... Read More...

India's Household Financial Savings: Gross vs. Net Trends

May 08, 2024
The concept of "Households' net financial savings drop" involves understanding several key financial terms and trends related to the economic behavior of households. Here's a breakdown of the concept based on the scenario described: 1. Net Financial Savings Net financial savings of a household sector refers to the difference between the total amount of financial assets that households accumulate and the financial liabilities (debts) they incur. Financial assets include things like savings in bank accou... Read More...

Reservations for Muslims

May 08, 2024
Reservations in India: Addressing Socio-Economic Disparities Without Religious Bias The topic of reservations based on religion in India raises significant constitutional and legal debates. The Indian Consti... Read More...

India-Russia Trade and Investment in Rupees

May 08, 2024
1. Why are India and Russia trading in rupees? Traditionally, international trade is often conducted in widely accepted currencies like the US dollar. However, due to Western sanctions on Russia, it has become challenging for Russia to use these currencies. As a solution, India and Russia have agreed to use the Indian rupee for their trade. This helps Russia continue trading despite sanctions and allows India to pay in its own currency. 2. What is a vostro account? Read More...

Indian Diaspora:Girmitiyas

May 08, 2024
1. Who were the Girmitiyas? - Girmitiyas were indentured laborers from India who were contracted to work on plantations overseas, particularly in the British colonies such as Fiji, Mauritius, South Africa, and the Caribbean islands during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The term "Girmitiya" derives from the Hindi word "Girmit," a corruption of the English word "agreement," referring to the contract they signed. 2. Why did the Girmitiyas go to other countries? Read More...


May 08, 2024
1. What is the U.K.’s deportation plan involving Rwanda? The U.K. government has a new agreement with Rwanda where asylum seekers making unauthorized journeys to the U.K. since January 1, 2022, can be deported to Rwanda. This policy intends for Rwanda to process these asylum claims, and it is part of broader efforts to manage undocumented migration. 2. How does the deportation process work? Read More...

Radcliffe Line and its role in the partition of India in 1947

May 08, 2024
1. What was the Radcliffe Line? The Radcliffe Line was the boundary demarcation line between India and Pakistan upon the partition of India in 1947. It was named after Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who was appointed as the chairman of the Boundary Commi... Read More...

Lalitavistara Sūtra, a significant text in Mahayana Buddhism:

May 08, 2024
1. What is the Lalitavistara Sūtra? - The Lalitavistara Sūtra is a Sanskrit Mahayana Buddhist text that chronicles the life of Gautama Buddha. It details his journey from his descent from Tushita Heaven until his first sermon at Sarnath near Varanasi. The text is revered for both its religious significance and as a historical document illuminating India's early centuries. 2. What does "Lalitavistara" mean? - The term "Lalitavistara" translates to "The Play in Full" o... Read More...