
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


May 10, 2024
1. What are the main sources of emissions within the agrifood system? - Emissions stem from various sources including deforestation for agriculture, livestock methane emissions, rice paddies, and energy use in farming operations. 2. How can high-income countries reduce their agrifood emissions? - Promote renewable energy use in agriculture. - Shift toward sustainable, less meat-intensive diets. - Provide financial and technological ... Read More...


May 10, 2024
1. What is the Mullaperiyar Dam? The Mullaperiyar Dam is an old dam built in 1895 on the Periyar River in Kerala, India. Despite being located in Kerala, the dam is operated and maintained by the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu. 2. Why are Tamil Nadu and Kerala disputing over the dam? The dispute primarily stems from concerns over the dam's safety and control. Kerala has expressed concerns about the potential risks the dam poses to its residents due to its a... Read More...


May 10, 2024
Q1: What does the term "horizontality of fundamental rights" refer to? A1: The horizontality of fundamental rights refers to the application of these rights not only vertically (i.e., enforceable against the state and its instrumentalities) but also horizontally (i.e., enforceable against private individuals or entities). This concept extends the scope of fundamental rights to include actions taken by private parties, not just the state. Read More...


May 10, 2024
1. What are carbon offsets? Carbon offsets are a form of trade. When you buy an offset, you fund projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as planting trees or investing in renewable energy projects. These projects are meant to "offset" the emissions produced elsewhere, effectively balancing out the amount of emitted GHGs. 2. Why are carbon offsets used? Companies and individuals use carbon offsets as a way to mitigate their own carbon ... Read More...


May 09, 2024
Q1: What is the 'Right to be Forgotten'? A1: The 'Right to be Forgotten' refers to the ability of individuals to have their personal data erased from certain digital records so that they are no longer publicly accessible. This right is aimed at protecting individuals' privacy, especially when the information is no longer necessary or relevant. Q2: Is the Right to be Forgotten recognized under Indian law? Read More...


May 09, 2024
1. What is Thalinomics? Thalinomics refers to the study of the economics of a full meal or 'thali'. It is used to assess the impact of economic changes and policy decisions on the average cost of a plate of food in India. 2. How much did the cost of a vegetarian meal increase in April? The cost of a home-cooked vegetarian meal in India surged by 8% year-on-year in April, a rate that accelerated from the 7% increases observed in February and March. ... Read More...


May 09, 2024
 Introduction to the World Migration Report: The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has released the World Migration Report 2024, providing comprehensive data and insights into global migration trends, remittance flows, and the demographic shifts impacting international mobility.  FAQs: 1. What are the total global remittances reported in 2022... Read More...

India’s Sugarcane Subsidy and WTO Norms

May 09, 2024
In the world of global trade, there are rules set by World Trade Organization (WTO), which helps countries trade fairly with each other. One of these rules involves how much a country can help its own industries, like farming, by giving subsidies. A subsidy is like a special financial support that helps industries grow by making costs lower for the producers. Recently, the United States and Australia have raised concerns about India giving too much subsidy to its sugarcane farmers. They mentioned this in a report to a committee of the WTO that looks after agriculture. According to their findings... Read More...


May 09, 2024
Q1: What are green deposits? A1: Green deposits are interest-bearing deposits collected by regulated entities (REs), such as banks and financial institutions, with the purpose of financing environmentally friendly projects. The funds from these deposits are allocated specifically to support green activities that contribute to climate change mitigation and other environmental objectives. Q2: Who can offer green deposits? A2: Green deposits can be offered by sched... Read More...

Tech Advancements: Processors, Memory, Storage & AI Chips

May 09, 2024
Q: What is the importance of advances in processors, memory, storage, and specialized AI chips? A: These technological advances have been crucial in enabling a range of AI applications that have become integral to modern technology. Each component plays a specific role in improving the performance and capabilities of AI systems. Q: Why are processors important for AI? A: Processors, such as CPUs and GPUs, are the backbone of AI ... Read More...


May 09, 2024
Q1: What is fair use? A1: Fair use is a legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without needing to obtain permission from the copyright holders. It applies to various contexts such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, research, and educational uses, where the usage contributes positively to societal values. Q2: What are the key factors considered in determining fair use? A2: Four main factors are considered to determine whether a spe... Read More...


May 09, 2024
Q1: What does copyright protect in the context of AI-generated works? A1: Copyright protects the original artistic expressions created by human beings. When it comes to AI-generated works, the primary legal challenge is determining authorship since AI, as a non-human entity, traditionally cannot hold copyrights. The rights often go to the human creator or the programmer who designed the AI. Q2: Can AI be recognized as the author of a creative work? A2: Currently... Read More...

China's Debt Trap Diplomacy: Impact on India

May 09, 2024
Understanding Debt Trap Diplomacy: Debt trap diplomacy refers to a situation where a powerful lending country or institution extends significant loans to a borrowing nation. When the borrowing nation is unable to meet the repayment terms, the lender may extract economic or political concessions. China has been often accused of engaging in this practice by offering substantial loans to developing countries for infrastructure projects under terms that are difficult to meet.   Read More...


May 09, 2024
The Nayaka kingdoms were prominent in South India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. These kingdoms emerged during the decline of the Vijayanagara Empire, serving as principalities under the empire before becoming independent. The most notable Nayaka kingdoms were those of Madurai, Tanjore, and Senji (Gingee), among others. Governance and Administration: The Nayakas were military governors appointed by the Vijayanagara emperors, who later assumed mor... Read More...

China ‘s Digital Silk Road (DSR)

May 09, 2024
The Digital Silk Road (DSR) is a comprehensive initiative by China to promote digital technologies globally, with the aim of making China a technological superpower. The DSR is a key component of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which seeks to revive the ancient Silk Road trade routes and create a vast network of economic and strategic partnerships across the globe. ... Read More...