
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) in India: Aadhaar, Instruments, Institutions, and Policies

Sep 05, 2023
Q1: What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)? A1: DPI represents the digital platforms and tools developed by the government to catalyze India's transition from an offline, fragmented micro-economy to a consolidated online, high-productivity mega economy.   Q2: How does Aadhaar play a role in DPI? A2: Aadhaar, a unique digital identity card issued to residents of India, acts as a foundational pillar for DPI. It serves as a verification tool across various digital platforms, ensuring secure and seamless transactions.   Read More...

International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) Launch

Sep 05, 2023
Q1: When and where was the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) launched? A1: The IBCA was launched on 9th April 2023 in Mysuru, Karnataka, during an event commemorating 50 years of Project Tiger.   Q2: What is the primary purpose of the IBCA? A2: The IBCA was initiated to bolster conservation efforts for seven big cats – Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Cheetah, Jaguar, and Puma.   Q3: How many countries does the IBCA aim to collaborate with? A3: The all... Read More...

Cheetah Conservation Efforts in India

Sep 05, 2023
Q1: Why is South Africa sending cheetahs to India? A1: South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, stated at the BRICS Summit that South Africa is willing to donate more cheetahs to India, acknowledging India's dedication to feline conservation.   Q2: How many cheetahs has South Africa sent to India so far? A2: South Africa sent 12 cheetahs to India in February, following the eight big cats that Namibia sent in November 2022.   Q3: What has been the survival rate of these cheetahs? Read More...

DRDO, Its Achievements, and DARPA

Sep 05, 2023
Q1. What is the primary role of the DRDO? A1. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is India's premier agency responsible for the development of technology for defense purposes.   Q2. What are some notable achievements of DRDO? A2. DRDO has achieved numerous milestones, including:   •Development of the Agni and Prithvi missile series.       •Creation of the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) - Tejas. Read More...

India-Egypt Military Exercise:Exercise Bright Star-23

Sep 05, 2023
The Indian Air Force (IAF) commenced its participation in Exercise Bright Star-23, a 21-day multilateral triservice exercise in Egypt, marking its debut in the event. The exercise, running from August 27 to September 16 at Cairo (West) Air Base, also includes contingents from the USA, Saudi Arabia, Greece, and Qatar. The main goal is to hone the planning and execution of joint operations and bolster strategic relations.   The IAF has deployed five MiG-29 combat jets, six transport aircraft, and a special forces team. This includes personnel from the IAF’s Garud Special Forces and Numbers 28, 77, 78, and 81 S... Read More...

Aadhaar-based Payment System (ABPS) for MGNREGS Workers:

Sep 05, 2023
1. What is ABPS? Answer: The Aadhaar-based payment system (ABPS) is a mechanism that mandates receiving wages for workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) via an Aadhaar-linked bank account.   2. Why is it being introduced? Answer: The aim is to streamline wage payments and ensure transparency, reducing the chances of fraud.   3. Who is eligible for ABPS wage payments? Answer: To be eligible for APBS wage payments, a wor... Read More...

China's 'Border Settlement Villages',LCA and PLA: Strategic Implications and India's Response

Sep 04, 2023
The Scenario: China's recent activity near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with India involves the establishment of 'border settlement villages', also referred to as 'Xiaokang' in Chinese. These establishments, reportedly rapidly increasing in number, are strategically positioned in several sensitive zones. The motive, ostensibly rooted in the 19th Party Congress decisions from October 2017, is perceived as a bid to create a buffer zone that facilitates surveillance and strengthens territorial claims.   Significance of the Locations: Read More...

Multi-Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs) in India

Sep 04, 2023
1. What are Multi-Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs)? Multi-Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs) are large-scale logistics facilities designed to streamline and integrate various modes of transportation, such as roads, railways, and waterways, in a single location. They offer comprehensive services to enhance the efficiency of the supply chain.   2. How do MMLPs contribute to reducing logistics costs? MMLPs bring together multiple transportation modes, reducing the need for goods to be transported separately between different facilities. This consolidation ... Read More...

Darknet and Bitcoin

Sep 04, 2023
1. What is the Darknet, and how does it differ from the regular internet? The Darknet, or Dark Web, is a part of the internet that is not indexed by traditional search engines and requires specialized software to access. It operates anonymously and is known for hosting both illicit and legitimate activities.   2. What is Bitcoin, and why is it often associated with the Darknet? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates independently of government control. It offers a level of privacy and difficulty in tracing transactions, making... Read More...

Separation of Powers in a Parliamentary Democracy:How to Strengthen the Legislature

Sep 04, 2023
Applying the concept of the separation of powers effectively in a parliamentary democracy with a dominant executive requires a multi-pronged approach that safeguards democratic principles and maintains a system of checks and balances:   Strengthening the Independence of the Judiciary: Ensuring that the judiciary is independent and free from political influence is crucial. This includes transparent and merit-based appointments, security of tenure, and safeguarding the judiciary's ability to interpret and uphold the constitution.   Empowerin... Read More...

India Nutrition Challenge

Sep 04, 2023
1. What is the Global Hunger Index (GHI), and how does India rank in it? The Global Hunger Index (GHI) measures hunger and malnutrition levels worldwide. India ranks 107th out of 121 countries in the GHI 2022, indicating a significant malnutrition problem.   2. What are the primary indicators of malnutrition in Indian children? Key indicators of malnutrition in Indian children include stunting (retarded growth), wasting (insufficient weight for height), and child mortality due to malnutrition.   3. What ... Read More...

Alluri Sitarama Raju

Sep 04, 2023
He was a valiant freedom fighter who fearlessly led the Rampa Rebellion against British colonial rule in the early 20th century. Born on July 4, 1897, in Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, he became a symbol of resistance and inspiration for the tribal communities. Through guerrilla warfare tactics, he fought for the rights and freedom of the oppressed, leaving a lasting legacy in India's struggle for independence. His courageous spirit and dedication to the cause continue to be remembered and celebrated in the annals of Indian history.   Alluri Sitarama Raju was a prominent Indian freedom fighter who pla... Read More...

Komaram Bheem: Champion of Adivasi Rights and Freedom

Sep 04, 2023
Birth and Background: Komaram Bheem was born in the village of Jodeghat in the Adilabad district of Telangana, India. He belonged to the Gond tribe, a prominent indigenous community known for their distinct culture and connection to the forested regions.   Struggle Against Exploitation: In the early 20th century, the Gond community and other Adivasi groups suffered under the oppressive rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad and British colonial authorities. Exploitation, forced labor, heavy taxes, and denial of basic rights were rampant.   ... Read More...

IMF's India Projection as Third-Largest Economy by 2026-27: Ensuring Stable and Inclusive Growth

Sep 04, 2023
Subheads:   1. Sustaining High and Stable GDP Growth: Maintaining a consistent high GDP growth rate is crucial to improve per capita GDP and raise living standards. Policies should encourage investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship across sectors.   2. Employment Generation and Income Equality: Prioritize policies that generate mass employment opportunities, ensuring a base minimum income to bridge income disparities. Job creation across sectors can contribute to a more inclusive growth trajectory. Read More...

Disasters in Himachal Pradesh - FAQ

Sep 04, 2023
1. What is the situation of disasters in Himachal Pradesh? Himachal Pradesh is facing an increasing frequency of disasters, leading to significant monetary losses and loss of lives.   2. What are the contributing factors to the rise in disasters? Disasters in the region are influenced not only by climate change but also by local land-use changes and rapid urbanization.   3. How much monetary loss did Himachal Pradesh experience due to disasters from 2017 to 2022? B... Read More...