
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Issues with the Online Sale of Drugs: Challenges and Concerns

Sep 04, 2023
Regulatory Measures and Potential Challenges: The draft Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Bill of 2023 aims to regulate, restrict, or even ban the online sale or distribution of drugs through notifications. However, this proposal might pose challenges for online pharmacies in India as it could potentially limit their operations.   Quality and Safety Concerns: The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) has issued notices to major online drug sellers, including Amazon and Flipkart Health. The concern stems from potential misuse of drugs due t... Read More...

Manual Scavenging and Efforts to Eliminate it in India

Sep 04, 2023
Q1: What is manual scavenging? A1: Manual scavenging involves the manual cleaning, carrying, and disposal of human excreta from dry latrines or open drains. It is a hazardous and inhumane practice often carried out by marginalized communities.   Q2: What is the current status of manual scavenging in India? A2: Despite efforts, there are districts in several states and union territories where manual scavenging has not been eradicated, as reported in the Rajya Sabha.   Q3: Which states have the highest num... Read More...

Preparing Indian Graduates for the Future of Work

Sep 04, 2023
Q1: Why do Indian universities need to adapt to the future of work? A1: Indian universities must adapt to the future of work to equip graduates with skills for the evolving job landscape shaped by technology, digitalization, and sustainability.   Q2: What are the key trends highlighted in the World Economic Forum (WEF) report? A2: The WEF report emphasizes fast-growing job roles in technology, such as AI, machine learning specialists, sustainability experts, business analysts, and information security analysts.   Read More...

India's Move into Semiconductor Manufacturing: A Balanced Approach

Sep 04, 2023
India's recent entry into semiconductor manufacturing is influenced by a mix of factors that promise positive economic and security outcomes. This strategic path is shaped by a balanced combination of government policies, collaborations with global industry leaders, and a realistic understanding of potential gains and challenges.   Guided by Government Policies: Central to India's push into semiconductor manufacturing is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. This policy encourages local manufacturing and research in electronics, including semicond... Read More...

Rules of Origin (RoOs) in Indian Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)

Sep 04, 2023
Rules of Origin (RoOs) are an essential component of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) that determine the eligibility criteria for goods to receive preferential treatment under the agreement. These criteria ensure that only goods originating from the FTA partner country enjoy reduced tariffs or other trade benefits. RoOs specific to India in various FTAs vary based on the agreements signed with different partner countries or regions. Each FTA has its own set of RoOs, which are negotiated and agreed upon by both parties.   Common Elements of India-Specific RoOs in FTAs: Read More...

Factors Contributing to the Contraction in Indian Exports

Sep 04, 2023
Global Economic Slowdown: A significant reason for the fall in Indian exports is the slowdown in key global economies. Weak economic growth in major trading partners, such as the US, EU, and China, has led to reduced demand for Indian goods. Geopolitical Tensions: Ongoing geopolitical tensions and trade disputes among major economies have disrupted global trade flows. Uncertainties arising from these tensions have led to cautiousness among exporters and importers.   Inflati... Read More...

Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF): Revolutionizing Weather Forecasting for Disaster Management

Sep 02, 2023
Introduction to Impact-Based Forecasting: Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF) is a revolutionary approach to weather forecasting that shifts the focus from predicting weather events to assessing their potential impacts. Unlike traditional weather forecasts that primarily provide meteorological information, IBF helps individuals and disaster management agencies understand the likely consequences of impending weather events, enabling proactive actions to mitigate risks and protect lives and property.   Importance of Impact Over Weather: Read More...

Agriculture and Logistics in India: Challenges and Solutions

Sep 02, 2023
Role of Logistics in Agriculture and Horticulture: Logistics plays a critical role in India's agriculture and horticulture sector by managing the entire supply chain from farm to consumer. Efficient logistics ensure timely and safe transportation of agricultural produce, reduce wastage, enhance farmers' income, and ensure food security.   Major Challenges in Agricultural Logistics: Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor transportation infrastructure, including roads, rail, and air connectivity, leads to delays and increased cos... Read More...

Innovation and Agri-Entrepreneurship Development" Program under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)

Sep 02, 2023
The Government of India, through the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare (DA&FW), has demonstrated a strong commitment to the well-being of farmers and the modernization of agricultural systems. This commitment is reflected in the implementation of the "Innovation and Agri-Entrepreneurship Development" program under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) since 2018-19. The central aim of this program is to stimulate innovation and agri-entrepreneurship by offering financial support and cultivating an incubation ecosystem across the nation.   Key Aspects and Accomplishments of the Prog... Read More...

Agriculture Accelerator Fund

Sep 02, 2023
The Agriculture Accelerator Fund, announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the budget for 2023-24, is a significant initiative designed to support agritech startups and young entrepreneurs hailing from rural areas. With the goal of fostering innovation and addressing the challenges faced by farmers, this fund is poised to provide vital financial backing and resources to startups, enabling the introduction of modern tools and technologies into the agricultural landscape.   Key Objectives and Benefits of the Agriculture Accelerator Fund: 1. Inclu... Read More...

India's Role in the Upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Sep 02, 2023
1. Introduction to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and India's Role in its Upgrade: The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) stands as the world's most powerful particle accelerator, situated beneath the France-Switzerland border at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). India has assumed a pivotal role in the forthcoming upgrade of the LHC, referred to as the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), set to take place by 2025. This upgrade seeks to delve even deeper into comprehending the fundamental building blocks of matter and the underlying forces shaping our universe.   2. Benefi... Read More...

Promoting Agricultural Research and Innovation for Productivity and Sustainability

Sep 02, 2023
India is actively promoting agricultural research and innovation to enhance the productivity and sustainability of its agricultural sector. Through various initiatives and investments, the country is striving to develop advanced technologies, practices, and solutions that address the challenges posed by evolving agricultural needs and changing environmental conditions. Here's how India is fostering agricultural research and innovation:   Increased Investment: The Indian government has augmented its financial commitment to agricultural research and innovation. With a notable budget allocation o... Read More...

Empowering Smallholder Farmers: Financial Inclusion and Access to Credit

Sep 02, 2023
Smallholder farmers, who cultivate small plots of land and often rely on subsistence farming, face unique challenges that hinder their agricultural productivity and economic well-being. To address these challenges and uplift smallholder farmers, governments and organizations have implemented various initiatives focused on financial inclusion and access to credit. These efforts aim to provide farmers with the financial resources they need to invest in their farms, adopt modern practices, and improve their livelihoods. Here's how smallholder farmers are being empowered through these strategies:   Formati... Read More...

Problems and Policies Related to Water Management and Irrigation Practices in Indian Agriculture:

Sep 02, 2023
Water Scarcity: India faces significant water scarcity, particularly in regions prone to drought. This scarcity leads to inadequate water availability for agricultural purposes, affecting crop productivity and livelihoods.   Overexploitation of Groundwater: The over-extraction of groundwater for irrigation purposes has resulted in declining water tables and depleting aquifers. This trend jeopardizes the long-term sustainability of water resources.   Inefficient Water Use: Conventional irrigation methods, such as flood... Read More...

Sustainable Agriculture and Government Initiatives in India

Sep 02, 2023
Introduction: Sustainable agriculture focuses on practices that ensure the long-term well-being of the environment, society, and economy. In India, the government has implemented various policies and initiatives to promote sustainable farming practices and increase farmers' income.   Key Government Policies and Initiatives: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY): Aims to provide irrigation facilities and promote efficient water usage in agriculture, leading to higher crop productivity.   Read More...