
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

China Decoupling and De-risking:What,Why and How

Sep 20, 2023
Decoupling involves the reduced connection between China's financial markets and the rest of the world, as well as shifts in global supply chains and investments. On the otherhand, de-risking refers to the strategic efforts made by businesses and industries to decrease their dependence on China for essential materials and as a market for their finished products. The primary goal of de-risking in this context is to minimize potential risks associated with trade disruptions and interruptions in global supply chains. By diversifying sourcing and market strategies, companies aim to enhance their resilience to economic or geopolitical challeng... Read More...

World Employment Outlook 2023:ILO-Gig and AI

Sep 20, 2023
Global employment trends:The World Employment Outlook report projects a 1% increase in global employment for the current year. However, this growth is accompanied by growing social and economic inequalities.   Impact of crises: Interconnected crises have led to a simultaneous rise in extreme poverty and extreme wealth for the first time in 25 years.   Addressing global inequality: A revitalized multilateral approach and policies that support a future of work centered on greater equality and social justice are needed. This includes supporting ongoing transitions in ... Read More...

North Korea-Russia

Sep 20, 2023
What is the purpose of Kim Jong Un's visit to Russia? Kim Jong Un's visit to Russia primarily aims to discuss Russia's desire to purchase ammunition and war supplies from North Korea to replenish reserves depleted by its conflict in Ukraine. Why is this meeting significant? The meeting highlights deepening cooperation between North Korea and Russia, as both countries are engaged in separate confrontations with the United States. It marks Kim's first foreign visit since North Korea closed its borders in January 2020. ... Read More...

India,Brazil and WTO:Sugar Subsidies

Sep 19, 2023
World Trade Organization (WTO). As part of the resolution, Brazil may share its ethanol production technology with India, a positive development in the ongoing talks. Here are the key points: Background: Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugarcane and ethanol, and it excels in ethanol production technology.   Trade Dispute: In 2019, Brazil, along with Australia and Guatemala, filed a complaint against India at the WTO, alleging that India's sugar subsidies to farmers violated global trade rules.   WTO Ruling: In Dec... Read More...

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Schedule M of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945

Sep 19, 2023
The Union Health Ministry is considering amendments to make Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) mandatory for all pharmaceutical firms in India. This move comes after a series of scandals involving Indian-made drugs linked to children's deaths abroad. Here's a breakdown of the situation:   Current Status: GMP was recently made mandatory for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) manufacturing drugs in India.   Global Importance: India is the largest supplier of medicines to low-middle-income countries (LMIC), and the World Health Organization's (WHO... Read More...

PM Vishwakarma

Sep 19, 2023
The Prime Minister launched a Rs.13,000 crore scheme aimed at assisting artisans and craftsmen. Under this scheme: Artisans can avail collateral-free credit of up to Rs.3 lakh at a concessional interest rate of 5%. They will receive recognition through PM Vishwakarma certificates and ID cards. Skill enhancement will be provided through basic and advanced training. Artisans will receive a toolkit incentive of Rs.15,000. Collateral-free credit support will be offered, with Rs.1 lakh in the first tranche and Rs.2 lakh in the second, at a concessional interest rate ... Read More...

Indian Schools Need Entrepreneurship Education

Sep 19, 2023
Incorporating the Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum (EMC) into our educational system is more crucial than ever. EMC isn’t just another set of lessons; it’s a mindset that sparks creativity, innovation, and resilience in students, starting from class 9 through 12. Why is this important? We live in times of rapid change, where digital economies are reshaping our world. Encouraging students to think like entrepreneurs is the key to their future success. They need to be prepared to create opportunities, find solutions to new problems, and adapt to an ever-evolving lands... Read More...

Amrita Sher Gil:The Story Teller Painter

Sep 19, 2023
Amrita Sher-Gil (1913-1941) was a pioneering Indian artist who left an indelible mark on the world of art with her unique style and powerful works. Born to an Indian father and a Hungarian mother, Sher-Gil's upbringing and experiences in both Europe and India greatly influenced her artistic vision.   Amrita Sher-Gil is often celebrated for her ability to bridge the gap between Western and Indian art traditions. Her art is characterized by a profound exploration of the human condition, capturing the emotions, struggles, and inner lives of her subjects. Sher-Gil had an exceptional talent fo... Read More...

Signs of Life on K2-18b: Exciting Discoveries and What They Mean

Sep 19, 2023
Why are the findings exciting? The discovery of chemical traces such as carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere of the exoplanet K2-18b has rejuvenated the curiosity surrounding extraterrestrial life. These chemicals are generally associated with the biological processes known on Earth, which sparks an exciting possibility of life in some form on K2-18b. What is K2-18b? K2-18b, discovered in 2015 by the Kepler Space Telescope, is a sub-Neptune exoplanet situated about 124 light-years away from Earth. It has a much larger atmosphere compared... Read More...

Oslo Accords:30 Years

Sep 19, 2023
Reasons for the Accords: For lasting peace and shared prosperity, let unity guide our way-SRIRAM's Desperation and geopolitical shifts encouraging negotiations Israel’s strategy to counter threats from Hamas and Islamic Jihad Arafat’s aim to revitalize PLO’s control over Palestinian movements Fruits: Historic mutual recognition between two national movements Creation of a roadmap to address core issues (borders, status of Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees) Initial steps towards establishing Palestinian self-gover... Read More...

Traditional crafts of Kachchh

Sep 19, 2023
  Bandhani (Tie-Dye): Craftsmen use techniques of tying and dyeing the fabric to create vivid patterns and designs.   Rogan Art: A meticulous art form involving painting fabric with a thick colored paste derived from castor oil, resulting in intricate designs.   Kutch Embroidery: The region is renowned for various unique embroidery styles, each associated with different communities, known for its intricate stitches and vibrant motifs.   Ajrakh Block Printing: This craft utilizes natural dyes and car... Read More...

The Quantum AI Revolution: Everything the Aspirant Should Know

Sep 19, 2023
The world stands at the threshold of a technological revolution that promises to reshape industries, economies, and societies as we know them. Quantum computing, once a theoretical concept, has rapidly advanced, propelled by the relentless pursuit of innovation by Big Tech firms and research laboratories. In this brave new world, the intersection of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has given birth to Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI), a field with the potential to revolutionize how we solve complex problems, make predictions, and optimize processes. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the implications of QAI are p... Read More...

Asteroids:'Psyche' spacecraft mission of NASA

Sep 19, 2023
What is the 'Psyche' spacecraft mission about The 'Psyche' spacecraft mission, led by NASA, aims to explore an asteroid named Psyche. , The spacecraft will travel a distance of 3.6 billion kilometers to reach the asteroid, which is believed to contain valuable metals.   What is the significance of the Psyche asteroid? The Psyche asteroid is of interest because it is believed to contain precious metals of significant value, estimated at around $27 quintillion. This makes it a unique target for exploration.   Read More...

Financial Inclusion (FI) Index:RBI

Sep 19, 2023
What is the Financial Inclusion (FI) Index, and who introduced it? The FI Index is a measure of financial inclusion introduced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2021. It assesses the level of financial inclusion in the country based on access, usage, and quality.   How has the FI Index changed over the years? The FI Index has shown improvement over time. It was at 53.9% in March 2021, 56.4% in March 2022, and increased to 60.1% by March 2023.   What are the three parameters that the FI Index assesses, and how are they... Read More...

Vishwakarma Scheme

Sep 19, 2023
What did Prime Minister Narendra Modi announce on Independence Day 2023? He introduced the Vishwakarma Scheme, aimed at empowering artisans and craftspeople across India. What does the Vishwakarma Scheme cover? It encompasses 18 arts, crafts, and trades, focusing on preserving and revitalizing traditional skills. Why is this scheme significant? It recognizes the cultural and economic importance of artisans and aims to provide them with the support and opportunities they deserve. Read More...