
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Hidden Hunger and Rice Fortification

Sep 22, 2023
Hidden Hunger Definition: Refers to micronutrient deficiency-induced malnutrition, often concealed until clinical signs of deficiency appear, affecting both children and adults. Consequences: Includes birth defects, cognitive impairments, maternal and infant mortality, childhood blindness, and reduced productivity. Hunger in India: Despite a decline, around 194 million people were undernourished in India during 2016-18. Nutrition in Aspirational Districts: Read More...

Savings in India:

Sep 22, 2023
Refers to setting aside a portion of income or resources for future use, taking various forms like bank deposits, investments, and physical assets. Crucial for financial stability, achieving goals, and contributing to economic growth. Why Save: Emergency Fund: Acts as a financial cushion during unexpected expenses.   Financial Goals: Helps achieve objectives like homeownership, education, and retirement.   Investment Capital: Allows for growth through investments.   Reti... Read More...

Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Joint Liability Groups (JLGs)

Sep 21, 2023
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) Origin: Rooted in the social concept of mutual aid, emphasizing community and empowerment.   Structure: Small local groups, mainly consisting of women, who save and borrow collectively at a low-interest rate (around 12% per annum), facilitated by state subsidies.   Repayment Responsibility: Each borrower is individually responsible for their repayment, without a collective liability on the group. Benefits: Empowerment: Encourages distributed and... Read More...

Large-Cap,Mid-Cap and Small-Cap Stocks:SEBI Definition

Sep 21, 2023
Large-Cap Funds Definition: Investments in companies with a high market capitalization, currently defined as over Rs.50,000 crore as per SEBI's guidelines.   Characteristics: Generally involves well-established companies with a stable performance record. Offers limited but relatively stable growth potential.   Regulator: Defined by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Mid-Cap Funds Definition: Investments in companies with a market capitalization betw... Read More...

"Socialist" and "Secular" in the Preamble to the Constitution of India

Sep 21, 2023
What does "socialist" mean in the Preamble to the Constitution of India? Definition: The term "socialist" refers to the government's commitment to promote social welfare and economic equality among its> It aims to reduce disparities in wealth and resources through state intervention.   Implementation: Through various legislations and policies, the government aims to ensure equitable distribution of resources and opportunities to all citizens, promoting social justice and welfare.   Amendment: The te... Read More...

Crude Oil Price Rise:Causes and Effects

Sep 21, 2023
The recent surge in oil prices is primarily due to supply-side concerns, with major oil producers like Saudi Arabia and Russia extending their voluntary output cuts till the end of December. This situation is impacting India significantly due to the following reasons: Why the Price Rise? Supply-Side Concerns: Saudi Arabia and Russia's decision to extend output cuts   Global Market Dynamics: Increased demand and geopolitical tensions affecting the global oil market Impact on India Read More...

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS):India

Sep 21, 2023
What's the Plan to Scale Up Storage? Centre's Scheme: Goal: Reach 4GWh BESS capacity by 2030-31 Funding: Rs.3,760 crore viability gap funding for developers Incentive: Rs.18,100 crore production-linked incentive for advanced cell chemistry battery manufacturing Global Trends: Investments: $5 billion in 2022, aiming for a $150 billion market by 2030   Price Drop: Lithium-ion battery prices dropping, ma... Read More...

Asian Premium for Oil

Sep 21, 2023
The "Asian premium" is a policy implemented by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) where they charge higher prices for oil exports to Asian countries compared to what they charge western countries. This policy has been in place for several decades, and here are the reasons and the background behind it: Market Dynamics and Demand: High Demand: Asian countries, including India and China, have high energy demands due to their large populations and rapidly growing economies. Limited Alternatives: Asian countries historically h... Read More...

e-Rupee/Digital Rupee/CBDC

Sep 21, 2023
The digital rupee, India’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), is on its journey to potential success. Here's an organized overview: Launch Date: Launched in November 2022 as a pilot project by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) initially in the wholesale segment, followed by the retail segment a month later.   Volume in Circulation: By March 31, 2023, the digital rupee's total value in circulation reached Rs 16.4 crore, with Rs 5.7 crore in the retail segment, although this is a pilot and not comparable to physical currency. Read More...

ISRO and XPoSat Mission

Sep 21, 2023
India’s space agency, ISRO, is preparing for its groundbreaking XPoSat mission, set to launch by year-end, dedicated to studying bright astronomical X-ray sources through polarimetry. Here are the key points: Unique Mission: XPoSat stands out by enabling the study of challenging astronomical sources not easily explored using conventional methods.   Polarimetry Significance: Polarimetry, measuring light polarization's degree and angle, unveils insights into celestial object emissions, enriching our comprehension. Read More...

High-frequency indicators in India

Sep 21, 2023
High-frequency indicators in India serve as vital data points for tracking economic and social performance. Here are some common ones: PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index): Gauges business activity, production, and new orders in manufacturing and services sectors.   IIP (Index of Industrial Production): Provides monthly data on industrial output, including manufacturing, mining, and electricity generation.   CPI (Consumer Price Index): Monthly inflation data reflecting changes in consumer goods and services... Read More...

"Permaculture Growth in India"

Sep 21, 2023
Basics of Permaculture in India: Traditional Knowledge and Practices: Integration of sustainable traditional agricultural practices with modern permaculture principles. Water Conservation: Emphasis on techniques like rainwater harvesting and swales to combat water scarcity. Agroforestry: Integration of trees and shrubs to enhance biodiversity and soil health. Natural Pest Management: Use of pest-repellent plants, reducing chemical pesticide dependency. Why It Is Spreading in India: Resilience to Climate Change: ... Read More...

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) and India

Sep 21, 2023
Formation: April 2009 Headquarters: Basel, Switzerland Formerly called: Financial Stability Forum (FSF)   The FSB is an international body monitoring and making recommendations about the global financial system. Established after the G20 London summit in 2009, it succeeded the Financial Stability Forum (FSF). The FSB includes G20 major economies, FSF members, and the European Commission. Hosted and funded by the Bank for International Settlements, it operates as a not-for-profit Swiss association.   The FSB is a significant part of globa... Read More...

Enhancing Elephant Corridors in India

Sep 21, 2023
India's central government has identified 62 new elephant corridors, bringing the total to 150. Significant increase from the 88 corridors identified in 2010. Why: To ensure safe movement for India's growing elephant population, now exceeding 30,000. Connects friendly habitats to encourage ecological balance and reduce human-elephant conflicts. Counters habitat fragmentation and destruction, which had reduced the use of 19% of existing corridors. How: State governments reported and validated these corridors u... Read More...

Understanding Maoism in India

Sep 21, 2023
What is Maoism? Maoism (Mao Zedong Thought) is a variant of Marxism-Leninism developed by Chinese leader Mao Zedong. Emphasizes peasant-led revolutionary warfare, continuous revolution, and the "mass line" leadership method. Who are Maoists? Maoists are followers of Maoism. In India, primarily members of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). Focus on overthrowing the Indian government through a people's war, with support from tribal populations. Key concerns include land rights and alleged governmental oppression. Read More...