
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India:50 Year Government Bonds For The First Time

Sep 28, 2023
India's Ultra-Long Government Bonds and Green Bonds What are these 50-year government bonds and 30-year green bonds in India? These are types of government securities with ultra-long tenures. The 50-year government bonds are issued by the Indian government, while the 30-year green bonds are designed to fund environmentally friendly projects. Why is India issuing these ultra-long bonds? India is raising funds through these bonds as part of its market borrowings plan for the second half of the fiscal year. The ... Read More...

Reimagining Indian Secularism: Beyond Minority Rights

Sep 28, 2023
Secularism in India: Rajeev Bhargava discusses Indian secularism. Examines the relationship between the state and religion. Highlights the uniqueness of India's secularism. Strengths and Challenges: India's constitutional idea of "principled distance." The challenges posed by orthodoxies and Hindu nationalism. Misunderstandings about the role of religion in public space. Historical Pluralism: Contrasting Indian and European sec... Read More...

Tigers in Nilgiris: A Crisis Unfolding

Sep 28, 2023
Tiger Deaths: 10 tigers (6 cubs, 4 adults) died in Nilgiris. Deaths occurred between August and September. Concerns arise about the welfare of the animals. Investigating the Causes: Cubs' deaths due to starvation or infection. Adult tigress died from suspected injuries. Another adult tiger died in a fight. Sub-adult tiger had injury marks. Larger male tiger found dead after preying on a cow. Four tiger cubs found dead. Conservation Concerns: Poaching i... Read More...

Tribal Development

Sep 28, 2023
Human Development;STs and Non-STs a table summarizing the key findings from the study comparing the performance of Scheduled Tribes (STs) and non-Scheduled Tribes (non-STs) in various health indicators in 2021:   Categories of Health Indicators STs Outperformed Non-STs Non-STs Outperformed STs Overall Gender Balance yes no Gender Balance at Birth yes no ... Read More...

What is 'Sanatana Dharma'?

Sep 28, 2023
'Sanatana Dharma' is a term often used to describe Hinduism. It signifies an ancient and enduring way of life and belief system. It is not bound by a single founder, creed, or holy book but is characterized by a continuous search for truth based on evolving experiences. 'Sanatana Dharma' encompasses a vast array of beliefs, practices, and philosophies within the Hindu tradition. Arguments Surrounding 'Sanatana Dharma' Progressive vs. Cons... Read More...

Bennu,the Asteroid

Sep 28, 2023
Bennu, officially known as 101955 Bennu, is a remarkable celestial body in our solar system. This asteroid follows an orbit around the sun, completing it every 436 days, and it periodically comes relatively close to Earth, making a close approach once every six years. However, what makes Bennu particularly fascinating is its composition and potential significance. Characteristics of Bennu: Carbonaceous Asteroid: Bennu belongs to the category of carbonaceous asteroids, which are rich in carbon and organic compounds. These types of asteroids are considered to be relics from the ear... Read More...

Joshimath Landsubsidence

Sep 28, 2023
Editorial Backstory: The year started with alarming reports of the temple town of Joshimath in Uttarakhand facing geological risks, partially attributed to the Tapovan Vishnugad power project. The situation led to a crisis, prompting evacuations. Various institutions were commissioned to study the risks, but their findings were initially withheld from the public. The High Court intervened, pushing for transparency. These reports highlight the widespread non-compliance with building codes and the inherent geological risks of the region. There is an urgent need for susta... Read More...

Norman Borlaug and Swati Nayak

Sep 28, 2023
Game-Changing' Seeds with Multiple Tolerance What is the focus of Dr. Swati Nayak's research? Dr. Nayak focuses on creating climate-resilient, high-yielding, and nutritious rice varieties. She recently won the Norman Borlaug Field Award for her contributions. What innovations has she brought in seed development? She has been concentrating on developing high-yield inbreeds from old seed varieties that are also climate-resilient and rich in micronutrients. Is her work localized or has i... Read More...

Swavlamban 2.0

Sep 28, 2023
"Swavlamban" is a term that signifies self-reliance or self-sufficiency in Hindi. In the context of the Indian Navy, "Swavlamban 2.0" is an updated indigenization roadmap aimed at fostering self-reliance in technological capabilities. The initiative looks to both showcase the Navy's achievements in developing new technologies and outline the course for future developments.   The concept behind this initiative began as part of a broader national strategy to reduce dependence on foreign technologies and promote domestic innovation. It aligns with efforts to involve Micro,... Read More...

Sarna Code

Sep 28, 2023
The Sarna Code refers to the religious and cultural practices of certain tribal communities who are nature worshippers. These communities revere natural elements like trees, mountains, and forests and have religious practices distinct from mainstream religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Jainism. Recently, there has been a push for the official recognition of the Sarna code to protect the constitutional rights and unique religious identity of these tribes, particularly in the context of discussions around a Uniform Civil Code in India.   The code gained prominence when a resolution was pass... Read More...

India’s Elderly Population Projected to Double to 20% by 2050: UNFPA Report:All Round Analysis

Sep 28, 2023
Key Highlights: Demographic Change: The elderly population in India is projected to double to over 20% by 2050. By 2046, it will likely surpass the population of children up to age 15. Economic Challenges: Over 40% of the elderly belong to the poorest wealth quintile, with 18.7% living without income. Age Demographics: The population of people aged 80 and above will grow by around 279% from 2022 to 2050. Gender Differences: The life expectancy of women at the age of 60 and 80 is generally higher than men. This varies by state and region. Ge... Read More...

Bihar's Second Tiger ReserveBihar's Second Tiger Reserve

Sep 28, 2023
Location: Kaimur district, Bihar. Involved Authorities: State Forest Department, National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA). Timeline: By the end of this year or early 2024. Status: In-principle approval from NTCA obtained in July; awaiting formal approval. Tiger Stats: Current tiger population in Valmiki Tiger Reserve is 54, up from 31 in 2018. Geography: Kaimur district features hills and plains, flanked by Karmanasa and Durgavati rivers. Green Cover: The district has the highest green cover in the state at 34%. Read More...

Women's Reservation Bill and Gender Equality

Sep 28, 2023
Q: What does the Women's Reservation Bill entail? Answer: The Women's Reservation Bill, recently passed in Parliament, provides one-third reservation for women in the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies. Q: Why is women's representation in politics important? Answer: Women's representation is vital for inclusive governance. Currently, India ranks 141 out of 193 countries in terms of women's participation in Parliament. Q: How has reservation for women in local elections affected governance? Read More...

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Sep 28, 2023
What is FATF? The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 with the mission to combat money laundering and terrorist financing globally. Comprising 37 member states, the FATF sets international standards aimed at preventing illegal activities in the financial sector. It achieves its objectives by issuing recommendations that serve as globally endorsed standards. These recommendations guide the national authorities in implementing legal, regulatory, and operational measures to battle money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial threats. ... Read More...

WTO and India’s Non-rice Export Ban:

Sep 28, 2023
What is WTO? Q: What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)?   A: The WTO is an international organization that regulates trade between countries. It provides a forum for trade negotiations and dispute resolution among its members. WTO Rules on Export Bans Q: What are the WTO rules regarding export bans?   A: Under WTO rules, export bans should only be temporary and should not discriminate between trading partners. These bans must be reported to the WTO and be subject to scrutiny by other member states. Read More...