
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Population and Political Representation:North-South Divid

Oct 06, 2023
What is the issue related to political representation and population control in India? A: The issue revolves around the political representation of Indian states and how population growth and control are impacting it. How does political representation work in India? A: Political representation in India is based on the number of Lok Sabha constituencies in each state, which should ideally be equalized by the size of the population. What has been the historical approach to population-based representation? ... Read More...

Let there be light Physics Nobel Prize 2023

Oct 06, 2023
Summary The 2023 Physics Nobel Prize has been awarded to Anne L’Huillier, Pierre Agostini, and Ferenc Krausz for their groundbreaking work in the field of attosecond physics. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, the properties of electrons in matter change incredibly rapidly, on the order of attoseconds (10^-18 seconds). To study these ultrafast changes, specialized tools were required, and the laureates played a pivotal role in developing these tools. Dr. L’Huillier's research led to the discovery that an infrared beam shone on a noble gas could produce intense peaks of light w... Read More...

Uterus Transplant

Oct 06, 2023
What is a uterus transplant and what does it mean to have one? A uterus transplant is a medical procedure that involves removing a uterus from a donor and transplanting it into a recipient who lacks a functioning uterus. This procedure is not life-saving like heart or liver transplants but aims to improve the quality of life for women who have uterine factor infertility and desire to have children. How does the procedure work? Before the transplant, both the recipient and the donated uterus undergo thorough evaluations for health and viability. The uterus can ... Read More...

National Turmeric Board

Oct 06, 2023
What is the National Turmeric Board? The National Turmeric Board is a government initiative aimed at supporting and developing the turmeric industry in India. It's dedicated to the growth and promotion of turmeric and its products. Why is it important for turmeric farmers? The board is vital for turmeric farmers as it provides them with support, resources, and opportunities to improve their livelihoods. Why was the board established now? The establishment of the board coincides with the upcomi... Read More...

LCA Tejas and Defence Sector Indigenisation

Oct 06, 2023
Handover of LCA Tejas Twin Seater Aircraft to the Indian Air Force What is the LCA Tejas Twin Seater Aircraft? The LCA Tejas Twin Seater is a lightweight, all-weather multi-role 4.5 generation aircraft designed for various purposes, including training for the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the ability to serve as a fighter aircraft when needed. Who handed over the aircraft to the Indian Air Force? The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) handed over the first LCA Tejas Twin Seater Aircraft to the Indian Air Force. Read More...

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023

Oct 06, 2023
The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Alexei Ekimov, Louis Brus, and Moungi Bawendi for their groundbreaking work on quantum dots. Quantum dots are extremely small crystals with unique properties that have applications in various fields, including LED screens and quantum computing. These tiny crystals, only a few nanometers wide, contain just a few thousand atoms, making the effects of quantum mechanics more pronounced at this scale. When exposed to light, quantum dots absorb and re-emit it at different frequencies or colors, with the color depending on the dot's size. Lets get the story. ... Read More...

Chhatrapati Shivaji:Wagh Nakh

Oct 06, 2023
Return of Shivaji's 'wagh nakh' (knuckle duster) from London's Victoria and Albert Museum What is the 'wagh nakh'? The 'wagh nakh' is a knuckle duster with metal nails resembling tiger claws. It is historically significant as it is believed to have been used by Chhatrapati Shivaji to kill Afzal Khan, a general of the Bijapur Sultanate, in 1659. Why is it important? The 'wagh nakh' holds historical and cultural significance as it is associated with a pivotal event in the life of Ch... Read More...

Motion To Vacate:US House of Representatives

Oct 05, 2023
The "motion to vacate" is a parliamentary procedure used in the U.S. House of Representatives to remove the Speaker of the House from their position. Here's a breakdown of how it works and its significance: Purpose: The motion to vacate is initiated with the aim of removing the current Speaker of the House from their leadership position. Introduction: Any member of the House, regardless of their party affiliation (Democrat or Republican), can introduce the motion. In this case, it was introduced by Representative Matt Gaetz. Consideration: If the motion is introduced as a "privil... Read More...

Tragic Flash Floods in Sikkim Highlight the Urgency of Addressing Climate Change Consequences

Oct 05, 2023
A tragic incident unfolded in Sikkim as flash floods wreaked havoc, resulting in at least seven casualties, numerous injuries, and the disappearance of 22 Army personnel. The catastrophe was triggered when a glacial lake, formed from the gradual melting of a Himalayan glacier, overflowed into the Teesta river basin, leading to the destruction of the Chungthang dam, a crucial part of the state's largest hydroelectric project. The South Lhonak lake, situated at a high altitude of approximately 5,200 meters, had been expanding for years, posing a potential threat due to the melting ice at its head. The tragedy highlights the pressing need for monit... Read More...

Circular Migration: Looking at Both Sides of the Debate

Oct 05, 2023
1. What is Circular Migration? Circular migration is a repetitive form of migration where individuals move to another place (the destination) for employment opportunities and return to their country of origin when work is not available. It involves periodic movement instead of permanent or temporary migration.   2. How is Circular Migration Different from Other Forms of Migration? Circular migration is characterized by temporary residence in the destination, the possibility of multiple entries into the destination country, freedom of movement be... Read More...

Nagorno-Karabakh Standoff Resolution

Oct 05, 2023
1. What led to the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh standoff? On September 20, 2023, Azerbaijan claimed full control of Nagorno-Karabakh after local Armenian forces agreed to disarm and disband. This development marked a resolution to the long-standing conflict.   2. What is the history of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh? The conflict dates back a century to World War I when the Ottomans, aided by Azeris, targeted ethnic Armenians in the South Caucasus. The conflict escalated in 1920, incorporating Nagorno-Karabakh into Azerbaijan. After th... Read More...

Closure of the Afghan Embassy in Delhi

Oct 05, 2023
1. Why is the Embassy of Afghanistan in Delhi closing? The embassy has announced its closure due to various factors, including a lack of cooperation from the Government of India and insufficient resources to continue operations. It has urged India to fly the flag of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan over embassy premises and hand over the mission to a "legitimate government" of Afghanistan in the future.   2. Is this a significant development in Afghanistan-India relations? The closure represents a continuation of the strained relati... Read More...

CAG and Artificial Intelligence: AI Auditing in India

Oct 05, 2023
1. What is AI auditing, and why is it important in India? AI auditing involves assessing the use of Artificial Intelligence in various applications, ensuring compliance, transparency, and ethical use. It's crucial in India as AI adoption grows across sectors, from finance to healthcare, requiring oversight to prevent misuse.   2. Who conducts AI audits in India? AI audits are typically conducted by regulatory bodies, government agencies, independent auditors, or organizations' internal audit teams. In India, the Comptroller and Auditor G... Read More...

Triumph of Justice: Vachathis Struggle Against State Violence

Oct 05, 2023
The Madras High Court's recent verdict on the Vachathi case, Tamil Nadu, is a historic milestone. It exposed the dark reality that large-scale state-sponsored repression cannot occur without complicity from higher government levels. In 1992, Vachathi witnessed brutality as around 300 uniformed officials descended on the village under the pretext of finding smuggled sandalwood. Shockingly, this led to the rape of eighteen women, illegal confinement of 90 women, 28 children, and 15 men, and other atrocities. One significant issue was the absence of "command responsibility" in India's criminal justice system, resulting in a lengthy trial process... Read More...

Shot in the Arm: Nobel for mRNA Vaccine Pioneers

Oct 05, 2023
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2023 went to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, and it's no surprise. Their groundbreaking work paved the way for effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, saving lives and preventing hospitalizations. This Nobel recognition aligns perfectly with the award's mission to honor discoveries that benefit humanity the most.   This Nobel is also a celebration of women in science, with Katalin Karikó being one of only 13 women ever to receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine out of 225 total recipients. The broader context here is that only 62 women have won an... Read More...