
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Import Licensing Policy

Oct 13, 2023
India's IT Hardware Import Management: Addressing Security Concerns and Promoting Local Manufacturing Issue: India is considering implementing an import management system for laptops, computers, and tablets to address security concerns, given that a significant portion of these items is imported from China. Policy: The government aims to impose licensing curbs or registration requirements to monitor and regulate the import of IT hardware. This policy could enhance security by preventing the importation of potentially compromised devices. It also has the potential to promote local manufacturing,... Read More...

Ashoka’s Edicts & Their Implications on Varna System

Oct 13, 2023
What are Ashoka’s Edicts? The edicts are a collection of 33 inscriptions on the Pillars of Ashoka and boulders and cave walls spread throughout the Indian subcontinent. They depict Ashoka’s teachings, ideologies, and policies, reflecting his embrace of Buddhism and the propagation of moral and ethical norms. Content of the Edicts: The edicts primarily highlight Ashoka’s advocacy for non-violence, respect for all religious sects, kindness, and moral behavior. They focus on the practice of dharma, which encompasses righteousness, truth, and duty. The ... Read More...

NHAI’s Toolkit to Address Violent Motorists at Toll Plazas

Oct 13, 2023
Issue: Frequent violent altercations between toll plaza workers and motorists, often leading to physical confrontations. Recent Incident: A video went viral showing an altercation between toll plaza workers and a motorist couple on National Highway 44 in Haryana’s Sonepat. Reasons: Disputes over FASTag issues or reluctance to pay toll fees. Previous incidents include a worker shot dead over a refusal to pay Rs 27 at Kherki Daula toll plaza in 2011. Remedies introduced by NHAI: Body Cam... Read More...

Understanding Claudia Goldin’s Research & Its Significance for India

Oct 13, 2023
Achievement: Claudia Goldin, a Harvard Professor and leading labour economist, secured the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. The award celebrates her insights into women’s labor market outcomes spanning 200 years. Research Scope: Goldin delved into the history of women’s participation in the labour market, observing wage and employment rate changes due to gender over time. Global Relevance: While her research is rooted in the US labor market dynamics, its ramifications are universally significant, especially pertinent to the Indian context. Indian Scenario: Ritu Dewan, from ... Read More...

International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

Oct 13, 2023
What is International Humanitarian Law (IHL)? It’s a set of rules seeking to limit the effects of armed conflict, protecting civilians and those who are no longer participating in hostilities. Why is IHL important? It aims to reduce suffering and protect the dignity of individuals affected by war and armed conflict. Where is IHL derived from? Primarily from the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols. Who is bound by IHL? Bot... Read More...

Abraham Accords FAQ

Oct 13, 2023
What are the Abraham Accords? They are a series of agreements signed by Israel with the UAE, Morocco, Bahrain, and Sudan to normalize ties. Brokered by the Trump administration between September 2020 and January 2021. How do the Abraham Accords differ from past treaties? While Israel previously signed peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, the Abraham Accords mark a broader regional shift towards normalization. Why is it named the Abraham Accords? The name draws from Abraham, a common patriarch in Judai... Read More...

Claudia Goldin’s Findings on the Birth Control Pill and Its Impact on Women’s Economic Life

Oct 13, 2023
Introduction: Claudia Goldin, an esteemed economic historian and Nobel winner for economics in 2023, along with Katz, delved deep into the transformative role of the birth control pill, approved by the US FDA in 1960, on the socio-economic landscape of American women. Key Findings: Career Trajectory: The introduction of the pill witnessed a surge in women’s career advancements. From just 10% in 1970, women’s representation in first-year law students reached 36% by 1980. This significant shift was attributed to the pill’s effectiveness in prev... Read More...

NMC’s New MBBS Seat Rule: A Closer Look

Oct 13, 2023
The Issue: The National Medical Commission (NMC) decided to link the number of MBBS seats to a state’s population. Specifically, they’ve set a ratio of 100 MBBS seats for every 10 lakh people in a state. Rationale Behind the Decision: Address regional disparities in healthcare professional availability. Some courts had remarked on the crowding of medical colleges in the past years. By ensuring the right teaching environment and capping seats relative to the population, the NMC aims to enhance the quality of medical education.... Read More...

India, China, and the Maldivian Presidential Elections: Navigating the Diplomatic Waters

Oct 12, 2023
In the Maldives’ recent presidential elections, Mohamed Muizzu from the Progressive Alliance triumphed, sparking questions about the future direction of the nation’s foreign policy. Backdrop: Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP): Traditionally leaned towards India, valuing their geographic proximity and shared democratic principles. Progressive Alliance: Historically favoured closer ties with China due to differing viewpoints with India and its nationalist stance. History of Relationships: Unde... Read More...

Tree Rings

Oct 12, 2023
What are they? Tree rings, also known as “growth rings”, represent the annual growth in trees. Each ring typically consists of lighter and darker sections: Light Ring: Formed during the tree’s rapid spring growth period. Dark Ring: Formed in the slower-growing summer months. Significance: Age Estimation: Counting the rings can determine a tree’s age. Climate History: They reveal past climate conditions. Wide rings indicate wet years, and narrow rings indicate dry y... Read More...

Sahyadri Farms' Remarkable Growth: A Case Study in Successful Farmer Producer Organization(FPO)

Oct 12, 2023
FPO (Farmers' Producer Organization): A legal entity formed by primary producers like farmers, fishermen, weavers, etc. It is a form of collective farming to improve income and livelihood.   In 2010, a group of small farmers in Nashik, Maharashtra, formed Sahyadri Farmers’ Producer Company Ltd. to safeguard their agricultural interests. Thirteen years later, the FPO has reported a turnover of Rs.1,007 crore for 2022-23, marking a 28% growth from the previous year. The FPO has diversified into 48 FPCs, each focusing on a specific horticulture crop or zone. During the fiscal year 2023, they processed and exported a... Read More...

Shift in Bank Credit Composition: A Decade of Change and Its Implications

Oct 12, 2023
Current Composition of Bank Credit: Personal loans: 32.1% Services: 28.4% Industry: 26.2% Agriculture: 13.3% Past Composition (March 2013): Industry: 46% Services: 24% Retail: 18% Agriculture: 12% Shift in Composition: Over the last decade, there has been a significant shift from industry to services and retail loans. Agriculture Loans: Modest growth due to government-set yearly targets.... Read More...

Understanding Upstream and Downstream in India's Spacetech Industry

Oct 12, 2023
What is 'Downstream' in Spacetech? In the context of space technology, 'downstream' refers to the services that are enabled by satellites, such as communications, earth imaging, and navigation. These are the applications that directly affect end-users and industries on Earth. What Does the Deloitte Report Say? The report by Deloitte India, published in collaboration with the Indian Space Association and NASSCOM, focuses on the downstream opportunities in India's spacetech industry. It suggests that the demand for satellite-enabled services ... Read More...

Understanding Hamas

Oct 12, 2023
What is Hamas? Hamas is a Palestinian militant group and political organization founded in 1987. Its roots trace back to the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization established in Egypt in 1928. Hamas stands for Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah, which translates to the Islamic Resistance Movement. What is the group's ideology? Hamas initially had an Islamist vision, emphasizing the need for a pious Islamic society. Its 1988 charter included anti-Semitic remarks and called for the liberation of all of Palestine "from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterr... Read More...

The Impact of Claudia Goldin's Work on Understanding Women's Labor Market Outcomes

Oct 12, 2023
Introduction Claudia Goldin, a Harvard University Professor, was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences for 2023 for her groundbreaking work on women's labor market outcomes. She is the first woman to win the prize solo and the third woman overall. Her research spans 200 years of U.S. history, examining the factors that have influenced women's participation in the labor market and their earnings. Key Research Findings U-Shaped Curve: Goldin found that women's participation in the labor market followed a U-shaped curve, rath... Read More...