
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

The Saudi-Israel Normalization: Unraveled By Regional Dynamics

Oct 18, 2023
Overview The Gaza conflict has significantly impacted Saudi Arabia's attempts to normalize relations with Israel. Initiated under U.S. guidance, this normalization deal has faced a setback, shedding light on the broader geopolitical landscape and the role of Palestinian interests in West Asian diplomacy. Key Points Initial Momentum: Under U.S. auspices, Israel and Saudi Arabia had seemed to be progressing toward normalizing relations. Prime Minister Netanyahu even praised the process during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Saud... Read More...

Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in India: An In-depth Analysis

Oct 18, 2023
What is PIL? Definition: Public Interest Litigation (PIL) is a legal procedure that allows a person to file a case in a court of law for the public good. When Was It Introduced? Timeline:PIL started gaining prominence in India during the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was pioneered by Justice P.N. Bhagwati and Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer. Benefits of PIL Access to Justice: Enables marginalized communities to seek justice. Social Reforms: Drives legislative and adm... Read More...

Understanding India's Abortion Law

Oct 18, 2023
What did the Chief Justice of India (CJI) say about India's abortion law? Statement: Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud stated that India's abortion law is liberal, pro-choice, and far ahead of many other countries. How does India's law differ from Roe vs. Wade in the U.S.? Difference: The CJI remarked that India would not have a "Roe vs. Wade situation." In the U.S., the Roe vs. Wade ruling protects the right to abortion under the Constitution. What is the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act? ... Read More...

Review and Curative Petitions in India's Supreme Court

Oct 18, 2023
What is a Review Petition? Definition: A review petition is filed for re-examination of a judgment delivered by the Supreme Court. Legal Basis: Article 137 of the Indian Constitution. Grounds:Error apparent on the face of the record, discovery of new evidence, or any other sufficient reason. Case Law:Sow Chandra Kante and Anr. Vs. Sheikh Habib clarified that a review petition can't be used to re-argue the same matter. What is a Curative Petition? Definition: A curative petition is t... Read More...

Palestinian Mass Exodus from Gaza

Oct 18, 2023
What triggered the mass exodus in Gaza? Israel's military issued an unprecedented warning to about 1 million residents in northern Gaza to evacuate towards the southern part of the territory. This is widely seen as an indication of an imminent ground invasion against Hamas, leading to panic and mass migration. What has been the UN's stance? The United Nations warned that the mass displacement of almost half of Gaza's population would be disastrous. They have urged Israel to reverse this evacuation order. What is Hamas... Read More...

The Critical Status of India’s Caracal

Oct 18, 2023
How many caracals are left in India? An estimated 50 caracals remain, primarily in clusters in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Why is the caracal critically endangered? The factors leading to the decline in population are still unknown, although experts speculate it could be due to a species-specific disease. More data is needed for confirmation. Are there conservation efforts? Yes, in 2021, the National Biodiversity Wildlife Board announced a Species Recovery Plan for 22 species in India, including the caracal, ... Read More...

SRIRAM’s Simplifier: Understanding CAR-T Cell Therapy

Oct 18, 2023
CAR-T cell therapy is an innovative and promising approach in cancer treatment. Here are the basics: What is CAR-T Cell Therapy? CAR-T stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy. It’s a type of immunotherapy that harnesses the power of a patient’s own immune system to combat cancer. How Does it Work? Collection: A patient’s T-cells (a type of white blood cell) are collected from their blood. Modification: These T-cells are genetically engineered to express CARs on their surface. Targeti... Read More...

SRIRAM’s Explainer: Understanding Stubble Burning and Sustainable Solutions

Oct 18, 2023
Q1: What is the issue with stubble burning in northern states of India? A: Stubble burning is a common practice among farmers in northern states like Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. They burn paddy crop residues in the fields to prepare for winter crops, leading to severe air pollution in the National Capital Region (NCR) from September to November. Q2: Why do farmers resort to stubble burning? A: Farmers often burn stubble due to the need for quick field clearance and the lack of economically viable alternatives. This practice has detrimental effects on air qual... Read More...

Stepwells of India

Oct 18, 2023
Can India’s Ancient Stepwells Solve Its Water Crisis? Q1: What are ancient stepwells? A1: Ancient stepwells are traditional water storage and harvesting structures found in various parts of India. They are designed to collect and store rainwater during the monsoon season. These stepwells have a unique architectural design with a series of steps leading down to the water source, allowing people to access water even during dry seasons. Q2: How do stepwells work? A2: Stepwells work by collecting rainwater runoff from the su... Read More...

SRIRAM’s Insights: Understanding the Middle-Income Trap

Oct 17, 2023
The “middle-income trap” is an economic concept that describes a situation in which a country, after experiencing rapid economic growth and transitioning from a low-income to a middle-income status, struggles to continue its growth trajectory and advance to high-income status. Here’s an explanation of the middle-income trap: Transition to Middle-Income: In the initial stages of economic development, a country typically experiences significant growth as it moves from a low-income status to a middle-income status. This growth is often driven by factors like industrialization, urbanization, and increased ... Read More...

Antarctic Ice Shelves & Climate Change: A Balancing Act

Oct 17, 2023
What's Happening to the Ice Shelves in Antarctica? Western Antarctica is experiencing ice shelf melt due to warmer water, while colder water is preserving, or even enlarging, ice shelves in Eastern Antarctica. How Does This Affect Glaciers? Ice shelves act like natural barriers, slowing down the movement of glaciers into the ocean. When they shrink, the glaciers discharge more freshwater into the sea. Why Is This Significant for Ocean Currents? Increased freshwater levels can disrupt the Southern Oce... Read More...

Anti-Defection Law , Speaker and the Judiciary

Oct 17, 2023
Understanding Anti-Defection Law and the Role of Speaker: Is the Speaker Subject to Judicial Oversight? Answer: Yes, the Speaker falls under judicial jurisdiction for the following reasons: Constitutional Mandate: The Speaker is subject to judicial oversight due to the constitutional mandate. They are required to adhere to the principles of the Anti-Defection Law, which is a constitutional provision. As a result, their decisions are subject to judicial review. Checks and Balances: Our Constitution is designed with a system of checks and balances. By allowing... Read More...

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs): Progress and Reform

Oct 17, 2023
Understanding MDBs: Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are international financial institutions that play a pivotal role in supporting global development efforts. These banks are a collective effort by nations to address critical global challenges, reduce poverty, and promote sustainable economic growth. They achieve this through the provision of financial resources, technical expertise, and policy guidance. Contributions of MDBs: MDBs have made significant contributions to global development over the years. Their contributions include: Fi... Read More...

Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC)

Oct 17, 2023
DFC is a specialized railway infrastructure project designed for the efficient movement of freight or goods trains. The Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) is a specific DFC project in India that spans 1,337 kilometers from Punjab to Bihar. Here are some key aspects: Benefits: Decongestion: DFCs are constructed to reduce congestion on regular railway networks by providing dedicated tracks for freight trains. This ensures smoother and faster movement of goods. Efficiency: DFCs offer a higher average speed for freight trains (around 50-60 kmph), significantly faster t... Read More...

Fragility of Himalayas and Its Implications

Oct 17, 2023
The Himalayas are considered fragile due to a combination of geological, environmental, and human factors. Here’s why they are regarded as fragile: Tectonic Vulnerability: The Himalayas are located in a seismically active region where the Indian Plate collides with the Eurasian Plate. This ongoing collision results in tectonic stress, making the region prone to earthquakes. Powerful earthquakes can lead to devastating consequences, including landslides and infrastructure damage. Glacial Melting: The Himalayas are often referred to as the “Third Pole” due to the vast amount of ice and glaciers they contain. With globa... Read More...