
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

National Education Policy 2020: Flexibility in Higher Education

Oct 21, 2023
Introduction: The National Education Policy 2020 introduces the concept of multiple entry and exit options in higher education, aiming to create a more inclusive and student-centric system.   Key Features and Benefits: 1. Flexibility in Learning: The multiple entry and exit system (MEES) offers students the choice to learn at their own pace, without committing to a full degree program.   2. Addressing Dropout Rates: Read More...

Vizhinjam International Sea Port: A Beacon of Economic Progress - FAQs

Oct 21, 2023
1. What is the significance of the Vizhinjam International sea port? The Vizhinjam International sea port is envisioned as a transformative infrastructural initiative, with an investment of Rs 20,000 crore. Positioned strategically, this port aims to put the region on the global maritime map, offering a plethora of opportunities for both local and global trade.   2. What economic benefits does the Vizhinjam port promise? The port is projected to generate half a million jobs, significantly bolstering the local employment landscape. Additionally, ... Read More...

India's aging population and its potential impact on the economy and society:

Oct 21, 2023
Q1: What is the current demographic situation in India? India is still a relatively young nation, with a significant population under the age of 65. It is not considered "super-aged" yet.   Q2: How fast is India's population aging? India's population is aging at an accelerated pace, with projections indicating that one in five Indians will be over 60 years old by 2050.   Q3: What are the potential challenges posed by an aging population? An aging ... Read More...

India's Self-Employment : Challenges and Implications

Oct 21, 2023
Why is self-employment on the rise in India? Factors contributing to the growth of self-employment in India include uneven recovery from pandemic disruptions and limited formal job opportunities, especially for women and in rural areas.   Who is most affected by self-employment trends? Women and rural workers are disproportionately impacted by self-employment, which often results in lower incomes compared to regular-wage work.   Are there regional variations in self-employment? Read More...

Genetically Modified Crops (GMOs): FAQs

Oct 21, 2023
What did the Supreme Court rule on GM crops? The Supreme Court of India conditionally approved the cultivation of Dhara Mustard Hybrid (DMH-11), a genetically modified (GM) crop, but raised concerns about its impact on ecology and the environment.   What are GM crops? Genetically modified (GM) crops are created by altering the DNA of existing crop plants, resulting in genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This can include adding, altering, or deleting genes to introduce new traits or abilities not found in the original plant.   Read More...

Sri Lanka's Economic Difficulties and India's Assistance

Oct 21, 2023
Q1: What has been the impact of economic difficulties on Sri Lanka? A1: Sri Lanka's economy contracted by 8% in 2022, leading to significant challenges such as unemployment, reduced incomes, inflation, and rising poverty levels.   Q2: How is Sri Lanka managing its economic crisis? A2: Sri Lanka has received financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but the removal of subsidies as part of the IMF package has added to the hardship faced by vulnerable sections of the population.   Read More...

SRIRAM's Classroom Understanding the Unseen Impact of COVID-19

Oct 21, 2023
COVID-19 and Mental Health in India: A Silent Crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of individuals in India, as it has globally. Here are some key points highlighting its effect:   1. Rising Anxiety and Stress: With the uncertainty of the pandemic, job losses, and health concerns, there's been a marked increase in anxiety-related disorders among the general population.   2. Isolation and Loneliness: Lockdowns and social distancing measures, though necessary, ... Read More...

Agroecology in India

Oct 21, 2023
1. What is agroecology? Agroecology is an approach that leverages science and social movements to develop local, adaptive, and sustainable agriculture. It aims to empower marginalized farmers by promoting sustainability and creating fresh value chains in agriculture.   2. What are the key goals of agroecology? Agroecology seeks to address major agricultural challenges such as soil degradation, environmental depletion, and the empowerment of small-scale farmers both economically and socially. It offers an alternative to the monoculture-based and ... Read More...

India's stance on e-commerce in the WTO

Oct 21, 2023
1. What is India's stance on e-commerce in the WTO? India has urged member countries to collaborate in curbing the dominance of a few multinational corporations (MNCs) in the global e-commerce sector. This can be achieved by promoting competition in digital markets and enhancing cooperation among regulatory authorities.   2. Why is India's position on e-commerce at the WTO significant? India's position highlights the need to address the unequal distribution of e-commerce benefits and the push by some wealthy nations for a plurilatera... Read More...

Periodic Labour Force Survey 2023 and Female Employment

Oct 21, 2023
1. What does the annual Periodic Labour Force Survey reveal about female employment in India? The survey suggests that female employment has increased in both rural and urban areas over the past few years. In rural areas, the female participation rate has risen to approximately 41.5%, compared to around 25% five years ago. In urban areas, it has increased from 20.4% in 2017-18 to 25.4% in 2022-23.   2. How can the changes in female workforce participation be interpreted from different perspectives? The changes in female workforce participation c... Read More...

Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg):

Oct 20, 2023
1. What is the Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg)? UPAg is a newly launched portal designed for farm data management in India's agriculture sector. Its primary objective is to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of the agricultural policy framework. 2. What challenges in India's agriculture sector does UPAg aim to address? UPAg aims to address the complex governance challenges faced by India's agriculture sector by streamlining and improving data management, making policymaking more informed and effective. Read More...

Eastern and Western Dedicated Freight Corridors (EDFC and WDFC):

Oct 20, 2023
What is the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC)? Answer: The Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) is a 1,337-km freight railway corridor in India, stretching from Punjab to Bihar. It is designed to facilitate the efficient transportation of freight and reduce transit times for goods. What is the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC)? Answer: The Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) is a 1,506-km freight railway corridor in India, connecting Maharashtra and Gujarat with Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Like the EDFC, its purpose is to enhance freight tra... Read More...

Women's Employment and Gender Norms in India

Oct 20, 2023
What does recent research reveal about women's employment in India? Answer: Recent research using data from National Family Health Survey (NHFS) 2019-20 shows that in urban India, 44% of single women between 24 to 29 years of age are employed. However, only 33% of married women without children and a mere 19% of married women with children in the same age group are employed. How does women's education and age of marriage impact their employment in India? Answer: Women's education levels and age of marriage play a significant role in their employment choic... Read More...

Indian approach towards Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Oct 20, 2023
What is BRI? The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a global infrastructure development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013. It aims to improve connectivity and cooperation between China and partner countries, primarily through the construction of roads, railways, ports, and power is a geopolitical tool for global domination. India's approach towards BRI India has declined to join the BRI, citing concerns about sovereignty and debt. India is particularly concerned about the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is a flagship BRI p... Read More...

Glacial Lake Monitoring and Early Warning Systems:

Oct 20, 2023
Why is there a need to monitor glacial lakes in India? Answer: There are 56 at-risk glacial lakes in India, and the need to monitor them has increased due to the recent burst of Lhonak Lake, causing widespread damage. Monitoring these lakes is crucial to prevent and mitigate potential flood disasters. What recent initiative is India undertaking regarding glacial lake monitoring? Answer: India is working on a pilot project in collaboration with Swiss experts to establish the country's first early warning systems at vulnerable glacial lakes, including Lhonak Lake a... Read More...