
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Empowering Women: The Menstrual Hygiene Policy Draft

Oct 23, 2023
Policy Draft: A draft policy addressing menstrual hygiene has been released for public and expert input. Historical Neglect: The policy acknowledges the historical neglect of menstrual hygiene and its adverse impact on women, families, and the environment. Comprehensive Approach: It aims to comprehensively address the diverse requirements of all individuals who menstruate, emphasizing the importance of this issue in India's diverse population. Life Cycle Support: The policy adopts a "life cycle" approach, offering support from menarche to menopause. Breaking Barriers: Wh... Read More...

Price Stability for Food Security

Oct 23, 2023
Parboiled Rice: Extending Export Duty In a proactive move, government authorities have taken measures to control price surges and secure a steady supply of essential goods, especially during the festive season. Here's a breakdown of the key actions: Parboiled Rice: The government has extended the 20% export duty on parboiled rice until March 31, 2024. This step is aimed at maintaining an ample supply of parboiled rice in the domestic market. The export duty has already led to a significant decline in both quantity (65%) and value (56%) of parboiled rice exports. Export of broken rice has been proh... Read More...

Deciphering the Northeast Monsoon in India

Oct 23, 2023
The northeast monsoon, also known as the 'retreating monsoon,' is a weather phenomenon that occurs in the Indian subcontinent. It is the seasonal wind pattern responsible for bringing rainfall to certain parts of India during the winter months, typically from October to December. Here's a brief explanation of its mechanisms: Southwest Monsoon Withdrawal: The northeast monsoon follows the southwest monsoon, which brings heavy rainfall to India during the summer months (June to September). As the southwest monsoon weakens and withdraws, it creates a transition period before the onset of the northeast monsoon. Onse... Read More...

Male Contraceptive Pill

Oct 23, 2023
ICMR’s Injectable Male Contraceptive and its Sociological Implications 1. What is the significance of ICMR’s recent clinical trials? ICMR has completed clinical trials for the world’s first injectable male contraceptive, demonstrating its safety and high efficacy without severe side effects. 2. Where were the findings published? The results of the phase-III clinical trial were published in the international open-access Andrology journal. 3. Where were the clinical trials con... Read More...

FAQs: CCI’s Whistleblower Rules, Cartelisation, and their Impact

Oct 23, 2023
Q1: What is the Competition Commission of India (CCI)? Answer: The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body responsible for regulating and ensuring fair competition in the Indian market and preventing anti-competitive practices. Q2: How does CCI define ‘whistleblower’ in its new regulations? Answer: In the context of the CCI’s new regulations, a ‘whistleblower’ refers to a company that exposes and provides information about cartel activities it is a part of, aiming to get a lesser penalty in return. Read More...

SRIRAM’s Explainer: Introduction to Indigenous EV Charging Standard

Oct 23, 2023
Introduction: The Bureau of Indian Standards has approved a new indigenous combined AC and DC charging connector standard for light electric vehicles (LEVs). Global Significance: This standard is presented as the world’s first combined AC and DC charging connector designed particularly for LEVs. Developed in India, it aims to become a global reference point for LEVs. Impact on the EV Ecosystem: This standard provides benefits to various stakeholders in the electric vehicle ecosystem, from ve... Read More...

SRIRAM’s Explainer: Rise in Horticultural Production in India (2022-23)

Oct 23, 2023
Overview: Horticultural production in the 2022-23 crop year is projected to rise by 1.4%, reaching a record 351.92 million tonnes (mt), up from 347.18 mt in 2021-22, attributed to higher productivity. Crop Highlights: Fruit production is estimated at 108.34 mt, a slight increase from 107.51 mt in 2021-22. Vegetable production is expected to be 212.91 mt, up from 209.14 mt in the previous year. While fruits, vegetables, spices, and plantation crops have seen an increase in production, onion and tomato yields have declined. Read More...

SRIRAM’s Explainer: The Potential of Blue Bonds for India’s Marine Economy

Oct 23, 2023
What are Blue Bonds? A sustainable bond specifically designed to finance projects that protect and restore oceans and their resources. They are akin to green and social bonds but are ocean-specific. They can be issued by governments, development banks, or other organizations. Importance of Blue Bonds Globally: A rise in the significance of ocean conservation has led to the popularity of blue bonds. The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) recently released guidelines for blue bonds, providing clarity on eligibility cr... Read More...

SRIRAM’s Basics: Understanding Cotton Subsidies in Global Trade

Oct 23, 2023
What are Cotton Subsidies? Financial assistance given by governments to cotton producers. Aim: Support farmers, stabilize domestic markets, and promote exports. Why are they Controversial at the WTO? Developed countries, with fewer farmers and larger farms, provide massive subsidies. These subsidies distort global cotton prices, making it hard for farmers in developing nations to compete. The Global Players: USA: Major cotton producer and largest exporter. Subsidizes its cotton heavily, impacting global p... Read More...

SRIRAM’s Digest: Food Production Trends for 2022-23

Oct 23, 2023
Overall Food Production: Expected growth: 4.4% for 2022-23 compared to the previous year. Estimated output: A record 3,296.87 LT, which is 140.71 LT more than 2021-22. Rice: Estimated production: 1,357.55 LT, showing an increase of 62.84 LT from the previous year. Wheat: Estimated production: 1,105.54 LT, an increase of 28.12 LT from 2021-22. Nutri/Coarse Cereals: Estimated production: 573.19 LT, higher by 62.18 LT from last year. Read More...

Understanding Marine Cloud Brightening: A Hope for Coral Reefs?

Oct 21, 2023
What is “Marine Cloud Brightening”? Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) is a proposed geoengineering technique aimed at mitigating the effects of global warming. The method involves spraying fine droplets of seawater into the atmosphere to enhance the reflectivity (albedo) of marine clouds, making them whiter and brighter. This increased albedo helps reflect more sunlight back into space, potentially cooling the ocean surface below.   How does it work? MCB uses water cannons or specialized vessels to spray tiny seawater droplets into the ... Read More...

India's Export Trends Amid Global Economic Shifts

Oct 21, 2023
Global Economic Outlook: Recent assessments from the International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development suggest that the global economy is showing resilience, but the growth forecast remains weak. The only positive aspect noted is the relatively low inflation rate.   Impact of External Conflicts: The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict poses a threat to these forecasts. A prolonged conflict could destabilize the global economy, especially if ties between Israel and major Arab nations deteriorate.   ... Read More...

EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Impact on India

Oct 21, 2023
1. What is the EU carbon tax or CBAM? The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is an EU initiative aimed at equalizing the carbon cost between EU and non-EU producers. It imposes a tax on carbon-intensive imports from non-EU countries, ensuring that both domestic and foreign producers are subject to a similar carbon price.   2. When will CBAM be implemented? CBAM's transitional phase began on October 1, 2023, and will last until the end of 2025. During this time, Indian exporters must provide data on embedded emissions in their products... Read More...

Stricter Reporting Norms under PMLA: An Overview Money Laundering Rules Tightened

Oct 21, 2023
New Delhi: The government took a decisive step on Tuesday, reinforcing the regulations related to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).   The key amendments necessitate that: 1. Reporting entities must now ascertain the identity of their clients through dependable, independent identification sources.   2. They are required to gather information regarding the intended purpose and character of the business relationship.   3. Efforts must be made to comprehen... Read More...

Hezbollah: Origins and Geopolitics

Oct 21, 2023
Q1: What is Hezbollah? Answer: Hezbollah, translating to “Army of God” , is a Shiite political party with a military wing based in Lebanon.   Q2: How did Hezbollah originate? Answer: During the Lebanese civil war from 1975 to 1990, Hezbollah emerged mainly due to the discontent caused by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation's (PLO) significant armed presence in Lebanon. Post the 1979 Iranian revolution, it was founded by Lebanese Shiites funded by Iran's Revolutionary Guard to resist Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 198... Read More...