
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Goa Maritime Conclave (GMC) & Indian Ocean Region

Nov 02, 2023
Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Admiral R Hari Kumar recently outlined a vision for maritime collaboration in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) at the Goa Maritime Conclave (GMC). His proposals focused on building maritime competence through collective efforts in areas like maritime law, sea-borne narcotics trade, and environmental stewardship. Here are some FAQs to understand the intricate details of his vision. FAQs: 1. What is the Goa Maritime Conclave (GMC)? GMC is a platform where maritime issues relevant to the IOR are discussed. This was its fourth editio... Read More...

Project Kusha: India’s Indigenous Air Defense Initiative

Nov 02, 2023
Project Kusha is an ambitious defense initiative by India aimed at developing its own long-range air defense system by 2028-29. This system will be capable of detecting and neutralizing a wide range of aerial threats, such as stealth fighters, drones, and cruise missiles, up to a distance of 350 km. Here are key components : 1. Organization Behind: The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is leading the project. 2. Three-Layered System: Project Kusha aims to establish a three-layered air defense system. This means it will have different types of missiles c... Read More...

COP28: Main Points & Controversies

Nov 02, 2023
COP28 Overview: This refers to the 28th annual UN conference aimed at combating climate change. The location, Dubai, UAE, is crucial this year because the UAE is a major oil producer. The event spans from November 30 to December 12, 2023. Why Dubai is Controversial: Hosting COP28 in an oil-rich nation raises ethical questions. Critics liken it to a cigarette company overseeing a cancer conference due to the UAE’s significant role in fossil fuel production. Conference Importance: The primary aim is to limit global temperature increases to 1.5C in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. Surpassing this limit s... Read More...

Title: Gender Disparity in Indian STEM Faculties: A Comprehensive Study

Nov 02, 2023
Gist: A study conducted by BiasWatchIndia reveals that less than one in five STEM faculty members in India are women, with only 16.6% representation overall. The gender disparity is even more stark in top-ranked STEM institutes like IITs and IISc, where women make up just 10% of the faculty. Key Points: Overall Statistics: The study shows that 16.6% of faculty members in STEM fields in India are women. Worst in Top Institutes: Gender representation is as low as 10% in highly ranked institutions like IITs and IISc. Field-Specific Rates: Enginee... Read More...

Government of India Drought Manual 2016: An Overview

Nov 02, 2023
The Centre’s Drought Manual of 2016 is a crucial document that serves as a guide for the management and mitigation of drought conditions in India. Created by the central government, it outlines various criteria, indices, and procedures for declaring a region as drought-affected. Below are some of its key aspects: Drought Indicators: The manual specifies indicators like rainfall deficiency, soil moisture, and hydrological parameters to classify the severity of a drought. Methodology: It lays out a standardized methodology for assessing the drought situation, making it easier for states to identify affected regions.... Read More...

India Stack and its impact

Nov 02, 2023
1. What is India Stack? India Stack is a set of open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and digital public goods designed to facilitate digital transactions, identity verification, and data sharing at a large scale in India. 2. What are the key components of India Stack? India Stack includes components like Aadhaar authentication, e-KYC, e-Sign, DigiLocker, United Payment Interface (UPI), Aadhaar Enabled Payment System, Immediate Payment Service, and Aadhaar Payment Bridge. 3. How has India Stack transformed digital payments ... Read More...

Pearl Harbor and Its Significance

Nov 02, 2023
Pearl Harbor, a serene harbor on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, is known for its breathtaking natural beauty and historical significance. However, it is most renowned for the infamous surprise attack that occurred on December 7, 1941. This attack forever changed the course of history, pulling the United States into World War II and shaping the global geopolitical landscape. In this essay, we will delve into the events leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the attack itself, and its profound significance in the annals of history. Events Leading Up to the Attack In the early 20th century, Jap... Read More...

Bed Bugs in Paris

Nov 02, 2023
Q1: What are bedbugs, and why are they a concern? A1: Bedbugs are small wingless insects that feed on human blood, causing itchy welts. While they don’t transmit diseases, they are a nuisance and source of discomfort. Q2: Why is there concern about bedbugs in Paris and other cities? A2: Recent sightings and viral videos of bedbugs in public places have raised concerns about a potential outbreak, especially with the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris. Q3: What factors have contributed to the resurgence of bedbugs? Read More...

Why Pollinating Insects’ Decline Poses a Threat to Crops: Implications for India

Nov 02, 2023
In a rapidly changing environment, the alarming decline of pollinators, such as bees and moths, is becoming increasingly evident in various regions of India, including Hanumangarh, Rajasthan. Beekeepers like Rakesh Sharma have witnessed a dramatic reduction in honey production from once-prolific colonies. While localized studies have highlighted this issue, a recent global study, published in Science Advances, has brought the broader implications to the forefront. The research, led by experts from the University College London and the Natural History Museum, suggests that the decline in insect pollinators could jeopardize several tropical cr... Read More...

The blue carbon initiative in India

Nov 02, 2023
It focuses on the importance of coastal ecosystems, including mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and salt marshes, in combatting climate change and acting as carbon sequestration engines. These ecosystems have the potential to contribute significantly to emission reduction commitments and the blue carbon economy. Coastal states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, and West Bengal hold vast potential for capitalizing on the blue carbon economy. Mangroves, in particular, are highlighted for their ability to store carbon and sequester it at high rates. Restoration and protection of blue carbon ecosystems can help reduce emissions. Read More...

Salt marshes in India

Nov 01, 2023
They are coastal ecosystems found in India along its extensive coastline. These ecosystems are characterized by the presence of salt-tolerant plants and are influenced by regular tidal flooding. Here are some key points about salt marshes in India: 1. Distribution: Salt marshes can be found in various coastal regions of India, including the western coast along the Arabian Sea, the eastern coast along the Bay of Bengal, and in island territories like the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep Islands. 2. Flora and Fauna: Salt marshes support a unique community of salt-tolerant plants, including various species o... Read More...

Seagrass beds

Nov 01, 2023
They are underwater ecosystems that consist of various species of seagrasses. They are important coastal habitats that provide a range of ecological and economic benefits. Seagrass beds in India are found along its extensive coastline, especially in regions like the Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Lakshadweep Islands. Here are some key points about seagrass beds in India: 1. Biodiversity: Seagrass beds are rich in biodiversity and support a variety of marine species, including fish, crabs, and seahorses. They serve as nursery grounds for many commercially ... Read More...

Ukraine and Gaza

Nov 01, 2023
The Economic Impact of Global Conflicts on India: A Comprehensive Overview Summary: Recent global conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict, have had widespread economic ramifications. India, as a major importer of crude oil and an emerging market, is not immune to these disruptions. Key areas of concern for India include inflation, fuel prices, and international trade dynamics. Inflation Pressure: Retail Inflation: Currently at 5.02% but may rise due to high fuel and commodity prices. Read More...

Post-Harvest Losses in India

Nov 01, 2023
1. What are post-harvest losses in agriculture? Post-harvest losses refer to the reduction in quantity and quality of agricultural produce that occurs after harvesting, during storage, transportation, and processing stages. 2. Why are post-harvest losses a concern in India? Post-harvest losses in India result in significant food and economic wastage. It affects farmers’ incomes and contributes to food security challenges. 3. What is the extent of post-harvest losses in India? Post-harvest losses va... Read More...

Eurasian Economic Union: An Overview

Nov 01, 2023
The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is an economic and political union primarily located in northern Eurasia. As of my last update in January 2022, the EEU consists of five member states: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. The EEU aims to optimize the flow of goods and services among its member nations by coordinating policies and regulations, thereby creating a single economic space. Key Objectives: Single Market: Creation of a unified market for goods, services, capital, and labor. Policy Coordination: Standardization of economic policies, including tax... Read More...