
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India’s National Security Strategy Adoption: Importance and Context

Nov 07, 2023
What is a National Security Strategy? A framework that defines a nation’s security objectives, the threats it faces, and the methods to address these concerns. It guides the nation’s defense and security actions and policies. Why is India adopting a National Security Strategy now? India is formulating this strategy to systematically address the evolving array of threats, establish clear objectives, and ensure coordinated action across various defense and security departments. Which countries have a National Security Stra... Read More...

Balancing Welfare and Fiscal Prudence

Nov 07, 2023
As political parties in various Indian states make pre-poll promises, concerns arise about the long-term fiscal impact. Both major parties in Chhattisgarh, and other states, have offered schemes that could strain state finances, including cash transfers, subsidized amenities, and free education. National Fiscal Implications Prime Minister Modi’s extension of the free foodgrain distribution scheme, originally a pandemic relief measure, now takes on a near-permanent status with significant annual costs. This decision sets a precedent not just for state elections but also for the upcoming Lok Sabh... Read More...

OPEC+ and Oil Output Strategy

Nov 06, 2023
Understanding OPEC+ The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an intergovernmental organization of oil-exporting nations. OPEC+ refers to the alliance of OPEC members with non-OPEC oil producers like Russia. This coalition coordinates their oil production to manage the supply in the global market, which can affect oil prices. Strategic Cuts by Saudi Arabia and Russia Amidst global demand fluctuations and economic concerns, Saudi Arabia and Russia have agreed to maintain their voluntary oil production cuts. Saudi Arabia is continuin... Read More...

Food Safety in India: A Decline in Standards

Nov 06, 2023
Indian States and Food Safety Concerns The State Food Safety Index (SFSI) for 2022-23, compiled by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), indicates a worrisome decline in food safety standards across most Indian states. The FSSAI began this evaluation in 2018-19, and the trend has been a downward shift in food-safety scores over five years. Key Findings of SFSI Significant findings include a marked drop in the SFSI scores of major states, with prominent food industry players like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh witnessing their scores near... Read More...

Navayana Buddhism

Nov 06, 2023
Navayana Buddhism, also known as Neo-Buddhism, is a modern Buddhist movement. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a prominent social reformer and the principal architect of the Indian Constitution, initiated Navayana Buddhism. On 14th October 1956, he converted to Buddhism, denouncing the caste system and seeking an egalitarian alternative in Buddhism. Navayana Buddhism diverges from traditional Buddhism in various ways. It rejects rituals and ceremonies that are not aligned with rational thought and emphasizes social equality and justice, reflecting Ambedkar’s efforts to address social discrimination. The movement reinterprets Buddhist teaching... Read More...

Demographic Transition in India: Addressing Elderly Care

Nov 06, 2023
The demographic shift towards an ageing population in India necessitates a multifaceted approach to ensure dignified elder care. The Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing and the United Nations Principles for Older Persons set the framework for nations, including India, to develop policies that support an independent and dignified life for the elderly. The India Ageing Report 2023 highlights India’s specific challenges in this arena, such as the feminisation, ruralisation, and ageing of the aged. With a significant portion of the elderly being women, who often face greater vulnerabilities, there is an urgent call for gen... Read More...

Breakthrough in Sickle Cell Disease Treatment

Nov 06, 2023
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Overview: Sickle Cell Disease is a genetic disorder causing abnormally shaped red blood cells that can lead to severe health complications. Affected individuals suffer from symptoms like pain, infections, stroke, and other serious issues due to the crescent-shaped cells disrupting blood flow. Potential Gene Therapy Cure: Upcoming FDA Review: A gene therapy, possibly the first to use CRISPR in the US, is under review by FDA advisors. Treatment Mechanism: The therapy aims to edit the DNA in blood cells to produce h... Read More...

Gender Equality in the Indian Armed Forces

Nov 06, 2023
Indian Army Initiatives: Permanent Commission (PC): Expansion of PC for Women Officers in 12 Arms & Services. National Defence Academy (NDA): Inclusion of women cadets with ongoing batches from July 2022. Aviation Opportunities: Women Officers serving as pilots in the Army Aviation Corps. Career Advancement: Consideration of Women Officers for Colonel rank and command appointments. Enlistment: Introduction of women in Corps of Military Police with a target of 1,700 women. Indian Navy’s Steps ... Read More...

Impact of Rising Temperatures on the Global Water Cycle

Nov 06, 2023
Rising global temperatures are expected to cause significant shifts in the global water cycle, with serious implications for agriculture, water availability, and regional climates. The intricacies of the water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, are linked closely to temperature changes. Recent studies utilizing isotopic analysis have provided a clearer picture of how these processes have changed over the past two millennia, especially in response to human-induced climate warming since 1850. With the hottest months on record occurring as recently as 2023, the urgency to understand and adapt to changes in the water ... Read More...

Cover Crops: Guardians of Sustainable Farming

Nov 06, 2023
Cover crops are like protective blankets for soil, grown not for eating but to keep the soil healthy. They are planted when regular crops aren’t growing. These crops are like soil superheroes: they protect and improve the soil in various ways. Different types of cover crops do different good deeds for the soil: Brassicas (mustards, radishes): They loosen tight soil and help water and air move better underground. Grasses (wheat, barley): They cover the soil like a mat, preventing soil and nutrients from washing or blowing away. Legumes (clover, peas... Read More...

Biofertilizers: A Green Answer to Climate Challenges in Agriculture

Nov 06, 2023
Farming on the Frontlines: Agriculture is caught in the crosshairs of climate change, with crop growth being at the mercy of weather and environmental conditions. Rising temperatures, unpredictable rains, and new pests are just a few hurdles intensified by climate shifts. Climate Crisis: These issues are likely to escalate with the acceleration of climate change, highlighting the urgency of implementing mitigation strategies promptly to soften the future blows. The Biofertilizer Advantage: As a sustainable agricultural tool, biofertilizers present a green method to counter climate impacts. They consist of benefic... Read More...

Parliamentary Ethics Committee: Role and Function in MP Allegations

Nov 06, 2023
The Parliamentary Ethics Committee is pivotal in maintaining the sanctity of the House. It’s entrusted with the role of overseeing the ethical conduct of MPs and adjudicating on matters referred to it. Committee’s Mandate: The committee examines ethical conduct and can suggest sanctions against MPs. Its findings can have severe implications, including disqualification from Parliament. Process and Powers: During investigations, the committee can summon MPs, review evidence, and deliberate on the presented facts. It cannot, ... Read More...

India and Rare Earths: Essential Elements for Modern Technologies

Nov 06, 2023
What Are Rare Earths? Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17 chemical elements on the periodic table, consisting of the 15 lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. Despite their name, they are relatively plentiful in the Earth's crust but are rarely found in concentrated and economically exploitable forms, making their extraction challenging. Why Are They Needed? High-Tech Consumer Products: Smartphones, computers, and televisions use REEs for their display screens and electronics. Clean Energy: Wind turbines and electric v... Read More...

Monkeypox : India's Public Health Response

Nov 06, 2023
Monkeypox has emerged as a new public health concern, with cases being reported in various countries, including India. As a viral zoonosis with symptoms similar to those seen in smallpox patients, albeit less severe, understanding and managing monkeypox is critical to ensure public health safety. Key Points About Monkeypox: Causative Agent: Monkeypox is caused by the monkeypox virus, part of the Orthopoxvirus genus. ITransmission: It spreads through close contact with an infected person or animal, or with material contamina... Read More...

Gaza War:India's Abstention on UNGA Resolution: A Strategic Standpoint

Nov 06, 2023
The abstention by India during the United Nations General Assembly vote on a resolution for a truce in the Israel-Hamas conflict has been a subject of analysis and debate. The situation involves a resolution that was voted for by 120 member countries on October 26, calling for an "immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce." Reasons for India’s Abstention India's abstention can be attributed to multiple factors: Strong Position on Terrorism: India's abste... Read More...