
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

The Tarikh-i Alfi: Akbar's Chronicle of a Millennium

Nov 13, 2023
Introduction In the late 16th century, Mughal Emperor Akbar embarked on an ambitious scholarly project, commissioning the "Tarikh-i Alfi" (History of the Millennium). This work was designed to document the history of the world over the past millennium, coinciding with the completion of the first Islamic millennium. Background Context: The Islamic calendar marked its first millennium in the late 16th century. This period was a time of significant cultural, political, and religious developments across the Islamic world. Akbar's Vi... Read More...

Amar Jiban: Pioneering Feminist Autobiography in India

Nov 13, 2023
Overview: Rashsundari Devi's "Amar Jiban" (My Life), published in 1876, holds the distinction of being the first full-scale autobiography written by an Indian woman. It marked a significant milestone in Indian literature and the feminist movement. The Context: Patriarchal Constraints: Rashsundari Devi's life was set against the backdrop of a conservative, upper-caste Bengali family. Her autobiography sheds light on the societal norms that restricted women's freedoms, particularly regarding education. Self-taught Literacy... Read More...

The Ramayana: Diverse Interpretations

Nov 13, 2023
The Ramayana, an epic narrative central to Indian culture and religion, has been reinterpreted in myriad ways over centuries. Its core story revolves around Lord Rama, his wife Sita, and a host of other characters including the monkey god Hanuman and the demon king Ravana. Multifaceted Interpretations: Historical Evolution: The Ramayana has evolved over at least 2,000 years in India and across Asia. Its retellings reflect the cultural, religious, and political contexts of their times. Versions and Variants: The oldest known version was penned by Valmiki in the 8th century... Read More...


Nov 13, 2023
Altruism: Risking Lives for Others The act of risking one’s life for others is a profound demonstration of altruism. Here’s why individuals might engage in such selfless behavior: Psychological Factors: Empathy: Strong emotional connection with others can drive one to act selflessly. Moral or Ethical Beliefs: Deep-rooted principles about right and wrong can compel such actions. Social and Cultural Influences: Socialization: Cultural norms and upbringing emp... Read More...

Kangaroo Courts A

Nov 13, 2023
  Kangaroo Court” is a colloquial term for a court that lacks proper authority or legal standing. It often implies a biased or pre-determined verdict, disregarding legal standards. Key Characteristics: Bias: These courts are known for their partiality and unfair proceedings. Lack of Proper Legal Procedures: They often do not follow established legal protocols. Prejudged Outcomes: Verdicts in such courts are typically decided before the trial. Usage in Social Sciences: Symbol of Injustice: It represe... Read More...

Israel-Palestinian Conflict and Ethics

Nov 13, 2023
Partisan thinking can prevent us from seeing the full picture and considering the ethical complexities of the situation. In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is a long history of suffering on both sides. It is important to recognize the suffering of all parties involved and to work towards a solution that is just for all. Here are some universalist principles that can be applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The right to life and security: All people have the right to live free from fear of violence. The right to self-determination: All people have the right ... Read More...

Push-pull trains

Nov 13, 2023
Push-pull trains, a home-grown technology for faster trains, is in the final stages of roll-out after four years. Push-pull trains have two engines, hard-wired to act as one, which provide additional power and reduce acceleration and deceleration times. The first push-pull trains will be composed of non-air-conditioned coaches of General and Sleeper classes only. The trains will have a maximum speed of 130 kmph and will have less detention time at stations, making for faster turnarounds. The cost of a push-pull rake is estimated to be in the vicinity of Rs 50 crore. A total of 10 such trai... Read More...

Hannah Arendt on Totalitarianism

Nov 13, 2023
Hannah Arendt, a notable political theorist, provided profound insights into the nature of totalitarianism. Her views can be summarized as follows: 1. Ideology and Terror: Arendt emphasized that totalitarian regimes rely heavily on a dominant ideology and the use of terror to control and manipulate populations. 2. Loss of Individual Freedom: She highlighted how these regimes obliterate individual freedoms and personal liberties, imposing a monolithic form of governance. 3. The Banality of Evil: A key concept from Arendt is the ‘banality of evil,’ suggesting that ordinary people can comm... Read More...

Bertrand Russell’s Moral Philosophy

Nov 13, 2023
Bertrand Russell, a prominent 20th-century philosopher, contributed significantly to moral philosophy. His views can be simplified as follows: 1. Human-Centric Approach: Russell believed in placing human welfare at the core of moral philosophy. He argued that happiness and the reduction of suffering are fundamental moral objectives. 2. Empirical Skepticism: He was skeptical of absolute or divine moral laws, advocating instead for a rational, empirical approach to ethics. 3. Liberal Values: He championed individual liberty, freedom of thought, and democratic governance as crucial for moral developme... Read More...

Lie Detector/Polygraph Mechanics

Nov 10, 2023
Lie detectors, also known as polygraphs, operate by measuring physiological responses that are believed to change when a person is lying. These responses include: 1. Heart Rate: Increased heart rate can indicate stress or anxiety. 2. Blood Pressure: Like heart rate, elevated blood pressure may signal stress. 3. Respiration: Changes in breathing patterns can suggest discomfort or deception. 4. Skin Conductivity: Also called galvanic skin response, this measures sweat gland activity, which can increase during lying. Working Principle: Read More...

Why is Israel so important to the US and the West

Nov 10, 2023
Israel holds significant importance to the West for several reasons: 1. Strategic Location: Israel is situated in a geopolitically vital region in the Middle East. Its location allows Western powers to maintain influence and have a strategic presence in a region rich in energy resources and of strategic importance for global stability. 2. Security and Defense: Israel is considered a staunch ally in a region where Western interests often clash with regional powers and instability. Israel has a strong military and intelligence apparatus, which can contribute to Western security efforts. Read More...

Bihar's Expanded Reservation Quota

Nov 10, 2023
Introduction: Bihar, one of India's most populous states, has recently witnessed a significant development in its reservation policies. The Bihar Assembly, in a unanimous decision, has passed a bill to augment the reservation quota for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) from the previous 50 percent to a noteworthy 65 percent. This landmark decision comes on the heels of the state's first-ever caste-based socio-economic survey, which revealed stark disparities in income and living conditions among its residents, irrespective of their caste or community. Read More...

Keeladi: A Pinnacle of Tamil Consciousness

Nov 10, 2023
Unearthing Keeladi's Uniqueness The Heart of Tamil Heritage: Keeladi, a small village near Madurai, Tamil Nadu, has emerged as a central focus of Tamil heritage and consciousness due to its profound archaeological significance. Why Keeladi Stands Out: Ancient Civilizational Evidence: Discoveries at Keeladi date back to as early as the 6th century BCE, pushing back the timeline of the Sangam age and suggesting an advanced civilization in Tamil Nadu paralleling the northern Gangetic plains. Literacy ... Read More...

Sant Ravidas and His Indirect Influence During the Mughal Era

Nov 10, 2023
Understanding Sant Ravidas: Sant Ravidas, a prominent 14th-century Bhakti saint and social reformer, was known for his messages advocating equality, social justice, and unity, challenging the rigid caste system prevalent in India at the time. The Bhakti Movement: Era of Flourishing: The Bhakti movement, where Ravidas was a key figure, gained momentum between the 14th and 17th centuries, overlapping with the early Mughal period in India. Principles: It emphasized personal devotion to God, disregarding caste distinctions and rituals, which ... Read More...

World History

Nov 10, 2023
GS:Paper 1 Gold's Impact on Migration and Global Finance: The California Gold Rush Historical Context: Gold, a symbol of wealth and prosperity, has significantly influenced global events, including migration patterns and economic systems. One such profound impact was seen during the California Gold Rush in the mid-19th century. Gold and Migration: Early Discoveries: Gold has been valued since at least 4000 BC, but its discovery in California in the 19th century had a monumental impact. ... Read More...