
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Rohingya refugees

Nov 16, 2023
1. Who are the Rohingya? The Rohingya are an ethnic group, largely Muslim, originally from the Rakhine State in Myanmar, who have faced persecution and displacement. 2. Why have Rohingya refugees fled Myanmar? They have fled due to systemic violence and discrimination, including military crackdowns that have been described by the United Nations as ethnic cleansing. 3. What challenges do Rohingya refugees face? They face challenges like statelessness, lack of legal protection, and difficulties in accessin... Read More...

Rohingya refugees in northeast India

Nov 16, 2023
1. Who are the Rohingyas? The Rohingyas are a Muslim minority group from Myanmar, primarily from the Rakhine state. They have been facing persecution and have fled to various countries, including India. 2. Why is the Rohingya presence in India considered a threat? The illegal migration of Rohingyas poses security concerns, as they have been moving to sensitive regions like the northeast, which has a history of insurgency and ethnic strife. 3. What actions have been taken by the Indian authorities? Indian... Read More...

Indian Tamils of Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan Tamils

Nov 16, 2023
1. Who are the Indian Tamils of Sri Lanka? Indian Tamils of Sri Lanka, also known as Hill Country Tamils, are descendants of indentured laborers brought to Sri Lanka during British colonial times to work in the tea plantations. 2. What is the historical background of Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka? They were brought to Sri Lanka from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu in the 19th and early 20th centuries to fulfill the labor demands of the British-owned tea estates. 3. What have been the main challenges faced by Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka? Read More...

Uniqueness of Qatar’s foreign policy

Nov 16, 2023
1. What distinguishes Qatar’s foreign policy? Qatar’s foreign policy is notable for its mediation efforts, balancing relationships with various regional and global powers, including groups and nations with differing interests. 2. How has Qatar become a key player in global diplomacy? Qatar has leveraged its strategic position and significant economic resources to mediate in conflicts and crises, positioning itself as an indispensable ally, particularly to Western powers. 3. Why does Qatar engage with groups like Hamas? Read More...

Digital technology and policing in India

Nov 16, 2023
1. What technological advancements have been made in Indian policing recently? Advancements include the digitization of records, the integration of software tools for analysis and documentation, the use of CCTV and other surveillance technologies, and the implementation of advanced communication and database systems. 2. How has technology improved police work in India? Technology has made policing more efficient through better record-keeping, more accessible data, enhanced surveillance, and faster response times due to improved communication tools. Read More...

Social stock exchanges:

Nov 16, 2023
1. What is a social stock exchange (SSE)? A social stock exchange is a platform where social enterprises and nonprofit organizations can list and raise capital through the sale of securities, similar to a traditional stock exchange but focused on social impact investments. 2. How does a social stock exchange differ from a traditional stock exchange? While traditional stock exchanges focus on financial performance, SSEs prioritize social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. 3. Who can list on a social stock exchange?... Read More...

Fact-checking units of state governments

Nov 16, 2023
1. Why are state governments keen on establishing fact-checking units? Governments aim to address the spread of misinformation, which can have serious consequences for public order and governance, by verifying and clarifying information shared in the public sphere. 2. What structures are proposed for the operation of these fact-checking units? The proposed structure typically includes an oversight committee, nodal officers for coordination, a fact-check team responsible for verifying claims, an analytics team for data analysis, and a capacity-building team for educat... Read More...

Tackling Jobless Growth in India

Nov 16, 2023
Q: Why is India experiencing jobless growth despite economic expansion? A: India's growth has been driven by the service sector, which employs less than 30% of the population. Manufacturing, traditionally a significant job creator, has shifted towards capital-intensive methods, reducing employment opportunities. Q: What factors contribute to the lack of job creation in manufacturing? A: The transition to capital-intensive production, limited growth of MSMEs, and lack of investment in industries like food processing contribute to reduced job creation in manufactur... Read More...

India’s Goldilocks Economy

Nov 16, 2023
The term “Goldilocks economy” originates from the children’s fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” where the character Goldilocks prefers things that are not at extremes but ‘just right.’ In economic terms, a Goldilocks economy refers to a state of play where the growth rate is neither too high, causing inflation, nor too low, leading to stagnation. It is characterized by a stable job market, moderate economic expansion, controlled inflation, and a balance between saving and spending—essentially, an economy that is in equilibrium. India’s economic scenario has often been described ... Read More...

Food Systems and Climate Negotiations at COP28

Nov 14, 2023
Q: What is the focus of COP28 regarding food systems? A: COP28 will dedicate a day to recognizing the role of food systems in climate change, focusing on the impact of food production, transportation, and storage on carbon emissions and their vulnerability to climate changes. Q: What have global organizations requested from the UNFCCC? A: Around 80 organizations, including WWF and the Food Systems Partnership, have urged the UNFCCC to acknowledge the importance of transforming food systems to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Read More...

Crop Diversification Away from Paddy

Nov 14, 2023
Q1: Why is there a push for crop diversification away from paddy cultivation? A1: Crop diversification is encouraged to address environmental concerns like soil depletion, water table reduction, and to combat the air pollution crisis exacerbated by paddy stubble burning. Q2: How can crop diversification benefit farmers and the environment? A2: It promotes sustainable agriculture, reduces dependency on a single crop, conserves water, improves soil health, and decreases the incidence of crop burning and related pollution. Q3: What ste... Read More...

Indian Rupee as a Global Hard Currency

Nov 14, 2023
What is a Hard Currency? A hard currency, also known as a strong currency, is one that is globally recognized for its stability and reliability. It is widely accepted around the world as a form of payment and is often preferred in international transactions. Benefits of Having a Hard Currency: Stable Exchange Rates: Hard currencies usually experience less fluctuation in the forex markets. Lower Interest Rates: Can often borrow at lower interest rates internationally. Investment Inflows: Attracts foreign investment du... Read More...

“From the River to the Sea” in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Nov 14, 2023
"Q1: What is the significance of the phrase “from the river to the sea” in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? A1: This phrase historically represents the Palestinian nationalist claim to land extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, the area covering both Israel and Palestine. Q2: How has the phrase “from the river to the sea” been interpreted differently by various groups? A2: For Palestinians, it symbolizes a call for returning to the borders under British control before 1948, reflecting their aspiration f... Read More...

India’s Energy Transition:Current Status

Nov 14, 2023
Q1: What is energy transition? A1: Energy transition refers to the global shift from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption — including oil, natural gas, and coal — to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower. Q2: Why is energy transition necessary? A2: Transitioning to renewable energy is essential for reducing carbon emissions, combating climate change, ensuring energy security, and creating sustainable economic growth. Q3: What is the current progress of India’s energy transit... Read More...

Antiquities Repatriation and Cultural Heritage

Nov 14, 2023
Q1: What is antiquities repatriation? A1: Antiquities repatriation involves the return of cultural artifacts, often of historical and heritage significance, to their country of origin or the community from which they originated. Q2: Why is the repatriation of antiquities important? A2: Repatriation is crucial for preserving cultural heritage, respecting the historical and emotional significance of artifacts, and correcting historical wrongs where items were removed under dubious circumstances. Q3: What international conventions gove... Read More...