
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

AI-Enabled Oxygen Production for Mars Missions

Nov 17, 2023
Introduction: With advancements in space technology, a robot has successfully used Martian meteorite samples to create a catalyst that can produce oxygen from water. This is a significant breakthrough for future Mars missions, potentially enabling human life support and settlement on the Red Planet. Q: What was the robot’s main achievement? A: The robot developed a catalyst that can extract oxygen from water, a critical step for sustaining life on Mars. Q: How does this discovery benefit space exploration? A: It makes space missions more s... Read More...

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana’s Progress and Challenges

Nov 17, 2023
Overview of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY): Initiative Launched: In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the SAGY with a 10-year timeframe aiming to develop infrastructure in villages. Target: Each Member of Parliament (MP) was expected to adopt eight gram panchayats (GPs) for development. The goal was to develop three GPs by March 2019 and the remaining five by 2024. Current Status: Limited Adoption: Only about 52% of the targeted GPs have been adopted by MPs. Incomplete Development: In many adopted villages, the completion ra... Read More...

Warm and Cold Spells in the Arctic: Impact on India’s Monsoon

Nov 17, 2023
Arctic Climate and Indian Monsoon Link: Historical Connection: Research indicates a significant correlation between climatic conditions in the Arctic and the patterns of the Indian monsoon over the past millennium. Warm Arctic, Intense Monsoon: Warmer conditions in the Arctic have been associated with more intense rainfall in the Indian subcontinent. Cold Arctic, Weak Monsoon: Conversely, colder spells in the Arctic correspond to weaker monsoon seasons in India. Mechanism of Impact: Influence on Temperature Gradient: The Arctic’s t... Read More...

Heat Waves and India’s Progress on Sustainable Development Goals

Nov 17, 2023
Impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Increased Risk: The increasing intensity and frequency of heat waves in India pose a significant challenge to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to health, well-being, sustainable cities, and life on land. Affecting Health and Agriculture: Heat waves can lead to health emergencies and affect agriculture, impacting livelihoods and food security. Climate Vulnerability Assessments: Need for Inclusion of Heat Waves:Currentl... Read More...

Debt-for-Nature Swaps

Nov 17, 2023
Concept and Mechanism: Debt-for-Nature Swap: An innovative financial transaction where a portion of a nation’s foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation projects. Multi-party and Bilateral Deals: Involves either a third-party institution purchasing a country’s debt at a discount or a bilateral agreement where a creditor country forgives debt for conservation commitments. Local Currency Investment: The debtor nation repays part of the debt in local currency, which is then invested in conservation efforts, instead of repayi... Read More...

Importance of Bees in Ecosystems and Agriculture

Nov 17, 2023
1. Pollination: Crucial for Plant Reproduction:Bees are vital pollinators. They transfer pollen between flowering plants, helping them to produce fruits and seeds. This process is essential for the reproduction of many plant species. 2. Biodiversity Support: Maintaining Ecosystem Health: By aiding in plant reproduction, bees contribute to the maintenance and growth of a wide variety of plant life, supporting biodiversity within ecosystems. 3. Food Production: Critical for Agriculture: Read More...

Plastic Debris in Oceans: Causes, Dangers and Solutions

Nov 17, 2023
Plastic Debris in Oceans: Causes, Dangers and SolutionsCauses of Plastic Debris in Oceans 1. Overuse of Single-Use Plastics: Daily Consumption:The widespread use of single-use plastic items like bags, bottles, straws, and packaging materials is a major contributor. These items are often discarded after one use and not properly disposed of. 2. Inadequate Waste Management: Lack of Recycling: In many areas, especially in developing countries, recycling facilities are inadequate, leading to more plastics being dumped... Read More...

Burden of Fungal Diseases in India

Nov 17, 2023
Basics of Fungal Diseases: Fungal diseases are infections caused by fungi, a kingdom of organisms distinct from bacteria, viruses, and animals. These diseases can range from mild skin conditions to severe infections that affect the lungs, brain, or bloodstream. Fungal Disease Burden in India: Key Insights Prevalence: A significant portion of India’s population is affected by serious fungal diseases. A comprehensive review estimated that around 57 million people in India may suffer from these conditions. Types of Infections: Common f... Read More...

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) in India

Nov 17, 2023
What is a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF)? A GLOF is a catastrophic flooding event that occurs when the dam containing a glacial lake fails. This can happen due to various triggers, such as avalanches, earthquakes, or the melting of the ice dam, leading to the sudden release of large volumes of water. How many people in India are at risk from GLOFs? Approximately three million people in India are at risk from GLOFs. This accounts for a significant portion of the global population exposed to such risks. What has caused the increas... Read More...

Bioplastics: Challenges in India's Plastic Crisis

Nov 16, 2023
1. What exactly are bioplastics? Bioplastics are a diverse family of materials with varying properties, but they are generally characterized by being biologically based, biodegradable, or both. They are made from renewable biomass sources like corn starch, sugarcane, and cellulose. 2. Can bioplastics be considered a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics? While bioplastics do offer certain environmental benefits, such as lower greenhouse gas emissions during production, they also pose challenges. These include competition with food production for agricultura... Read More...

The Archaeopteryx fossil holds significant importance

Nov 16, 2023
1. Transitional Fossil: Archaeopteryx is recognized as a key transitional fossil, demonstrating a clear link between non-avian feathered dinosaurs and modern birds. This supports the evolutionary lineage suggesting that birds are descended from dinosaurs . 2. Anatomical Features: The wing design of Archaeopteryx, similar to modern birds, and its feather structure point to its capability for flight, albeit likely in short bursts due to its bone structure. This offers insights into the early stages of flight in birds . 3. Diet and Eco... Read More...

NASA’s and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)

Nov 16, 2023
1. What does UAP stand for? UAP stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, which is the term NASA uses for what are commonly known as UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects. 2. What is NASA’s position on UAPs being extraterrestrial? NASA’s committee has found no evidence of extraterrestrial involvement in the UAP events reported so far, although it does not rule out non-terrestrial origins for those that remain unexplained. 3. How is NASA planning to improve UAP reporting? NASA is considering the... Read More...

Chinese spy balloons over U.S. airspace

Nov 16, 2023
1.What is a spy balloon? Spy balloons are aerial surveillance devices used for intelligence gathering from high altitudes, often equipped with cameras and sensors. 2.How do spy balloons work? They float in the stratosphere, carried by winds, while collecting data with their on-board equipment, which can include cameras, radar, and communication interception tools. 3.What was the recent incident involving Chinese spy balloons in the USA? A Chinese balloon, believed to be used for surveillance, was detecte... Read More...

Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) NISAR mission

Nov 16, 2023
1. What is the NISAR mission? NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a joint mission between NASA and ISRO to deploy a radar imaging satellite designed to observe and take measurements of Earth’s land, ice sheets, and ecosystems. 2. What are the objectives of the NISAR mission? The mission aims to provide data for climate change research, including information on ecosystem disturbances, ice-sheet collapse, and natural hazards like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. 3. When is the NISAR satellite expected to ... Read More...

World Trade Organization (WTO): MC 13 at Abu Dhabi and the concerns of developing countries

Nov 16, 2023
1. What are the main issues for developing countries in WTO talks? eveloping countries often focus on issues like agricultural subsidies, market access, special and differential treatment, and protection against unfair trade practices. 2. Why is there a concern about the decks being stacked against developing countries? There may be concerns that developed countries’ interests are prioritized, or that new rules and agreements could disproportionately benefit them. 3. How do WTO talks impact global trade? Read More...