
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Andhra Pradesh-Telangana Krishna Water Sharing Dispute: A Simplified Explanation

Dec 04, 2023
Background The Krishna river, a major water source in southern India, has been a point of contention between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This dispute primarily revolves around the sharing of river waters, particularly from the Srisailam reservoir, for various purposes including irrigation, drinking, and power generation. Key Issues and Developments 1. Geographical Context: The Krishna river flows along the border of both states, with major projects like the Srisailam dam and Nagarjuna Sagar dam being central to the dispute. 2. Recent Contro... Read More...

Deepfake Technology and Democracy: A Critical Overview

Dec 02, 2023
Deepfake technology, which manipulates media using AI and machine learning, has raised significant concerns for democracy and online authenticity. Recent incidents in political spheres, such as falsified videos in assembly elections and warnings from leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, highlight its impact on public perception and the challenges in discerning real from fake content. Key points to consider: 1. Global Legislative Responses: In the US, Congress mandates national security agencies to counter deepfakes, with detailed reports and mitigation measures published b... Read More...

Kasturi Cotton: India's Endeavor in Global Cotton Market

Dec 02, 2023
Brand Launch and Objectives Launch Date: Introduced on World Cotton Day, 7th October 2020. Goals: To enhance the global image of Indian cotton, align with the 'Aatmanirbhar Bharat' (Self-Reliant India) initiative, and promote the 'Vocal for Local' concept in cotton production. Brand Characteristics Symbolism: The brand and logo represent the unique qualities of Indian cotton - Whiteness, Softness, Purity, Lustre, and Indianness. Traceability and Certification Implementing A... Read More...

Henry Kissinger's Relationship with India

Dec 02, 2023
Historical Context: Cold War Era: Henry Kissinger served as U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor during the Nixon administration, a period marked by the Cold War and complex global diplomatic dynamics. Kissinger and India: 1971 Indo-Pakistan War: A significant aspect of Kissinger's interaction with India was during the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War, leading to the creation of Bangladesh. Pro-Pakistan Stance: Kissinger, along with President Nixon, favored Pakistan, partly due to strategic interests in balancing against Soviet influence in the region. Read More...

Bill on Cheating in Exams in Jharkhand

Dec 02, 2023
Key Points: Bill Enactment: The Jharkhand Competitive Examination (Measure for Control and Prevention of Unfair Means in Recruitment) Bill, 2023, received approval from the Governor. Harsh Penalties: Life imprisonment and fines up to Rs.10 crore for instances of cheating in competitive exams. Graduated Punishments: First Instance: Fine of Rs.5 lakh and one-year imprisonment, extendable by nine months without fine payment. Second Instance: Rs.10 lakh fine and three-year jail term, extendable by 30 months for non-payment. Ex... Read More...

Hornbill Festival: Nagaland’s Cultural Spectacle

Dec 02, 2023
The Hornbill Festival, symbolized by the vibrant and revered hornbill bird, is Nagaland’s most illustrious cultural event. Scheduled annually from December 1st to 10th, this festival showcases the rich tapestry of Naga culture and heritage. Dates: December 1-10 Location: Nagaland, India Highlights: Cultural Performances: Traditional dances, music, and arts. Ethnic Crafts: Exhibitions of Naga handlooms and handicrafts. Indigenous Foods: Culinary delights from various Naga tribes. Sports & Games: Traditional sports and modern competitions. Artistic Displays: Pa... Read More...

Global Methane Pledge’ at the 2021 Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow

Dec 02, 2023
India’s Refusal to Sign the ‘Methane Pledge’: Understanding the Context India’s decision not to sign the ‘Global Methane Pledge’ at the 2021 Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow can be understood in the context of various economic, social, and technical reasons, as highlighted by the Government of India: 1. Survival vs. Luxury Emissions: India distinguishes its methane emissions as ‘survival emissions,’ primarily stemming from small and marginal agricultural activities, unlike the ‘luxury emissions’ of developed countries. 2. Impact on Agriculture a... Read More...

Methane Emission Reduction in India: Strategies and Actions

Dec 01, 2023
India, as a participant in global climate change frameworks like the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, and Paris Agreement, has been actively engaging in measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane. The significant sources of methane emissions in India, as reported in its third Biennial Update Report, are primarily from agriculture, waste, energy, and industrial processes. The government’s approach to mitigate methane emissions includes a range of sector-specific strategies: 1. Agriculture Sector Initiatives: National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA): Focuses on climate-resilient pract... Read More...

Off-Budget Borrowings in India

Dec 01, 2023
What are off-budget borrowings? Off-budget borrowings are loans that are not directly shown in the government’s budget, typically raised by public sector entities or through special purpose vehicles, and do not count towards the official fiscal deficit. They enable borrowing beyond the set fiscal limits, allowing for expenditure without immediate impact on the government’s balance sheet. Why were off-budget borrowings by Indian states rampant? Off-budget borrowings by states were rampant due to the need for additional funds beyond allocated budgets for de... Read More...

India’s Electrification of Transportation

Dec 01, 2023
Q1: Why is the electrification of vehicles (EVs) important for India? A1: Electrification of vehicles is critical in reducing air pollution, decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases, and particulate matter like NO2, CO, and PM, thus improving air quality and public health. Q2: What are the environmental benefits of EVs compared to conventional vehicles? A2: EVs offer a zero-emission alternative to traditional combustion engines, potentially reducing PM and NOx emissions by 18 percent, CO2 emissions by 30 percent, and greenhouse gas emissions by 4 percent when fully a... Read More...

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Combating Climate Change

Dec 01, 2023
Importance of PPPs in Climate Initiatives Public-Private Partnerships are crucial for tackling climate change due to their ability to combine public policy support with private sector innovation and investment. This collaboration can accelerate the development and deployment of clean technologies, energy efficiency, and sustainable infrastructure. Benefits of PPPs in Climate Action 1. Leveraging Resources: PPPs enable the pooling of financial, technical, and human resources from both sectors. 2. Risk Sharing: They allow for sharing the risks associated... Read More...

BSE Market Cap Milestone and Global Ranking

Dec 01, 2023
Understanding Market Capitalization: Market capitalization is the total value of a company’s shares of stock, and for a stock exchange, it represents the combined value of all its listed companies. It is a pivotal metric that reflects the size and health of a market. Significance of BSE’s Growth: The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) reaching a market cap of $4.03 trillion signifies robust investor confidence and the growth potential of the Indian economy. It indicates a buoyant financial environment where the listed companies are thriving and expanding. ... Read More...

India:Carbon Neutrality in Agriculture

Dec 01, 2023
The Imperative of Carbon Neutrality: Carbon neutrality in agriculture means the sector emits no more carbon than it absorbs. Agriculture contributes significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, hence it’s crucial for sustainability. Agricultural Emissions: The sector emits carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), largely from livestock, rice paddies, soil management, and fertilizer use. Mitigation Strategies: Crops: Enhancing rice water management reduces methane. Zero-tillage and residue burning reduction also cut emissions. Read More...

Centralized Portal for Lost Mobile Recovery:Sanchar Saathi

Dec 01, 2023
The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) offers a citizen-centric portal, Sanchar Saathi, to assist in blocking, tracking, and recovering lost or stolen mobile phones. Portal Overview: Launch and Response: Launched nationwide in May, Sanchar Saathi has seen significant usage by individuals reporting lost mobile devices. Impressive Results: The portal has successfully blocked around 11 lakh mobiles, with approximately half traced and 55,160 phones recovered and returned. Usage Procedure: 1. Obtain Duplicate SIM: The... Read More...

Gujral Doctrine: A Framework for Regional Diplomacy

Dec 01, 2023
Remembering I.K. Gujral: Celebrating the 104th Birth Anniversary of India's 12th Prime Minister The Gujral Doctrine is a set of five principles formulated by Inder Kumar Gujral, former Prime Minister of India, to guide India's approach towards its neighbors, especially in South Asia. This diplomatic policy was particularly significant in the mid-1990s. Key Principles of the Gujral Doctrine: 1. Non-Reciprocal Basis: India, being the largest country in the region, would not expect reciprocity from its smaller neighbors in terms of diplomatic gestures. Instead, it would offer unil... Read More...