
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India’s Strategic Rail Networks: Enhancing Connectivity and Influence

Dec 16, 2023
1. What is IERN? The India-Europe Rail Network (IERN) aims to streamline trade between India and Europe, reducing travel time and costs. 2. What is IMEC? The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a trade corridor proposed to connect India with Europe through the Middle East. 3. How do they relate to the BRI? Both IERN and IMEC are similar to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in promoting regional connectivity but differ in specific routes and strategies. Read More...

Hydrogen Cyanide Discovery in Enceladus’s Oceans:

Dec 16, 2023
1. What was discovered on Saturn’s moon Enceladus? Hydrogen cyanide, a molecule crucial in the creation of life, was found in Enceladus’s oceans. 2. What does this discovery suggest? The oceans of Enceladus may have more chemical energy to support complex organic compounds than previously thought. 3. How was this discovery made? By re-analysing data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which orbited Saturn and sampled plumes from Enceladus. 4. What else was... Read More...

Discovery of Hydrogen Cyanide on Enceladus: A Potential for Life

Dec 16, 2023
Context: NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, operational from 2004 to 2017, made a significant discovery on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. It detected hydrogen cyanide, a molecule critical to the origin of life, in the moon’s icy jets. Key Points: 1. Hydrogen Cyanide: Composition: Colorless gas, lethal to many Earth organisms. Role in Life: Crucial for amino acid formation, the foundation of proteins. 2. Enceladus: A Candidate for Extraterrestrial Life: Features: Icy surface with a subsurfac... Read More...

Hemophilia Treatment in India

Dec 15, 2023
What is hemophilia? Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to make blood clots, a process needed to stop bleeding. This condition can lead to prolonged bleeding or spontaneous bleeding. How prevalent is hemophilia in India? India has one of the largest populations of persons with hemophilia, with an estimated 136,000 individuals living with the condition, although only around 21,000 are registered for treatment. What are the new national guidelines for hemophilia treatment in India? Read More...

Argentinian Peso: Currency Devaluation and Its Effects

Dec 15, 2023
What is Currency Devaluation? Currency devaluation is the intentional reduction of a currency’s value compared to other currencies, which can make a country’s exports more competitive and address trade imbalances. Why Devalue the Peso by Over 50%? Argentina’s significant devaluation aims to address its economic crisis by reducing fiscal deficits and stimulating economic growth. Short-term Impacts of Devaluation? Immediate effects include potential inflation, increased import costs, spur... Read More...

Regenerative Agriculture and Its Relevance to India

Dec 15, 2023
1. What is Regenerative Agriculture? Regenerative agriculture is a farming approach that focuses on improving soil health, increasing biodiversity, and restoring ecosystems. It involves practices like minimal ploughing, crop rotation, and the use of organic fertilizers. 2. Why is Regenerative Agriculture Important? It addresses soil degradation caused by intensive farming, enhances soil’s ability to store CO2, and helps mitigate climate change by turning agricultural lands into carbon sinks. 3. How Does Regenerative Agricultur... Read More...

Green Hydrogen and Its Role in a Sustainable Future

Dec 15, 2023
1. What makes hydrogen a desirable source of power? Hydrogen is abundant, produces minimal pollution when burned, and can store and deliver energy in a usable form. 2. How is hydrogen produced, and what are the types? Common methods include steam methane reforming and electrolysis. Types include grey, blue, green, and pink hydrogen, categorized based on production methods and carbon emissions. 3. Why is green hydrogen considered the most sustainable option? Green hydrogen is produced through water electr... Read More...

Carbon Capture and Storage

Dec 15, 2023
1. What is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)? CCS is a technology that captures carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from sources like power plants and industrial processes, compresses it, and stores it underground to prevent its release into the atmosphere. 2. Why is CCS important in tackling climate change? CCS helps to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, which is crucial for limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C and achieving net-zero emissions. 3. How does CCS work? CCS involves ... Read More...

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) and Seaweed

Dec 15, 2023
1. What is Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)? BECCS is a process where biomass (plant material) is burned to generate energy, and the CO2 produced is captured and stored. It’s seen as a way to produce energy while achieving negative emissions since plants absorb CO2 while growing. 2. How does BECCS contribute to carbon reduction? BECCS captures CO2 that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere during bioenergy production, helping to reduce the overall carbon footprint of energy generation. 3. What are th... Read More...

Blockchain-Powered Data Storage in Indian Government

Dec 15, 2023
Overview: Blockchain technology, known for its robust security and decentralization, is being explored by the Indian government for data storage solutions. This involves leveraging blockchain’s inherent features like immutability, transparency, and distributed ledger technology for managing government data. Key Points: 1. Enhanced Security: Blockchain’s secure nature helps protect sensitive government data against hacking and unauthorized access. 2. Transparency and Accountability: The technology ensures transparency in govern... Read More...

UAE’s $30 Billion Climate Investment Fund at COP28

Dec 15, 2023
1. What is the ALTÉRRA fund announced at COP28? ALTÉRRA is a $30 billion climate investment fund launched by the UAE at COP28, aimed at mobilizing private capital for climate investments, particularly in emerging markets and the Global South. 2. What are the objectives of ALTÉRRA, launched at COP28? The fund’s goals include mobilizing $250 billion by 2030 for climate investments and creating a fairer climate finance system. 3. How will ALTÉRRA contribute to the COP28 climate action goals? Read More...

FAQs on Adaptation at COP28

Dec 15, 2023
1. What was the key decision on adaptation at COP28? A framework was established to guide nations in protecting people and ecosystems from climate change, advancing the global goal on adaptation (GGA). 2. What is the global goal on adaptation (GGA)? The GGA aims to elevate adaptation to the same level of importance as mitigation in the UN climate process, a priority for climate-vulnerable countries. 3. What themes are covered under the GGA? Agreed themes include water, food, health, ecosystems, infrastru... Read More...

Loss and Damage at COP28

Dec 15, 2023
1. What is “loss and damage” in the context of climate change? Loss and damage refer to irreversible harm caused by climate disasters, crucial for small-island states facing issues like hurricane damage and sea-level rise. 2. What was the significant development regarding the loss-and-damage fund at COP28? A loss-and-damage fund was launched, marking a significant achievement during a COP opening session, with a focus on addressing irreversible climate damages. 3. How was the loss-and-damage fund structured? Read More...

The Santiago Network for Loss and Damage

Dec 15, 2023
It was established as part of the Warsaw International Mechanism to provide technical assistance to developing countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. This network aims to catalyze the efforts of various organizations, bodies, networks, and experts in implementing strategies to avert, minimize, and address loss and damage at local, national, and regional levels. The Santiago Network does not have a set structure for its functioning as of now. Since its establishment at COP25, there have been efforts to develop the network, including the launch of a portal on the UNFCCC website and calls for inputs from parties re... Read More...

Global Stocktake of COP28: Overview

Dec 15, 2023
Definition and Purpose: The global stocktake at COP28 refers to a comprehensive review process undertaken by the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Its purpose is to assess collective progress towards achieving the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, particularly in limiting global temperature rise. Key Components of the COP28 Global Stocktake: 1. Emissions Reduction Targets: Emphasis on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030, relative to 2019 levels. 2. Renewable Energy and Efficiency... Read More...