
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Indo-US Nuclear Deal:15 Years On

Dec 19, 2023
What is the 2008 Indo-US Nuclear Deal? A historic agreement between India and the US to cooperate in civil nuclear energy. Why is it significant? It allowed India to access civilian nuclear technology and fuel from the US even though India did not sign the NPT. What were the conditions? India agreed to separate its civil and military nuclear facilities and place civilian ones under IAEA safeguards. Current Status of the Deal: Despite the agreement, progress on importi... Read More...

Lab-Grown Meat: An Overview

Dec 19, 2023
What is Lab-Grown Meat? Lab-grown meat, also known as cultured or cell-based meat, is produced by culturing animal cells in a lab setting. It does not involve raising and slaughtering animals. Production Process: Starts with cell samples from animals. Cells are placed in a nutrient-rich environment, allowing them to grow and multiply, forming muscle tissue, which is essentially meat. Advantages: Ethical: Avoids animal slaughter. Environmental: Potentially lower greenhouse gas emissions and less water usage compared to traditional livestock far... Read More...

Economics:Shock Therapy and Argentina

Dec 19, 2023
What is Economic Shock Therapy? It’s a rapid, radical reform process in an economy, usually shifting from state-controlled to market-based systems. Why is it used? Employed in economies needing urgent, significant reforms, often transitioning from socialist to capitalist frameworks. Key Features: Sudden price liberalization, large-scale privatization, and strict fiscal measures are typical aspects. Does it always succeed? Success varies; some nations quickly ben... Read More...

Aditya-L1 spacecraft and SUIT

Dec 19, 2023
What is SUIT on Aditya-L1? The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) is an instrument on India’s Aditya-L1 spacecraft, designed to study the Sun. What did SUIT achieve recently? SUIT captured the first full-disk images of the Sun in ultraviolet light (200-400 nm wavelength), which are invisible to the naked eye. Why are these images important? They offer new details about the Sun’s layers, particularly the photosphere and chromosphere, enhancing our understanding of solar dynamics.... Read More...

Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB): India’s Gem in Global Trade

Dec 19, 2023
What is SDB? The Surat Diamond Bourse is the world’s largest office complex for diamond and jewelry trading, located near Surat city in India. SDB’s Features: With over 67 lakh square feet, it’s designed to be a central hub for international diamond trade. Facilities include a Customs Clearance House, a jewelry mall, international banking, and secure vaults. Inauguration News: Recently inaugurated by India’s Prime Minister, the SDB is set to enhance India’s global trade stature. Trader Engagement: Read More...

‘Salami Slicing’ Strategy and South China Sea

Dec 19, 2023
What is ‘Salami Slicing’ in the context of the South China Sea? ‘Salami Slicing’ is a strategy where a nation executes minor, steady actions to extend control in contested territories. Over time, these actions collectively lead to a major shift in control, often without immediate conflict. Example of ‘Salami Slicing’ in the South China Sea: A country might slowly build military installations on disputed islands. While each step is small, over time, the country establishes a strong military foothold. Why is the South China S... Read More...

Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB): India’s Gem in Global Trade

Dec 19, 2023
What is SDB? The Surat Diamond Bourse is the world’s largest office complex for diamond and jewelry trading, located near Surat city in India. SDB’s Features: With over 67 lakh square feet, it’s designed to be a central hub for international diamond trade. Facilities include a Customs Clearance House, a jewelry mall, international banking, and secure vaults. Inauguration News: Recently inaugurated by India’s Prime Minister, the SDB is set to enhance India’s global trade stature. Trader Engagement: Read More...

Horses in Ancient India

Dec 18, 2023
Military Prowess: Chariots and Cavalry: Horses were pivotal in ancient Indian warfare, used in chariots and later in cavalry. The Rigveda, one of the oldest Indian texts, contains references to horse-drawn chariots. Symbol of Power: Royal Status: Kings and nobility often showcased horses as symbols of power. The possession of a large number of horses was a sign of a ruler’s strength. Ceremonial and Religious Roles: Ashvamedha Yagna: This was a royal horse sacrifice ritual mentioned in ancient texts like the Yajurveda. It symbolized royal supremacy and was conduct... Read More...

Textile Sector Distress in India: Wages and Worker Exodus

Dec 18, 2023
Narrative Overview: The Indian textile and apparel sector, a significant employment generator with nearly 45 million jobs, is facing a severe crisis. A study by the Textiles Committee highlights the sector's distress, marked by declining exports, stagnant wages, increased imports, and a substantial impact on employment. Key Issues Highlighted: 1. Employment Impact: Between 2015 and 2020, the sector lost approximately 2.14 lakh jobs, as reported by the Textiles Committee. 2. Wage Stagnation and Incentive Loss: The slowdown has led to flat wages and ... Read More...

LEADS 2023 Report: Indian States and UTs in Logistics

Dec 18, 2023
LEADS 2023 Report on Indian Logistics Historical Context and Compilation: Origin: The Logistics Ease Across Different States (LEADS) report was initiated by the Indian government to benchmark logistics performance across states and UTs. Compiler: Compiled by the Union Commerce & Industry Ministry, it aims to encourage healthy competition and identify areas for improvement in logistics. Criteria for Evaluation: 1. Infrastructure: Quality and availability of logistics-related infrastructure. 2. Services: Efficiency, reliability, and cost-ef... Read More...

Saturn's Moon Enceladus: A Potential Habitat for Life

Dec 18, 2023
Key Insights: Discovery of Life's Building Block: NASA's study reveals hydrogen cyanide on Saturn's moon Enceladus, crucial for forming life's basic elements, amino acids. Habitability Indicators: Enceladus meets essential criteria for supporting life, with complex molecules needed for life potentially forming there. Abundant Chemical Energy: Enceladus's oceans may harbor more chemical energy than previously estimated, potentially fueling life. Methane Generation Evidence: Previous findings indicate methanogenesis, a life-origin related process, in Enceladus's i... Read More...

Dubai Consensus and the Transition Away from Fossil Fuels

Dec 18, 2023
Key Insights from the Dubai Consensus: 1.First Formal Acknowledgment: The Dubai Consensus is the first COP agreement to specifically recognize fossil fuels as the main driver of global warming. 2. Phase Down vs. Phase Out: Prior agreements, like the Glasgow COP26, focused on "phasing down" coal without specific timelines, creating ambiguity. 3. Global Parity: The inclusion of all fossil fuels in the Dubai Consensus signifies a uniform approach to reducing reliance on coal, oil, and gas. Challenges in Transitioning from Fossil Fuels: Read More...

Understanding INSACOG

Dec 18, 2023
What is INSACOG? The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) is a partnership between Indian health and research organizations. Its main job is to study the genetic makeup of the COVID-19 virus in India. Founding Bodies: Initiated by the Union Health Ministry, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Key Components Explained: 1. 54 Laboratories Network: INSACOG is a group of 54 labs across India working together to study the virus. Read More...

India-EFTA TEPA Negotiations

Dec 18, 2023
1. What is EFTA? The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is an intergovernmental organization aiming to promote free trade and economic integration among its members: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. 2. What is TEPA? The Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) is a proposed trade agreement between India and the EFTA member countries, focusing on enhancing economic cooperation and trade. 3. Why are the India-EFTA TEPA negotiations significant? These negotiations are important fo... Read More...

Myanmar Instability and Challenges for India

Dec 18, 2023
The situation in Manipur, a northeastern state in India, is intricately connected to the ongoing instability in Myanmar, especially following the military coup in 2021. This connection has several dimensions, impacting both internal security within Manipur and the broader geopolitics of the region. Impact of Myanmar’s Instability on Manipur 1. Refugee Influx: The military coup in Myanmar has led to a significant influx of refugees into Manipur. Many of these refugees are from the Kuki-Chin ethnic group, which shares kinship ties with tribes in Manipur. The influx of refugees has complicated the... Read More...