
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Remembering Rashid Khan: A Maestro of the Rampur-Sahaswan Gayaki

Jan 10, 2024
Rashid Khan, an illustrious figure in Indian classical music, passed away at the age of 55. He was renowned for his mastery in the Rampur-Sahaswan style, closely linked to the Gwalior gharana. This style is characterized by its medium-slow tempos, the use of a full-throated voice, and intricate rhythmic intricacies. Khan's performances were especially notable for their emotional depth. Whether in the initial alaap (the slow, improvisatory introduction of a raga), the bandish (the fixed, composed melody), or in conveying the meaning of the lyrics, his ability to infuse emotion into his music set him apart. His soulful renderings resonated deeply... Read More...

Explaining Minority Educational Institutions with Examples

Jan 10, 2024
1. Minority Status Definition: Educational institutions established or administered by a specific religious or linguistic minority group. For example, a college founded by a Christian missionary group specifically for Christian students. 2. Regulation Impact: Such institutions remain minority institutions even if governed by general educational statutes. For instance, a Sikh-run school still retains its minority status even if it follows state educational regulations. 3. Course Offerings: They can offer a mix of religious and secular courses. An Islamic university might offer religious studies alongside science and humanities... Read More...

Yakshagana: A Vibrant Indian Art Form

Jan 10, 2024
Yakshagana, a traditional Indian theatre form, combines dance, music, dialogue, costume, makeup, and stage techniques to create a unique blend of entertainment. Originating from the coastal Karnataka region, it depicts epic and mythological stories, particularly from Hindu texts like the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Bhagavata Purana. Characterized by its colorful costumes and elaborate makeup, Yakshagana performers bring stories to life with dynamic movements and expressive gestures, accompanied by powerful vocal performances and traditional instruments like chenda, maddale, and harmonium. The performance typically takes place on a makeshift stage at... Read More...

Frequently Asked Questions on Air Pollution

Jan 10, 2024
1. What is the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)? NCAP is a government initiative in India aiming to reduce particulate matter (PM) pollution by 40% in 131 cities by 2026. 2. What are PM 2.5 and PM 10? PM 2.5 and PM 10 are particles in the air. PM 2.5 particles are very small, less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, and are considered more harmful. PM 10 particles are less than 10 micrometers in diameter. 3. Why is air quality monitoring important? Monitoring air quality helps understand pollution levels, ... Read More...

Comparative Table: Furlough, Parole, and Remission

Jan 10, 2024
Comparative Table: Furlough, Parole, and Remission Criteria Furlough Parole Remission Definition Temporary leave from prison without a specific reason. Conditional, temporary release for specific reasons like emergencies. Reduction in sentence duration or intensity. Purpose Alleviate monotony, maintain family ties, societal reintegration Address specific... Read More...

Challenges in India’s Surgical Care

Jan 09, 2024
Overview: India, like many low-and middle-income countries, faces significant challenges in providing adequate surgical care. Despite the high need, surgical care is often overlooked in public health planning. Key Challenges in India’s Surgical Care: 1. Limited Access: Many Indians, especially in rural areas, can’t access surgical care when needed. Over 90% of rural residents may lack timely surgical care. 2. Infrastructure and Workforce Shortages: Rural areas often lack necessary medical facilities, roads, vehicles, and medical staff like surgeons and anesthetists. 3. Inadequate... Read More...

India’s New Hit-and-Run Law

Jan 09, 2024
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 Context: India’s new legislation, Section 106 (2) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, regarding hit-and-run incidents, has sparked protests among transporters and commercial drivers. They argue that the law’s stringent penalties are unfair and need reconsideration. What is the New Law About? The law imposes up to 10 years in jail and a fine for fleeing an accident scene and failing to report it. It aims to curb hit-and-run incidents and enhance accountability on roads. Read More...

Mulya Pravah 2.0 in Higher Education

Jan 09, 2024
What is Mulya Pravah 2.0? Mulya Pravah 2.0 is a set of guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in India. It’s an updated version of Mulya Pravah, first introduced in 2019, and focuses on instilling human values and professional ethics in higher education institutions. Why was Mulya Pravah 2.0 introduced? The need for such guidelines arose from unethical practices identified in various organizations, including favoritism, gender discrimination, and breaches of confidentiality. The aim is to build educational institutions that are deeply respe... Read More...

Mulya Pravah 2.0 in Higher Education

Jan 09, 2024
What is Mulya Pravah 2.0? Mulya Pravah 2.0 is a set of guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in India. It’s an updated version of Mulya Pravah, first introduced in 2019, and focuses on instilling human values and professional ethics in higher education institutions. Why was Mulya Pravah 2.0 introduced? The need for such guidelines arose from unethical practices identified in various organizations, including favoritism, gender discrimination, and breaches of confidentiality. The aim is to build educational institutions that are deeply respe... Read More...

Mulya Pravah 2.0 in Higher Education

Jan 09, 2024
What is Mulya Pravah 2.0? Mulya Pravah 2.0 is a set of guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in India. It’s an updated version of Mulya Pravah, first introduced in 2019, and focuses on instilling human values and professional ethics in higher education institutions. Why was Mulya Pravah 2.0 introduced? The need for such guidelines arose from unethical practices identified in various organizations, including favoritism, gender discrimination, and breaches of confidentiality. The aim is to build educational institutions that are deeply respe... Read More...

Mulya Pravah 2.0 and Ethics in Higher Education

Jan 09, 2024
1. What is Mulya Pravah 2.0? Mulya Pravah 2.0 is a guideline issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) aimed at inculcating human values and professional ethics in higher education institutions in India. 2. What was the trigger for the creation of Mulya Pravah 2.0? The development of Mulya Pravah 2.0 was triggered by survey findings highlighting unethical practices in various organizations, including favoritism, gender discrimination, and breaches of confidentiality. 3. What are the primary objectives of Mulya Pravah 2.0? Read More...

Understanding LK-99 in Superconductivity Research

Jan 09, 2024
Overview of LK-99:LK-99 is a material that has recently garnered attention in the scientific community due to its potential properties related to superconductivity. It stands out because of claims that it could exhibit superconducting behavior at room temperature. This possibility, if confirmed, represents a major advancement in the field of superconductivity. 1. What is Superconductivity? Superconductivity is a state in certain materials where they can conduct electricity without any resistance. This typically occurs at very low temperatures. 2. Significanc... Read More...

Constitutionalism: Democracy, Stability, Fairness

Jan 09, 2024
1. What is Constitutionalism? Constitutionalism is the principle that the authority of the government is derived from and limited by a constitution, which legally bounds both the government and the governed. 2. Why is Constitutionalism important in a democracy? In a democracy, constitutionalism ensures that power is exercised according to the rule of law, safeguarding citizens’ rights and liberties from arbitrary government actions. 3. How does Constitutionalism differ from the mere presence of a constitution? Read More...

Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra and Its Impact

Jan 09, 2024
1. What is the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra (VBSY)? The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra is a government initiative aimed at ensuring government schemes reach all deserving people across India. 2. What was the key message from Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding VBSY? Prime Minister Modi emphasized that VBSY’s main goal is to bring meaningful change by ensuring government benefits reach the poor, farmers, women, and youth. 3. How many people have been connected through VBSY? The Yatra has connected wi... Read More...

Graphene in Nanoelectronics: Basics and Breakthroughs

Jan 08, 2024
Graphene, a form of carbon composed of a single layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, has garnered significant interest in nanoelectronics due to its unique properties, including high electrical conductivity, flexibility, and strength. However, a major limitation of graphene for semiconductor applications has been its lack of an intrinsic bandgap, essential for controlling the flow of electricity. Bandgap in Semiconductors: A bandgap is a key property of semiconductors, determining their ability to conduct electricity. In graphene, the absence of a natural bandgap limits its use in applications where ... Read More...