
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

The Ken-Betwa River Interlinking Project

Jan 15, 2024
Rivers and States Involved Ken River: Originating in Madhya Pradesh, it's a central water source for the project. Betwa River: Also starts in Madhya Pradesh and flows into Uttar Pradesh, known for water scarcity issues. Madhya Pradesh: Hosts the origins of both rivers and key project components, including the Lower Orr dam. Uttar Pradesh: Benefits from improved water supply in water-deficient areas. Project Significance For Madhya Pradesh: Enhances irrigation and water availability, especially along the Ken and Betwa rivers. For Uttar Pradesh: Promises better agricultural a... Read More...

U.S.-India Social Security Totalisation Agreement

Jan 15, 2024
What is the Social Security Totalisation Agreement between the U.S. and India? The Social Security Totalisation Agreement is a proposed arrangement between the United States and India. It aims to address issues related to social security contributions made by expatriates in the host country. Under this agreement, an expatriate would not be required to contribute to the social security scheme of the host country. Who is Katherine Tai, and what has she said about this agreement? Katherine Tai is the United States Trade Representative (USTR). She recently acknowledged r... Read More...

Division of Stamp Duties in Indian Constitution

Jan 15, 2024
Under the Indian Constitution, stamp duties and registration fees are categorized into two distinct types based on their governance: Union List (Entry 91): Responsibility: Central Government. Coverage: Bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, letters of credit, insurance policies, share transfers, and debentures. Key Feature: Uniform rates across all states. Revenue Collection: Managed by State Governments. Revenue Allocation: Retained by State Governments. State List (Entry 63): Responsibility: State Governments. Coverage: Varied items, commonly including pr... Read More...

The "Dark Age" of Ancient India

Jan 15, 2024
The term "Dark Age" in the context of ancient Indian history is often used to describe a period of relative obscurity that follows the decline of a major civilization and precedes the rise of another significant phase. In the case of Indian history, this refers to the period between the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization and the emergence of the Iron Age, marked by the rise of urban centers like Gandhar, Koshal, and Avanti. Collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization: The Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world's earliest urban cultures, thrived in the northwestern regions of the Indian subcontinent from... Read More...

Sea Surface Temperature Records in 2023

Jan 12, 2024
What does it mean that 2023 had the warmest sea surface temperatures on record? It means that, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the average temperatures of the ocean’s surface across the globe in 2023 were higher than any other year since records have been kept. Why are sea surface temperatures important? Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are critical because they influence weather patterns, including rainfall, snowfall, and cyclones. They also affect marine life, which can have further implications for human food sources. Read More...

NECTAR: Catalyzing Change in India’s Northeast

Jan 12, 2024
Overview: NECTAR (North East Center for Technology Application and Reach) is making significant strides in transforming India’s Northeastern states through innovative initiatives and entrepreneurship. Key Highlights: 1. Diversifying Agriculture: Introduction of saffron cultivation in Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and Sikkim, traditionally exclusive to Kashmir. The first trials yielded promising results, expanding to 64 villages across 17 districts. 2. Empowering Entrepreneurs: NECTAR has supported over 150 entrepreneurs, notably aiding in projects like biodegradable yoga mats from water hyacinths and biopo... Read More...

AMR in India: Antibiotic Use & Government Steps

Jan 12, 2024
Antimicrobial Resistance in India: Over-Prescription of Antibiotics and Government Measures Q: What is antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and how did India reach this stage? A: AMR occurs when micro-organisms become resistant to antimicrobials they were previously sensitive to. Factors leading to AMR in India include inappropriate use of antibiotics, lack of diagnostic tools, inadequate training in antibiotic selection, insufficient AMR monitoring, and pharmaceutical industry influences. Q: Are antibiotics over-prescribed in India? A: Yes, antibiotics are freque... Read More...

Schedule M: Ensuring Pharmaceutical Quality in India

Jan 12, 2024
Schedule M, a crucial section of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940, defines the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for pharmaceuticals in India. It sets the standards that pharmaceutical manufacturers must follow to guarantee the quality, safety, and efficacy of their products. Key Components of Schedule M: 1. Facility Requirements: Specifies requirements for the construction and maintenance of manufacturing facilities. 2. Personnel Guidelines: Outlines standards for personnel qualifications, training, and hygiene. 3. Manufacturing and Control: Details p... Read More...

“Gangireddu Melam” Celebration in Andhra Pradesh

Jan 12, 2024
During the Sankranthi festival in Andhra Pradesh, the traditional “Gangireddu melam” is a vibrant spectacle. This event features bulls ornately decorated with a plethora of flowers and colorful garments, embodying the festive spirit of the occasion. Key Elements: The bulls, central to this celebration, are adorned with an array of bright flowers and traditional garments, showcasing intricate designs and vivid colors. Performers dressed in traditional attire accompany these bulls, enhancing the festive mood with melodic instrumental performances. The backdrop of the event is lively, with local communit... Read More...

AMU Minority Status Dispute

Jan 12, 2024
What is the current status of the AMU case in the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court is currently hearing the Aligarh Muslim University’s (AMU) challenge to the 2006 Allahabad High Court ruling that denied it minority status. This case is revisiting the 1967 ruling that AMU is not a minority institution, led by a seven-judge bench including the Chief Justice of India, D.Y. Chandrachud. What is the historical background of AMU’s claim? AMU was founded as Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875 and became a university through the 1920 Act. Changes to its go... Read More...

Megaliths in India

Jan 12, 2024
1. What are megaliths and where are they primarily found in India? Megaliths are large stone structures, often serving as monuments or burial sites. In India, they are predominantly found in peninsular regions, particularly in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. 2. Who were the people behind these megalithic structures? The exact identity of the megalithic people is uncertain due to the preliterate nature of these societies. They were likely diverse groups with complex societal structures, involved in agriculture and trade. Read More...

The Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023

Jan 12, 2024
The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969, which governs the regulation and registration of births and deaths in India, has been amended by the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023. This amendment reflects the government's commitment to modernizing and enhancing the efficiency of the registration process. Key Features of the Amendment Act: National Database of Births and Deaths: The Act mandates the Registrar-General, India to maintain a national database for registered births and deaths. State-level Chief Registrars and local area Registrars are required to contribute data to this national... Read More...

Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal

Jan 12, 2024
Formation and Function Creation: Established by the government to address appeals against decisions made by the Appellate Authority or the Revisional Authority. Purpose: To provide a platform for addressing grievances related to GST rulings. Appeal Process Eligibility for Appeal: Individuals dissatisfied with the decisions of the First Appellate Authority or Revisional Authority. Procedure: Appeals must be filed within 3 months with Form GST APL-05 and applicable fees. Fees: Involves paying the agreed amount from the original order (tax, interest, fines) and 20% of the disputed tax am... Read More...

Carbon Credit Trading Scheme, 2023

Jan 12, 2024
1. What is the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme, 2023? The Carbon Credit Trading Scheme, 2023, is a new initiative by the Ministry of Power to regulate and incentivize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in India. It involves the issuance and trading of carbon credits to meet emission targets. 2. Who issues the carbon credit certificates? The carbon credit certificates will be issued by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) to entities that surpass their assigned emission reduction targets. 3. How are the obligated entities for th... Read More...

Indian Agriculture: Income Support vs. Price Support Mechanisms

Jan 12, 2024
Distinction Between Income and Price Support: In agricultural policy, income support refers to direct payments to farmers that are independent of the volume of production or current market prices. This could be a fixed sum per acre or based on historical yields or production. On the other hand, price support involves mechanisms such as Minimum Support Price (MSP), where the government guarantees a minimum price for farm produce, directly influencing market prices. The Bhavantar Bharpai Yojana (BBY) Scheme in Haryana: The BBY is an innovative price deficiency payment scheme introduced in Haryana, I... Read More...