
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Hidden Dimensions of Poverty

Feb 20, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What are the hidden dimensions of poverty? The hidden dimensions of poverty include emotional and social aspects such as feelings of powerlessness, discrimination, lack of dignity, and isolation that are not easily measurable but significantly impact people’s lives. 12. How do these hidden dimensions affect policy effectiveness? If policies do not consider these hidden dimensions, they may fail to address the comprehensive needs of those in poverty, leading to ineffective solutions and perpetuating cycles of poverty. ... Read More...

Emerging Economies' Silent Debt Crisis

Feb 20, 2024
The Silent Debt Crisis of Emerging Economies: Causes, Effects, and Remedies The silent debt crisis, particularly affecting developing economies with weak credit ratings, has emerged as a significant challenge in the global economic landscape. This crisis is characterized by a complex interplay of causes, leading to profound effects on the affected countries, and necessitating a range of remedies to mitigate its impact. Causes COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic has drastically affected global economies, but developing nations have been especially hard-hit. Lockdowns and reduced economic activities led to sign... Read More...

Satyendra Nath Bose and the Foundations of Quantum Theory

Feb 20, 2024
Satyendra Nath Bose’s significant contribution to physics, particularly in the formulation of quantum theory, remains a monumental milestone a century later. In 1924, amidst the transformative phase of physics, Bose discovered a pivotal set of equations for understanding the behavior of photons, laying a foundational stone for quantum mechanics. This discovery was crucial for the advancement of quantum theory, earning a place among the six foundational papers of the field as highlighted by physicist Abraham Pais. Bose’s journey in physics began in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1894, where his mathematical talent was recognized early. His ac... Read More...

Digital Payments Ecosystem in India

Feb 20, 2024
1. What concerns were raised by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technology regarding fintech apps? The Committee expressed concerns about the dominance of fintech apps owned by foreign entities in the Indian ecosystem and recommended promoting local players. It emphasized the need for effective regulation of digital payment apps due to the rising use of digital platforms for payments in India. 2. Why did the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) issue a 30% volume cap on transactions facilitated using UPI? The NPCI issue... Read More...

Predicate Offenses: Supreme Court’s Clarification

Feb 20, 2024
What is a predicate offense? A predicate offense refers to an underlying criminal act that generates proceeds, which are then laundered. It’s a prerequisite for the charge of money laundering, signifying that money laundering cannot occur without an initial crime producing illicit gains. Why is the concept of predicate offenses important in money laundering cases? The concept is crucial because it establishes the foundational criminal activity leading to money laundering. Without a predicate offense, the process of disguising the origins of illegal proceeds can... Read More...

Pandu Rajar Dhibi and Proto-History in Eastern India

Feb 20, 2024
What is Pandu Rajar Dhibi? Pandu Rajar Dhibi is an archaeological site located on the banks of the Ajay River in West Bengal’s Burdwan district. Excavations have revealed it as a significant site dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE, showcasing a Chalcolithic/Copper Age civilization in eastern India. Why is Pandu Rajar Dhibi significant? The site provides crucial insights into the proto-historic period of eastern India, which is often overshadowed by the focus on the Harappan Civilization. It highlights the existence of advanced agricultural communities with u... Read More...

Space Pollution and India’s Remedies

Feb 20, 2024
What is Space Pollution and its Causes? Space pollution refers to the presence of defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments from disintegration or collisions, collectively known as space debris. Causes include satellite collisions, anti-satellite tests by countries like China, the US, India, and Russia, and the abandonment of old satellites and rocket stages in orbit. How Serious is the Issue of Space Pollution? The issue is critical, with over 27,000 cataloged objects and millions of smaller, uncataloged pieces posing dangers to operational satellites, ... Read More...

Space Collisions: The Threat and Remedies

Feb 20, 2024
What causes space collisions? Space collisions occur when defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, or fragments from previous collisions (collectively known as space debris) collide with operational satellites or spacecraft. These events are often caused by the high density of objects in popular orbits and the lack of effective debris management and collision avoidance systems. How significant is the threat of space collisions? The threat is significant and growing, with the potential to damage or destroy billion-dollar satellites, endanger human life on spacecraft o... Read More...

World Economies in Recession and Impact on India

Feb 20, 2024
What is a technical recession? A technical recession occurs when an economy experiences two consecutive quarters of negative growth in GDP. This indicates a significant slowdown in economic activity across various sectors. Which major economies are currently facing a contraction? As of 2024, Japan and the UK have entered a technical recession, and Germany is also facing an economic contraction. These developments signal challenges in some of the world’s largest economies. How does the economic contraction in these countries af... Read More...

Quantum Race

Feb 20, 2024
What is the Quantum Race? The Quantum Race refers to the global competition among countries and corporations to achieve significant advancements in quantum computing technology. This race is driven by the promise of exponentially increased computational power, which quantum computers offer, potentially revolutionizing fields such as encryption, optimization, and simulation. Why is quantum computing considered revolutionary? Quantum computing is revolutionary because it operates on quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to a phenomenon ... Read More...

Cheating and Leaks:Public Examinations Act

Feb 20, 2024
What is the purpose of the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024? The Act aims to curb the increasing instances of question paper leaks and other malpractices in recruitment examinations conducted by various government bodies to enhance transparency, fairness, and credibility. What are the penalties introduced by the new Act? The Act introduces stringent penalties, including a minimum fine of Rs.1 crore for those involved in organized cheating crimes and jail sentences ranging from 5 to 10 years for organized paper leaks. Read More...

Human-Elephant Conflict in Kerala

Feb 20, 2024
What has led to the increasing cases of human-elephant conflict in Kerala? The escalation in human-elephant conflict in Kerala is attributed to various factors, including habitat fragmentation and shrinking due to developmental activities, the encroachment of forest areas for agricultural and other uses, and the inadequate effectiveness of barriers like trenches and impediments to prevent entry of elephants into human settlements. What are the recent incidents of human-elephant conflict in Kerala? Recently, there have been reports of elephant attacks resulting in hum... Read More...

Digital Biology:Primer

Feb 20, 2024
Digital biology, an interdisciplinary field, merges the principles of biology, computing, and data analysis to understand the complexities of biological systems. This domain leverages computational tools and algorithms to model, simulate, and analyze biological data, including DNA sequences, protein structures, and cellular processes. Here are key concepts: 1. Bioinformatics: The application of computational technology to manage, analyze, and interpret biological data. It encompasses genome analysis, gene expression studies, and evolutionary biology. 2. Computational Biology: Focuses on developing mathematical models and comp... Read More...

Global Shift in Right-Wing Politics: Challenges

Feb 19, 2024
A Global Shift in Right-Wing Politics: The Rise Against Wokery, Immigration, and International Bodies In recent years, a significant transformation in right-wing politics has been unfolding globally, marked by the emergence of leaders such as Viktor Orban in Hungary, Donald Trump in the United States, and Giorgia Meloni in Italy. This movement is characterized by a unified stance against what they term as ‘wokery’, stringent opposition to immigration, and a growing skepticism towards international institutions. This phenomenon reflects a broader shift towards populism and nationalism, challenging the existing liberal order and re... Read More...

Understanding the Electoral Trust Scheme (ETS)

Feb 19, 2024
The Electoral Trust Scheme (ETS) was introduced by the Government of India in 2013 as a transparent mechanism for channeling contributions from corporate entities and individuals to political parties. Its primary aim is to enhance transparency in political funding, ensuring that the process of political contributions is clear and accountable to the public. Here’s a detailed overview of how ETS works and its significance in the context of political donations in India. Objective and Functioning of ETS ETS allows for the establishment of electoral trusts that act as intermediaries between donors (corporates and individuals)... Read More...