
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Inner-Party Democracy: Enhancing Democratic Processes within Political Parties

Mar 04, 2024
What is Inner-Party Democracy? Inner-party democracy refers to the practice of making decisions within a political party through democratic means. This involves the participation of party members in electing party leaders, deciding party policies, and selecting can... Read More...

Understanding Auroras in Ladakh: A Beginner’s Guide

Mar 04, 2024
Auroras, typically seen in polar regions like the Arctic and Antarctic, made a rare appearance in Ladakh, intriguing observers and scientists alike. This phenomenon, often described as nature’s own celestial ballet, paints the sky with beautiful colors. But what caused this rare event in Ladakh, far from the poles? Let’s delve into the basics. The Science Behind Auroras Auroras occur when charged particles from the sun, carried by solar winds, collide with the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere. This collision energizes particles ... Read More...

​Cheetah Conservation Breeding Centre at Banni Grasslands Reserve

Mar 04, 2024
What is the purpose of the Cheetah Conservation Breeding Centre in Banni Grasslands Reserve? The centre aims to facilitate the conservation and breeding of cheetahs in India by providing an environment that encourages their natural courtship and mating behaviors. It’s designed to support the species’ revival in the country. How does the Banni Grasslands Reserve’s facility differ from others like Kuno National Park? Unlike Kuno National Park’s quarantine facilities for cheetahs, Banni’s conservation breedin... Read More...

Open RAN

Mar 02, 2024
What is Open RAN? Open RAN (Open Radio Access Network) is a modern approach to building mobile networks that promotes the use of nonproprietary hardware and software in the radio access network of a telecom system. It is characterized by its open interoperable interfaces, virtualization, and enablement by AI and big data. How does Open RAN differ from traditional RAN? Traditional RAN solutions typically involve integrated hardware and software from a single vendor, leading to proprietary systems. Open RAN, on the othe... Read More...

Lateral Entry into Indian Civil Services

Mar 02, 2024
What is lateral entry in the context of the Indian government? Lateral entry refers to the process of appointing individuals from the private sector, state government, autonomous bodies, or public sector undertakings directly to mid-level and senior positions in the government. This initiative targets positions such as joint secretaries, directors, and deputy secretaries, aiming to bring in domain-specific expertise and fresh perspectives to enhance governance. Why has the Indian government introduced lateral entry? The government introduced lateral entry to diversify the pool of talent in ... Read More...

WTO 13th Ministerial Conference Outcomes:Abu Dhabi

Mar 02, 2024
The WTO’s 13th Ministerial Conference saw a mix of agreements and unresolved issues among its members, reflecting the complex and often contentious nature of global trade discussions. Here’s a summary of what was agreed upon and what remained undecided: Agreed Upon: Extension of E-commerce Moratorium: Members agreed to extend the moratorium on customs duties for e-commerce transactions for an additional two years, until the next ministerial conference. This decision, though initially opposed by India and South Africa, was accepted after persuasion from the United Arab Emira... Read More...

Article 131 Dispute: Punjab vs Himachal Pradesh- Shanan Hydropower Project

Mar 02, 2024
The Punjab government has approached the Supreme Court for an urgent hearing regarding the Shanan Hydropower Project. The contention is over the control of the project post the expiry of a 99-year lease. The project, established in 1925 in Himachal Pradesh and leased to the Punjab government, is in a state of disrepair. Background of the Issue: The Shanan Hydropower Project, a British-era undertaking, was initially set up to serve regions including undivided Punjab, Lahore, and Delhi. The lease, executed betw... Read More...

Development of Agaléga and India’s Maritime Vision

Mar 02, 2024
1. What is the significance of the Agaléga Islands to India and Mauritius? Agaléga Islands are strategically important due to their location in the Indian Ocean and serve as a point of mutual interest for India and Mauritius, aligning with India’s maritime vision and Mauritius’s developmental needs. 2. How does the development of Agaléga Islands benefit Mauritius? The development helps in overcoming the islands’ geographic vulnerabilities, enhances local infrastructure, and boosts the overall maritime security and economic zone of... Read More...

Community Conserved Areas (CCAs) in India

Mar 02, 2024
What is a Community Conserved Area (CCA)? A CCA is an area conserved by local communities for reasons including cultural significance, biodiversity values, and ecosystem services. How many CCAs are there in India as of November 2023? India has 220 community reserves covering 1,455.16 square kilometers, which is 0.04% of the country’s geographical area. What is the legal status of CCAs in India? CCAs represent the first instance in Indian legislation where private land is ... Read More...

India’s White Revolution

Mar 02, 2024
1. What was the White Revolution in India? The White Revolution, also known as Operation Flood, was an initiative that transformed India into one of the world’s largest milk producers. It was a project of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). 2. Who initiated the White Revolution? The White Revolution was spearheaded by Dr. Verghese Kurien, who is often referred to as the ‘Father of the White Revolution’ in India. 3. When did the White Revolution start? ... Read More...

Asian Geopolitics and China’s Assertivenes

Mar 02, 2024
What is the ‘new normal’ in the context of Asian geopolitics? The ‘new normal’ refers to the ongoing state of heightened tensions and frequent standoffs between India and China, especially after the Galwan clash in 2020. This term encapsulates the persistent state of vigilance and strategic competition between the two nations. How has China’s approach to territorial disputes been characterized? China’s approach has been characterized as assertive and aggressive, often involv... Read More...

Indian Dairy Industry

Mar 02, 2024
India’s dairy sector is a significant agricultural segment, boasting the highest milk production worldwide, with an impressive annual output of 230 million tonnes. This figure represents a substantial portion of the global dairy market, where India contributes around 15% of the world’s total milk production, serving the needs of a population where approximately 60% reside in rural areas. The growth in milk production over the years has been remarkable, showing a 14-fold increase over the past 75 years. This surge has been a major economic driver, particularly empowering about 80 million farming households. It has also been pivotal in elevating the status of... Read More...

Divergence Between GDP and GVA Explained with Examples

Mar 02, 2024
The divergence between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Value Added (GVA) is a critical aspect to understand the underlying dynamics of an economy. This divergence became notably prominent in the Indian economy during Q3FY24, when India reported a robust GDP growth rate of 8.4%, surpassing economists’ expectations of 6.6%. This period marked a six-quarter high in economic performance. However, experts caution that the headline GDP figure warrants a careful interpretation due to several underlying factors.   GDP vs. GVA: GDP represents the total value of all goods and services produced over a specific time p... Read More...

Sea Grass in India: FAQs

Mar 02, 2024
1. What is sea grass? Sea grasses are flowering plants that grow in marine environments. They form dense underwater meadows in shallow waters and play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem by providing habitat, food, and oxygen to a diverse range of marine life.   2. Where can sea grass be found in India? In India, sea grass meadows can be found along the coastlines of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, and the islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar. The Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay in Tamil Nadu are particularly known for their extensive sea grass... Read More...

New Sea Slug Species Named After President Murmu

Mar 01, 2024
The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) has recently discovered a new species of sea slug along the coasts of West Bengal and Odisha, named in honor of President Droupadi Murmu. This sea slug, identified as Melanochlamys droupadi, is unique to the region and characterized by its distinctive morphology and behavior. Key Characteristics of Melanochlamys droupadi: Genus: Melanochlamys, known for a short, blunt, cylindrical body with a smooth dorsal surface featuring two shields. Appearance: It has a brownish-black color with a notable ruby red spot on its hind end and contains a shell inside its body. ... Read More...