
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Coal Gasification as a Path to Enhancing India’s Energy Security

Mar 09, 2024
Introduction India’s quest for energy security is a critical component of its development narrative. Given the country’s status as the third-largest energy consumer globally, its reliance on energy imports presents a significant vulnerability. Approximately 80% of India’s crude oil needs and 50% of its natural gas requirements are met through imports. Even coal, a resource abundant within the nation, saw a 10% importation rate in the fiscal year 2022-23. This backdrop underscores the urgency for India to diversify and strengthen its energy supply chains. The Promise of Coal Gasification The Coal Gasification Sc... Read More...

Advancements in Earth Observation for Climate Change Research

Mar 09, 2024
The role of Earth observation from space in climate change research has been pivotal, with technologies evolving significantly since the early days of the first-generation satellites. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) ERS missions in the early 1990s marked a significant step forward, offering new insights into our planet’s atmosphere, oceans, and land. These missions have paved the way for a diverse array of Earth observation technologies, ranging from the International Space Station (ISS) to CubeSats and advanced satellites, including notable contributions from India. Key Technologies in Earth Observati... Read More...

Air Pollution Concerns:Most and least polluted cities in India

Mar 09, 2024
Overview Meghalaya’s Byrnihat, an industrial area bordering Assam, emerged as the most polluted urban area in India in February, according to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). This revelation draws attention to the severe air pollution issues faced by urban centers in the northeast, a region traditionally known for its environmental cleanliness. Key Findings • Byrnihat reported a monthly average PM2.5 concentration of 183 µg/m^3, significantly higher than other areas. • This level i... Read More...

Uttar Poorva Transformative Industrialization Scheme (Unnati) Overview

Mar 08, 2024
Scheme Full Name: Uttar Poorva Transformative Industrialization Scheme, also known as Unnati. Purpose: To boost the development of industries and employment in India’s North East Region, thereby aiding in socio-economic progress. Targeted Sectors: Manufacturing and service sectors are the primary focus, to invigorate economic activity and productivity. Incentives Offered: Read More...

Creation of New Rock Types: Plastiglomerate

Mar 08, 2024
Plastiglomerate is a newly identified type of rock that embodies the profound impact of human activities on the Earth’s geology. It is formed from the melding of natural rock fragments, plastic waste, and organic materials under conditions of intense heat. Such conditions can arise naturally, near sources of volcanic activity, or through human actions, such as bonfires or other instances of burning trash. The significance of plastiglomerate extends beyond its composition. It acts as a geological marker of the Anthropocene, a proposed epoch that acknowledges the extensive influence humans have had on the Earth’s climate and ecosystems. A... Read More...

Exploring Jain Deities: A South Indian Perspective

Mar 08, 2024
1. Who are Jvalamalini and Ambika in Jainism? Jvalamalini is known as ‘she who is garlanded with flames’, revered for her ferocity and straightforwardness. Ambika is considered a maternal figure, often depicted as a protector of children and rulers.   2. How did Jain goddesses influence the establishment of dynasties? In South Indian history, several dynasties like the Gangas and Hoysalas claimed to have been founded with the blessings of Jain goddesses such as Padmavati, who provided divine aid and symbols of power to their royal patrons.   3... Read More...

Understanding Biochar: A Key to Sustainable Agriculture and Carbon Sequestration

Mar 08, 2024
  Biochar, a form of biological charcoal, emerges from the process of heating organic materials such as agricultural waste, wood chips, or other biomass in a low or no oxygen environment. This process, known as pyrolysis, produces a stable form of carbon that does not decompose easily, allowing it to remain in the soil for centuries. Referred to as “black gold,” biochar presents multiple benefits particularly in agriculture, environmental sustainability, and climate change mitigation.   Key Benefits of Biochar 1. Carbon Sequestration: It acts as a ca... Read More...

Geological Stages and “Golden Spike”

Mar 08, 2024
What is a “Golden Spike” in geology? A “Golden Spike,” officially known as a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), serves as the reference point for the boundaries between different geological stages or epochs. It is a marker that can be physically located in the world and is used to define the start of a specific geological period based on distinctive and globally recognizable features.   How are “Golden Spikes” determined? “Golden Spikes” are determined through extensive scientific research and agreement among geologists. The cri... Read More...

The Debate Over Declaring the Anthropocene Epoch

Mar 08, 2024
The proposal to declare the Anthropocene as an official geological epoch has sparked a significant dispute within the scientific community. This epoch is intended to recognize the profound and irreversible changes humans have made to the Earth, marking the end of the Holocene epoch, which lasted for 11,700 years of stable global environment crucial for human civilization’s development. Key Points of Contention: 1. Start Date of the Anthropocene: The proposal pinpointed 1952 as the starting point of the Anthropocene, chosen due to the global fallout of plutonium from nuclear weapons tests. However, opponents argue that human impact on ... Read More...

Ecosystem Services Provided by Elephants

Mar 08, 2024
Elephants are recognized as a keystone species due to their substantial impact on the ecosystems they inhabit. The term “ecosystem services” refers to the many benefits that wildlife and natural processes provide to human societies, helping to sustain and fulfill human life. In the case of elephants, these services are diverse and critically important for the environment. 1. Habitat Creation and Maintenance: Elephants help to shape their habitat in various ways. By uprooting trees and trampling vegetation, they create clearings in forests, which encourage a mix of different species to grow and provide habitat for other animals. This also helps to mai... Read More...

Androth Island: An Overview

Mar 08, 2024
Androth Island is the largest island in the Lakshadweep archipelago, which is part of India. It is situated in the Arabian Sea and represents one of the 36 islands that make up the Union Territory of Lakshadweep. Unlike many other islands in the archipelago, Androth is distinguished by its flat terrain and absence of lagoons. It plays a significant role in the cultural and social life of the Lakshadweep community and serves as a crucial hub for the region. Key Features of Androth Island: • Geography: Androth Island has a flat terrain, making it unique compared to other islands in Lakshadweep that are characterized by their coral atolls... Read More...

Formation of the Tibetan Plateau

Mar 08, 2024
1. What is the Tibetan Plateau? The Tibetan Plateau is a vast, elevated plateau in Central Asia, often referred to as the “Roof of the World” due to its high altitude. It spans over 2.5 million square kilometers and has an average elevation exceeding 4,500 meters (14,800 feet), making it the highest and largest plateau in the world.   2. How was the Tibetan Plateau formed? The formation of the Tibetan Plateau is primarily attributed to the collision between the Indian and Asian tectonic plates, which began in the Cenozoic era, around 50 to 55 ... Read More...

Corals, Bleaching, and Dead Zones

Mar 08, 2024
What are Coral Reefs? Coral reefs are underwater ecosystems characterized by reef-building corals. Corals are marine invertebrates in the class Anthozoa of the phylum Cnidaria. They typically live in compact colonies of many identical individual polyps. Coral reefs are built by colonies of tiny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. These ecosystems are renowned for their diversity of life.   How does Coral Bleaching occur? Coral bleaching occurs when corals become stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients. They expel the symbiotic algae liv... Read More...

Genetic Study of Indian Ancestry and Neanderthal Presence

Mar 08, 2024
1. What was the primary goal of this genetic study on Indian ancestry? The study aimed to trace the ancestry of Indians by sequencing and analyzing the largest genome set from South Asia. It sought to understand the contributions of various ancestral populations to the genetic makeup of India.   2. Which ancestral populations have significantly contributed to the genetic makeup of India? The study found that local hunter-gatherers, Middle Eastern farmers, and Central Asian herders contributed significantly to the Indian genetic makeup, more so than ancestral African populations.   ... Read More...

Advantages of Kulasekarapattinam for ISRO’s Second Rocket Launchport

Mar 07, 2024
Why was Kulasekarapattinam chosen as the location for ISRO’s second rocket launchport? Kulasekarapattinam was selected for several strategic reasons crucial for space mission efficiency and effectiveness, especially for launches involving the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV). Its southern coastal location in Tamil Nadu near the equator facilitates direct southward launch trajectories. This choice is underpinned by the need for fuel efficiency, optimal payload capacity, and navigational ease... Read More...