
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Tamil Nadu's Coral Reef Conservation: Policy Imperative

Mar 14, 2024
Coral reefs, the marine world’s rainforests, face numerous threats along the Tamil Nadu coast, notably in the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Bay. These ecosystems are crucial for ecological balance and economic prosperity, providing habitat, sustenance, and protection for a diverse array of marine life and supporting local communities. However, recent studies highlight a significant decline in coral cover due to both climatic and anthropogenic pressures. This situation underscores the urgent need for a robust conservation strategy, leading to the Tamil Nadu government’s initiative to formulate a comprehensive conservation and management policy. This policy aims to safeguard ... Read More...

Ancient Site of Agroha: An Overview

Mar 14, 2024
Location The ancient site of Agroha is located in the village of Agroha, within the Tehsil-Adampur, in the district of Hisar. Read More...

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey Explained

Mar 14, 2024
The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey is a non-invasive geophysical method used to investigate the subsurface. This technique employs radar pulses to image the subsurface features. It is widely utilized in various fields such as archaeology, geology, environmental studies, and civil engineering for detecting and mapping underground structures, utilities, and anomalies. How GPR Works: GPR works by sending high-frequency radio waves (typically from 10 MHz to 2.6 GHz) into the ground through a transducer (antenna). When these waves encounter material boundaries with different electrical properties, a portion of... Read More...

Coral Superhighway” Discovery in the Indian Ocean

Mar 13, 2024
  What is the “Coral Superhighway”? The “Coral Superhighway” refers to a network of ocean currents spanning more than one million square kilometers in the Indian Ocean. This network facilitates the transportation of coral larvae across vast distances, interlinking remote coral reefs, notably around the Seychelles, thus supporting their genetic connectivity and potential recovery. How was the Coral Superhighway discovered? Researchers from the University of Oxford utilized genetic ... Read More...

India’s Move to Regulate AI Ahead of Elections: Pros and Cons

Mar 13, 2024
Context: The Indian government’s recent directive for tech companies to obtain approval before launching new AI tools has sparked a wide array of reactions. This move comes as a response to the potential risks of AI in manipulating public opinion and affecting the integrity of the upcoming national elections. It marks a significant shift from the previously more laissez-faire approach towards AI regulation. Pros: 1. Election Integrity: By requiring pre-approval for AI tools, the government aims to ... Read More...

ASEAN’s Response to the Myanmar Crisis

Mar 13, 2024
  1. What is ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus? The ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus is a framework agreed upon by ASEAN leaders to address the crisis in Myanmar. It includes the immediate cessation of violence, dialogue among all parties, mediation facilitated by an ASEAN Special Envoy, humanitarian aid provision, and the Envoy’s visit to Myanmar to meet with all parties. 2. How has Thailand’s stance on Myanmar changed? Under Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, Thailand has shifted its polic... Read More...

Connections of Ayodhya with Faraway Lands: Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia

Mar 13, 2024
Ayodhya, a revered city in India, holds a significant place not only within the country but also in the cultural and historical narratives of countries like Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia. This connection underlines the transnational influence and shared heritage that spans continents, reflecting the ancient world’s interconnectedness. Korea: A Royal Link The connection between Ayodhya and Korea traces back to the first century CE, highlighting a matrimonial alliance that had long-lasting implications. A princess from Ayodhya was married to King Su... Read More...

Chinese Aggression in the South China Sea and Countermeasures

Mar 13, 2024
  What actions has China taken in the South China Sea? In 2023, China intensified its presence in the South China Sea, deploying the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) and maritime militia more aggressively, especially around areas like the Second Thomas Shoal, challenging the sovereignty of the Philippines and other nations over their exclusive economic zones (EEZs). How has the Philippines responded to Chinese aggression? The Phil... Read More...

Indian Troops Withdrawal from Maldives

Mar 13, 2024
1. Why are Indian troops withdrawing from the Maldives? Indian troops are withdrawing from the Maldives as a fulfillment of President Mohamed Muizzu’s election campaign promise, which was termed the ‘India out’ campaign. This decision reflects a change in the Maldives’ foreign policy and military cooperation preferences under President Muizzu’s administration.   2. How many Indian troops were deployed in the Maldives? The exact number of Indian troops stationed in the Maldives has not been publicly disclosed. However, reports indicate that around 25 Indian troops ... Read More...

Understanding Nuclear Waste Management

Mar 13, 2024
  What is Nuclear Waste? Nuclear waste is generated from the fission process in nuclear reactors, where neutrons bombard atomic nuclei, causing them to split and release energy along with new, often radioactive, elements. Spent fuel, a major source of nuclear waste, contains radioactive fission products from the energy production process and elements created through neutron absorption and subsequent radioactive decays. This waste is highly radioactive and poses significant challenges for safe storage and management. Ho... Read More...

Khelo India: Energizing India Through Sports

Mar 13, 2024
What is Khelo India? Khelo India is a national initiative by the Government of India designed to cultivate a sporting culture across the country. It aims to identify and nurture young talent, providing them with the necessary support to excel at national and international levels. Why was Khelo India initiated? The program was launched to tap into the vast sporting potential of India, where 65% of the population is under 35. Khelo India reflects Prime Minister N... Read More...

Glaucoma in India

Mar 13, 2024
  What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, the health of which is vital for good vision. This damage is often caused by abnormally high pressure in the eye and can lead to blindness if not treated. How prevalent is glaucoma in India? Glaucoma affects approximately 11.2 million people aged 40 and above in India, making it a significant health concern. It’s the third most common cause of blindness in the country. ... Read More...

Understanding Sub-Classification in Caste-Based Reservations

Mar 13, 2024
   What is sub-classification in caste-based reservations? Sub-classification in caste-based reservations refers to the division of existing reserved categories, like Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST), into further categories based on varying degrees of backwardness or discrimination. This aims to ensure a more equitable distribution of reservation benefits among different sub-groups within these broad categories, addressing the concern that some groups are more marginalized than others. Read More...

Women Self-Help Groups and Telangana Mahila Shakti

Mar 13, 2024
1. What is a Self-Help Group (SHG)? A Self-Help Group (SHG) is a community-based financial intermediary committee usually composed of 10-20 local women or men. Members make small regular savings contributions over a few months until there’s enough capital in the group to begin lending. SHGs primarily focus on financial intermediation, but they also provide a platform for members to pool resources to meet emergency needs, purchase assets, or invest in business ventures.   2. How do SHGs empower women? SHGs empower women by providing them access to savings... Read More...

Implementation in 2024

Mar 13, 2024
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019: Central Jurisdiction The recent statement by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister regarding the non-implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), 2019, in the state, has been clarified by senior government officials, asserting that citizenship matters fall exclusively under the domain of the Union Government. This delineation means state governments do not play a role in the implementation of the CAA, which was passed by the Parliament in 2019 to facilitate citizenship for undocumented migrants from specific communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan who entered India on or before December ... Read More...