
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Mediation Act, 2023

Mar 21, 2024
1. What is the Mediation Act, 2023? The Mediation Act, 2023, is a legislative framework in India that formalizes the process of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) method. It aims to provide a structured and effective mechanism for resolving disputes outside the traditional court system. 2. Who can initiate mediation under the Mediation Act, 2023? Any parties inv... Read More...

India-Maldives Relations and Recent Tensions

Mar 21, 2024
Q1: Why have relations between India and the Maldives worsened recently? A1: Relations have been tense since the election of Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu in November 2023, with the situation exacerbated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep and subsequent comparisons of Lakshadweep with the Maldives as a tourist destination. This led to a social media clash involving supporters of both governments. ... Read More...

IMF’s $1.1 Billion Release to Pakistan

Mar 21, 2024
What is the significance of the IMF releasing $1.1 billion to Pakistan? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) releasing $1.1 billion to Pakistan signifies a crucial financial support to prevent the country from defaulting on its debt repayments. This tranche is part of a $3 billion bailout package approved in July to help Pakistan navigate one of its worst economic crises. Why did Pakistan... Read More...

India's Initiative to Reduce Cross-Border Remittance Costs at the WTO

Mar 21, 2024
India is actively working towards reducing the costs associated with cross-border remittances, a move that aligns with its broader economic and social objectives. Here's a detailed explanation of why and how India is pursuing this initiative at the World Trade Organization (WTO): Why India is Focused on Lowering Remittance Costs 1. Economic Impact : Lowering the cost of remittances can significantly benefit low and middle-income countr... Read More...

Mixed Reality Technology

Mar 21, 2024
What is Mixed Reality Technology? Mixed Reality (MR) technology combines the physical and digital worlds to create new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real-time. It merges elements of both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to provide a more immersive experience. Why did Apple... Read More...

Income Inequality in India

Mar 21, 2024
What does the income share of the top 1% in India indicate? The income share of the top 1% in India indicates the proportion of national income that goes to the wealthiest 1% of the population. In 2022, this figure stood at 22.6%, highlighting a significant concentration of wealth at the top end of the income distribution. This share is substantially higher than what it was in 1951 (11.5%) and just before India’s economic libera... Read More...

Non-Personal Data (NPD) Governance and Data Marketplaces

Mar 21, 2024
1. What is Non-Personal Data (NPD)? Non-Personal Data (NPD) refers to data that cannot identify an individual directly. It excludes any personal identifiers, making it a type of data that can be utilized for analysis and insights without compromising individual privacy. Examples include aggregated data about user behavior on a website, traffic patterns, and environmental data. 2. ... Read More...

Empowering Farmers: Azadi Mahotsav Schemes

Mar 20, 2024
The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, commemorating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, has launched numerous initiatives focusing on the holistic development of agriculture and farmer welfare. These schemes aim to enhance farmer income, promote sustainable practices, and ensure environmental harmony. Key initiatives include: 1. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN): A landmark scheme providing ₹6000 per year to landholding farmers’ families through direct benefit transfer, benefitting over 11 crore beneficiaries. 2. Pradhan Mantr... Read More...

India’s Railways: A Leap Towards Futuristic Infrastructure with Mega Terminals

Mar 20, 2024
The Indian government is steering the development of new rail infrastructure toward a futuristic vision, focusing on cities with populations exceeding one million. This move is part of a broader initiative to transform India into a developed nation, aligning with the government’s “Viksit Bharat” vision. The announcement, as communicated by the railways ministry on March 8, emphasizes the creation of ‘mega terminals’—transport hubs offering multimodal connectivity through greenfield projects. These mega terminals are envisioned as part of the government’s effort to enhance the existing rail infrastructure, which has seen rapid g... Read More...

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

Mar 20, 2024
What is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)? The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a large system of ocean curren... Read More...

Kolam (Traditional Art Form) FAQs

Mar 20, 2024
What is a Kolam? A kolam is a decorative art form originating in South India. It involves drawing intricate geometric patterns using dry rice flour or colored powders directly onto the ground, typically at the entrance of a home or temple. Read More...

Gulf of Tonkin: Geography

Mar 20, 2024
The Gulf of Tonkin, also known as the Tonkin Gulf, is a body of water located off the northern coast of Vietnam, forming part of the South China Sea. It is bordered by Vietnam to the west and south, and by China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Hainan Island to the north and east, respectively. The gulf plays a crucial role in the regional geography, serving as a significant maritime route for transportation and trade. Geographical Features: 1. Location: Situated in Southeast Asia, the Gul... Read More...

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)

Mar 20, 2024
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), launched in May 2022 by the United States, is an economic initiative for countries in the Indo-Pacific region. Here's a breakdown of key points about IPEF: Goals: ● Promote economic growth, fairness, and competitiveness among member economies. ● Strengthen resilience, sustainability, and inclusivity in the region. ● Counter China's growing economic influence (according to some analysts). Structur... Read More...

Green Credits Programme: Scheme Details

Mar 20, 2024
The Green Credits Programme, launched by the Indian government in October 2023, aims to incentivize individuals and organizations to undertake environmental improvement projects. Here's a breakdown of the program's core aspects: Goal: Encourage voluntary actions that benefit the environment across various sectors. Earning Green Credits: Read More...

India to Join U.S.-Led Carbon Market Initiative

Mar 20, 2024
What is the news? India has decided to participate in a U.S.-led initiative under the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) that focuses on developing carbon markets. This is part of the "clean energy pillar" of the IPEF. What are carbon markets? Carbon markets allow countries and companies to trade carbon emission permits. Those who emit less than their allotted permits can sell them to those who exceed their limits. This can incentivize reducing emissions. What does India... Read More...