
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Afpak Tensions: A Historical and Current Perspective

Mar 22, 2024
The Genesis of Strained Relations The historical tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan have roots extending deep into the geopolitics of... Read More...

Long-billed Vultures in the Nilgiris

Mar 22, 2024
  Q: Where do long-billed vultures nest in the Nilgiris?   A: Long-billed vultures build their nests on craggy cliffs overlooking the Moyar River in the Nilgiris region. These sites are extremely important for the species' survival.   Read More...

The Middle-Income Trap

Mar 22, 2024
The Trap: Countries can reach middle-income status relatively easily, but transitioning to high-income status is far more difficult. They risk getting 'trapped' at their current level due to factors like slowing economic growth, rising inequality, and inability to compete in high-value industries.   Read More...

World Water Day: Leveraging Water for Peace

Mar 22, 2024
1. What is World Water Day? World Water Day is an annual United Nations observance day on March 22 to highlight the importance of freshwater. It advocates for th... Read More...

World Water Day: Water as a Catalyst for Peace 2024

Mar 22, 2024
World Water Day, celebrated on March 22nd each year since 1993, is an initiative by the United Nations to emphasize the critical importance of freshwater. The theme for this year, “Water for Peace,” highlights the role of water in fostering peace and stability worldwide. The scarcity of water, once a distant concern with abundant sources like wells, rivers, and streams, has now become a pressing global issue. This scarcity is not just about the quantity but also the quality of water available. Many factors contribute to... Read More...

Japanese Economy Needs India

Mar 22, 2024
There are several factors that make India critical for the Japanese economy, transforming it from a customer nation to a strategic partner: ●Booming Market Potential: India boasts a massive and young population, translating into a rapidly growing consumer base. This demographic dividend creates a significant opportunity for Japanese businesses. They can tap into this vast pool of potential customers for their products and services, particularly in sectors like ... Read More...

ISRO's Pushpak

Mar 22, 2024
What is the Pushpak RLV? ● The Pushpak is a special kind of rocket India is developing. ● ​Unlike regular rockets that are used only once, the Pushpak is designed to be reusable, like an airplane. ● This means it can launch into space, deliver its payload (like a satellite), and then land safely back on Earth to be used again!  ... Read More...

Wildcat Conservation in India: Pallas & Lynx

Mar 22, 2024
What recent international conservation status have two wildcats found in India received? The Pallas’ cat and the Central Asian lynx have been included in Appendix II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS), a treaty aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats. This listing is intended for species that have an unfavourable conservation status and that require international cooperation for their conservation and management.   Why is this listing significant for the con... Read More...

Agnikul's SOrTeD Mission: India's Launch Ambitions

Mar 22, 2024
Mission Significance: Agnikul Cosmos' inaugural launch vehicle demonstration is a key milestone for the Indian aerospace sector. The Sub-Orbital Technology Demonstrator (SOrTeD) mission, although brief, will generate invaluable real-world data to validate the vehicle's core subsystems and operational capabilities under actual flight conditions. This data is essential for refining and iterating on the design as Agnikul progresses towards its full-scale Agnibaan launch vehicle. Read More...

India's solar waste issue

Mar 22, 2024
1. How much solar waste is India expected to produce? The CEEW study estimates that India could generate 600 kilotonnes of solar waste by 2030. To put this in perspective, that's the equivalent of 720 Olympic-sized swimming pools. By 2050, the waste could grow to a staggering 19,000 kilotonnes.   2. Why is solar waste a concern? ● Solar panels contain potentially hazardous materials, which could pose environmental risks if not managed responsibly. ● The sheer volume of waste could add strain to landfills and waste... Read More...

Shiva and Shakti Star Streams

Mar 22, 2024
1. What are the Shiva and Shakti star streams? The Shiva and Shakti star streams are two ancient formations of stars discovered in the Milky Way galaxy. Named after divine figures in Hindu philosophy symbolizing the creation of the Universe, these streams are among the earliest structures contributing to the galaxy’s formation, dating back over 12 billion years. 2. How were the Shiva and Shakti streams discovered? Read More...

STEAG, the Indian Army's new elite unit

Mar 22, 2024
What is STEAG? Signals Technology Evaluation and Adaptation Group (STEAG): A specialized unit within the Indian Army focused on the research, evaluation, and development of cutting-edge communication technologies. Mission: To enhance the Indian Army's capabilities in the face of evolving, technology-driven warfare. STEAG aims to bridge the gap between the armed forces, academia, and industry for better technological solutions. Read More...

Fusion Reactor Developments

Mar 21, 2024
Q1: What is the current status of fusion reactor development? A1: As of the latest updates, scientists and companies are advancing towards the goal of creating commercially viable fusion reactors, with some predicting this could be achieved as early as the 2030s. However, these developments depend on sustained funding and technological breakthroughs. Q2: Why is fusion energy... Read More...

Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) India

Mar 21, 2024
General What is the MSP? The Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) is a global initiative led by the US to secure critical mineral supply chains for clean energy technologies. It aims to diversify sources and promote responsible mining practices. Read More...

India Joins Deep-Sea Mining for Clean Energy

Mar 21, 2024
Context: India has submitted additional applications to the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for deep-sea exploration licenses in the Indian Ocean. This move reflects India's strategic focus on securing a reliable supply of critical minerals essential for clean energy technologies, aligning with its ambitious renewable energy goals and net-zero emissions target. Motivations for Deep-Sea Exploration: Read More...