
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

World’s First-Ever Global Emissions Tax for Shipping is coming

Mar 23, 2024
What is the global emissions tax for shipping? The global emissions tax for shipping is a proposed levy on carbon emissions generated by the international shipping industry. It aims to regulate and reduce the carbon footprint of one of the most significant contributors to global carbon emissions, the shipping sector, which accounts for around 3% of global carbon emissions. Why is the... Read More...

Indian Agri Drones: Revolutionized Farming

Mar 23, 2024
What is the Drone Revolution in Indian Agriculture? The drone revolution refers to the transformative integration of drone technology into Indian agriculture, marking a significant shift from traditional farming methods to a more technology-driven approach. Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), equipped with advanced sensors and imaging capabilities, are used for a variety of agricultural purposes, including crop monitoring, precision farming, irrigation management, and pesticide application. Read More...

Moyar Valley Conservation: Saving Gyps Vultures

Mar 23, 2024
1. Why is Moyar Valley important for wildlife conservation? Moyar Valley is a vital ecosystem within the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, providing habitat for numerous species, including tigers, elephants, and the critically endangered Gyps vulture. It is particularly noted for hosting the largest nesting colony of Gyps vultures in peninsular India, making it a significant site for biodiversity conservation. 2. What makes the Gyps vulture critically endang... Read More...

Climate Smart Agriculture in India

Mar 23, 2024
1. What is Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)? Climate Smart Agriculture refers to an integrated approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests, and fisheries—that addresses the interlinked challenges of food security and accelerating climate change. It aims to achieve three core objectives: increase agricultural productivity and incomes, adapt and build resilience to climate change, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions where possible. 2. Why is CSA imp... Read More...

Understanding Tilapia Invasion in India’s Marine Waters

Mar 23, 2024
What is tilapia? Tilapia refers to several species of cichlid fish that are native to Africa and the Middle East but have been introduced worldwide, including India, due to their aquaculture value. Why is tilapia considered invasive in India? In India, tilapia is considered invasive because of its ability to adapt quickly to new environments, reproduce efficiently, and outcompete native fish species for food and ha... Read More...

Kachchh Potters: Guardians of Earthen Traditions

Mar 23, 2024
Kachchh potters are renowned for their expertise in creating earthenware that is both utilitarian and artistic. They hail from the Kachchh district of Gujarat, a region known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse artisan communities. Here are some facts that highlight the significance of the Kachchh potters: Cultural Heritage • The pottery tradition in Kachchh is part of the larger Indus V... Read More...

Chinese Vessels in the Indian Ocean

Mar 23, 2024
1. What are the names of the Chinese vessels currently operating in the Indian Ocean? The Chinese vessels operating in the Indian Ocean include Yuan Wang 03, which is a satellite and missile tracking ship, and at least four other research vessels namely Xiang Yang Hong 01, Xiang Yang Hong 03, and Da Yang Hao. 2. What is the significance of Yuan Wang 03’s presence in the Indian Ocean? Read More...

Evolution of the Caste System in Medieval Tamil Nadu

Mar 23, 2024
The caste system in medieval Tamil Nadu, specifically from the late 10th to the 13th centuries, reveals a complex sociopolitical fabric far removed from the binary interpretations often provided by ideological narratives. Contrary to the simplistic views attributing the solidification of caste to religious doctrines or colonial interventions, the evolution of caste structures in Tamil Nadu during this period was a multifaceted process, significantly influenced by local politics, econ... Read More...


Mar 23, 2024
1. What is AUKUS? AUKUS is a security agreement between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It focuses on military cooperation, especially on g... Read More...

Point Nemo: The Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility

Mar 23, 2024
Point Nemo, also known as the Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility, holds the distinction of being the furthest location from land on Earth. It is located in the South Pacific Ocean, equidistant from the coasts of three distant islands. Point Nemo is not just remote but also serves as a “spacecraft cemetery,” where defunct space stations and satellite debris are guided to crash, owing to the absence of human activity in the region. This remoteness also affects the biodiversity... Read More...

South China Sea Dispute

Mar 23, 2024
1. What is the South China Sea dispute about? The South China Sea dispute involves territorial and maritime claims over the South China Sea's islands, reefs, and waters. Several countries, including China, the Phili... Read More...

Hangul Deer Conservation in Kashmir

Mar 23, 2024
What is the unique significance of the hangul deer in Kashmir? The hangul deer (Cervus hanglu hangul), also known as the Kashmir stag, is unique to the Indian subcontinent and is found exclusively in Kashmir. It represents the only species of red deer in this region. Its significance goes beyond its rarity, as it is an integral part of the local ecosystem and cultural heritage. Read More...

Declining Fertility Rates and Global Economic Transformation

Mar 22, 2024
What is causing the shift in global demographics? A study indicates that falling fertility rates in the majority of countries will lead to a significant global demographic shift by 2050, with profound social and economic impacts. This shift is due to three-quarters of the nations projected to fall below population replacement birth rates, concentrating growth in a minority of low-income states in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, which are facing severe threats from resource shortages and climate change. Read More...

Carbon Capture and Storage in India:

Mar 22, 2024
What is CCS?   CCS stands for Carbon Capture and Storage.   It involves capturing CO2 from power plants and factories, transporting it, and storing it deep underground permanently. Read More...

Demographic Shift: India's Fertility Challenge

Mar 22, 2024
India's Fertility Rate in 2021 The Lancet Report: A comprehensive study in The Lancet medical journal indicated that India's Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in 2021 was 1.91. This means the average number of children an Indian woman is expected to have in her lifetime has dropped below the replacement rate of 2.1. Read More...