



8 Important Features of Indian Constitution

Every written constitution in the world has its own unique characteristics, and no exception is the Indian Constitution. But the Indian Constitution has many prominent features that distinguish it from the other Constitutions. This article clearly explains the Indian Constitution's 8 key features. 1. World's Longest Constitution The Indian Constitution contains 395 articles and 12 schedules, making it the world's longest written constitution. Just compare it with other countries Constitutions. For example, the UK has no written constitution, while the US Constitution contains only seven articles. Not only this but since 195... Read More...

Step by Step Guidance To Choose ias Mains OPtinal Subject According To Select UPSC Syllabus

The progressions conveyed out to the common administrations examination in 2013 prompted the decrease of discretionary subjects from two to one. Till at that point, discretionary papers were the central factors in turning into a government employee.   Of the aggregate imprints for mains, 1200 imprints were instructed by the optionals. In the new plan of things, the discretionary paper accounts just to 500 imprints. The weightage of the discretionary paper accordingly lessened from 52% pre-2013 to 24% from 2013. From the insights it might create the impressio... Read More...

UPSC IAS 2020 Exam Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Application Form, Syllabus & More

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is an organizing body that conducts various civil services exam for different posts like Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Administration Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) etc. The exam take place every year for selecting the candidates and it is considered as one of the most difficult entrance examinations. UPSC IAS is the most precious exam of the All Indian Services as they serve Government of India as well as the ... Read More...

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