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What are Maglevs? How do they offer such

  Aug 08, 2016

What are Maglevs? How do they offer such high speeds?

Maglev (derived from magnetic levitation) is a transport method that uses magnetic levitation to move vehicles without touching the ground. With maglev, a vehicle travels along a guide way using magnets to create both lift and propulsion, thereby reducing friction by a great extent and allowing very high speeds.

Japan in 2015 clocked 600 km/h.

Maglev trains move more smoothly and more quietly. They are relatively unaffected by weather. When we play with bar magnets we noticed that opposites attract, but if we turn one of the magnets around, then “like” poles repel. That is what keeps the mass of a train floating several millimeters in the air, cutting down on friction and allowing it to travel much quicker than traditional engines. That same magnetic force can also be used to move it forwards. All the propulsion forces come from electromagnetics, as well as the levitation and guidance forces. The trains are entirely magnetically levitated, driven, and guided.