GAIL (India) Ltd has put West Bengal on the gas map of India after it completed laying a Rs 2,433-crore pipeline that will bring to the state cooking fuel that is cheaper than LPG and CNG that costs less than petrol and diesel, and fuel to produce urea for all its requirement.
The 348-kilometer pipeline from Dobhi in Bihar to Durgapur in West Bengal is part of the Pradhan Mantri Urja Ganga project.
Q. What are the objectives of the project? A.
To provide piped cooking gas to the households of Varanasi within next two years and to millions others in neighbour states after one more year.
To create 25 industrial clusters in these states which can utilise the gas as fuel and generate employment in these areas.
Q. What are the details of the project?
Inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his constituency Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
A pipeline of length 2540 km is under construction from the states of Uttar Pradesh to Odisha.
The state of UP gets the gas line of length 338 km. Bihar state will get about 441 km long line.
Jharkhand gets 500 KM long.
West Bengal will have the pipe line of length 542 km and Odisha gets benefited by 718 km pipeline.